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  • zbe

      Hello dear support,

      I want to purchase a licence for my company but I don’t know which one.
      I’m a developper and need to convert html into rtf.

      Firstly, I want to know if the licence is oneshot ? (I mean lifetime ?)
      Secondly, if my company use only one application, with a single deployment but allocated between different servers (charge optimization) is the Pro licence enough ?

      I already tried to contact you on your mail without success.
      Can you give me contact informations if we need to clarify some points, or answer to this post please.

      Best regards


      Hi! I’ve found our reply to your original email request. For some reason it did not reach your mailbox. So I am copying it here. (and I’ve also resent the email)

      > I’m looking for more informations about pd4ml lib.
      > I’m developper and need to convert html into rtf, I wanted to know first if you have a product
      > that answers only to this need.

      PD4ML is designed as HTML to PDF converter, but it also includes features to convert HTML to raster images and to RTF. There is no RTF-only PD4ML product.

      > Then about pd4ml, I wanted to clarify some points please.
      > 1. Does the licence is one shot (I mean lifetime) ?

      The license is perpetual, but its maintenance (email support / software updates) is limited by 3 months (single licenses) or one year (DevSite aka Volume licenses).

      > 2. If my company use only one application, with a single deployement but allocated between different servers
      > (to optimize the charge) is the Pro licence enough ?

      For the scenario you can use one of the DevSite licenses (does not limit you in a number of deployments) or a number of single licenses, match the number of deployments to online productive nodes (however it is a question what is “online productive” in cluster or cloud environments).

      As you are not interested in the specific PDF output features, it makes no sense for you to order DMS or UA software versions: PD4ML PRO is sufficient.

      So here is the pricing for the PRO:

      one PD4ML Pro single license / 3 month maintenance: 160 EUR
      PD4ML Pro DevSite license / 1 year maintenance: 1400 EUR


      Dear Support,

      I have the same question on this topic.

      We are building a web-based Appian application for a specific public sector customer and there is a need for PDFs generated from docx or html to be accessible (PDF UA). There is one Production Instance (load balanced). We don’t need the source code.

      Number of PDFs generated every month could be over 10000 PDFs and possibly expected to increase.

      What license should I purchase? This license will be used only for that customer division.

      Warm regards
      Vijay S


      Hi! To be 100% PD4ML licensing policy friendly, you would need to purchase one license for each deployed production instance of a PD4ML-enabled product (in your case for each load-balanced node), plus an additional one license for development needs.
      Instead, we would recommend purchasing the DevSite UA license because it does not limit the number of deployments, covers development needs, and has a longer maintenance period.


      Also please note: PD4ML supports HTML-to-DOCX and HTML-to-PDF conversions, but not DOCX-to-PDF


      Thank you for the super quick response.

      Follow on Questions –

      1. Are there any volume limitations to the number of documents generated with the DevSite UA license?
      2. Is the DevSite UA license a perpetual license, or do I need to renew every year?
      2. Support for DevSite UA license is 1 year – if I want to have support beyond 1 year, what do I need to do?

      Warm regards
      Vijay S


      1. Are there any volume limitations to the number of documents generated with the DevSite UA license?
      No such limits

      2. Is the DevSite UA license a perpetual license, or do I need to renew every year?
      The license is perpetual, only the maintenance period (email support / software updates) is time-limited. After the period expired you are still eligible to run PD4ML software with any PD4ML version released before the expiration date

      3. Support for DevSite UA license is 1 year – if I want to have support beyond 1 year, what do I need to do?
      According to the current licensing terms you’ll have a possibility to renew the maintenance to next year for 60% of the license list price. To lock in the current price, you can extend your maintenance period immediately after ordering your license. There are +1 year, +2 year and +3 year options


      Thank you for the information.

      Additional question to determine the fitment for our purpose –
      1. Is it possible to convert PDF to PDF UA (accessible PDF) using PD4ML
      2. If this is true, can you provide/point us to how to use the code, and provide examples of such library usage (if any)

      Warm regards
      Vijay S


      > Is it possible to convert PDF to PDF UA (accessible PDF) using PD4ML

      No. I am afraid this type of conversion is not possible robust automated way.

      PDF/UA requires a lot of additional information, normally missing in regular PDFs: alternative text description for all content portions, for visual elements and artifacts; requires structure information (tagging) for tables, lists, headings etc.
      By HTML-to-PDF conversion the info can be provided via HTML tag attributes, the structure info comes from the HTML document structure.

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