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  • in reply to: initialPageNumber


    Thank you very much for your reply.
    It would be really great, if you could add that feature.

    Looking forward to testing the new version!

    Kind regards
    Niels Göran

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    If my HTML starts a table in the middle of a page that will not fit on the current page but *will* fit entirely on the next page pd4ml chooses to move the entire table to the next page rather than break it with continuing header rows and such. Naturally this creates a gap on a page which isn’t going to work for me.

    I have the table row of ‘th’ elements defined as required. I have disabled borders for the table. There are no div or span elements surrounding the table that could potentially interfere with the table break, for example.

    This occurs in both my licensed version 323fx1 and the latest evaluation version 370fx1. For the former I’m calling ‘enableTableBreaks(true)’ and the latter I’m using the new ‘enableSmartTableBreaks(true)’. Both calls behave the same way.

    If I disable the table break feature the table breaks as expected albeit without the nice feature of having the headers continue to the next page. I presume in this case that’s just naturally occurring and not a function of pd4ml.

    Comments? Let me know what you think.


    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hello PD4ML.NET Support Team,

    I did use the Java sample and tried to display page header and footers in PDF generated using an URL. I did created a Generic approach to use it through out my project and Sending the Responses back to the PDF posted page. I did my best to show the headers/Footers in the generated PDF file and failed. Can you please provide me a Sample code which deals with page headers and footers using .NET?

    I have attached the sample Code files I did use at my End.

    Thanks and Regards,

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I wanted to try an application using pd4ml on Google App Engine. Apparently pd4ml uses at least one class that is retricted: java.awt.Dimension

    It is not listed here:

    – Is compatibility with GAE on the road map for p4ml?
    – What other classes will be a problem with GAE?

    Any tips on how to proceed?

    Greetz Erik

    in reply to: Google App Engine

    The error I receive:

    java.awt.Dimension is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine developer’s guide for more details.

    The code used to generate the error:

    PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();

    in reply to: Google App Engine

    It would be nice if a list of dependent classes not on the GAE whitelist would be posted to or

    in reply to: unix : fonts deployment ?

    Hi, thanks for your answer, this is an exemple of the output log when i create a PDF on production mode:

    <br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | version: PD4ML 370 Pro<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | not yet in cache: java:fonts/<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | 'helvetica' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | reject TTF lookup for: 'helvetica'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | 'aharoni' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | reject TTF lookup for: 'aharoni'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | 'impact' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:49 | reject TTF lookup for: 'impact'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//arialbd.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | /fonts/arialbd.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | can not find 'arial bold' at file:/fonts//arialbd.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'arial bold'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | 'helvetica bold' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'helvetica bold'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | 'verdana bold' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana bold'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | 'sans-serif bold' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif bold'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//arial.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | /fonts/arial.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | can not find 'arial' at file:/fonts//arial.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'arial'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | 'verdana' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | 'sans-serif' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//ariali.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | /fonts/ariali.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | can not find 'arial italic' at file:/fonts//ariali.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | reject TTF lookup for: 'arial italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:50 | 'helvetica italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'helvetica italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'verdana italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'sans-serif italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//cour.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | /fonts/cour.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | can not find 'courier new' at file:/fonts//cour.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'courier new'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'monospace' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'monospace'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//courbd.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | /fonts/courbd.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | can not find 'courier new bold' at file:/fonts//courbd.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'courier new bold'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//arialbi.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | /fonts/arialbi.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | can not find 'arial bold italic' at file:/fonts//arialbi.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'arial bold italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'helvetica bold italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'helvetica bold italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'verdana bold italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana bold italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'sans-serif bold italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif bold italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'times italic' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'times italic'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | 'times' is not in file<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'times'<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | not yet in cache: file:/fonts//couri.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | /fonts/couri.ttf (No such file or directory)<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | can not find 'courier new italic' at file:/fonts//couri.ttf<br /> INFO | jvm 1 | 2011/02/15 05:22:51 | reject TTF lookup for: 'courier new italic'<br />

    as you can see he tries to load fonts but he doesn’t found anything. Do you think there is a path server side problem?

    What is the mecanism used by pd4ml to get the font files ? Do you use a ClassLoader, an FileIntpuStream or something else ?
    Also, it works correctly on our development machines (windows) but not on the production server (unix).

    thanks in advance for your help,


    in reply to: Looking For PD4ML.NET Serve side Header/Footer Display Code

    Couldn’t find a place to attach the documents….

    in reply to: Google App Engine

    PD4ML utilizes many AWT classes, so there is no easy way to implement GAE compatibility.

    PD4ML architecture consists of two layers: HTML renderer and PDF output pseudo-device. The “pseudo-device” implements java.awt.Graphics which makes possible to “print” rendered document layout to a buffered image, for example. Or to capture any graphics output and to generate a PDF from it. A compatibility with GAE would require to sacrifice a lot of useful functions. Also I expect some troubles with TTF fonts.

    in reply to: unix : fonts deployment ?

    Please check if the has ttf.fonts.dir entry. Remove it if any.

    in reply to: Looking For PD4ML.NET Serve side Header/Footer Display Code

    First, get familiar with 3 ways to define of headers/footers:

    Please take into account, that some of the methods work with PD4ML Pro only.

    I’ve just added Java samples there: C# .NET code should be more-less identical. Let us know if there are still open questions.

    in reply to: Looking For PD4ML.NET Serve side Header/Footer Display Code

    It is not working that way, As I need to the same from service. All you have provided me in the same is doable from Client side. I did check the link you have provided before I post my question.

    I have a Generic page which takes page URL as a parameter and produce the pdf.
    I will call the Generate PDF method from a page where there is no client side coding is not possible.


    in reply to: Looking For PD4ML.NET Serve side Header/Footer Display Code

    As I wrote, there are some new Java samples there since few minutes ago.

    OK, PD4ML.NET has PD4Converter.aspx.cs sample, which also takes URL as an parameter.

    You need to add to the sample a section like

    [language=java:9g47w3hd]PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark();
    footer.setPageNumberTemplate(“page $[page] of $[total]”);
    [language=java:9g47w3hd]pd4ml.render(new Uri(inputUrl), outfile);[/language:9g47w3hd]

    in reply to: Looking For PD4ML.NET Serve side Header/Footer Display Code

    Thank you for your response.

    When I do the same as you guided, I am getting below error

    A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

    Public Sub generatePDF(ByVal inputUrl As String, ByVal htmlWidth As Integer, ByVal pageFormat As String, ByVal permissions As Integer, ByVal bookmarks As String, ByVal orientation As String, ByVal insets As String, ByVal fontsDir As String, ByVal outfile As Stream)<br /> <br /> System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")<br /> System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture<br /> <br /> Dim pd4ml As New PD4ML()<br /> If (insets IsNot Nothing) Then<br /> Dim st As Tokenizer = New Tokenizer(insets, ",")<br /> Try<br /> Dim top As Integer = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken())<br /> Dim left As Integer = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken())<br /> Dim bottom As Integer = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken())<br /> Dim right As Integer = Int32.Parse(st.NextToken())<br /> Dim units As String = st.NextToken()<br /> Dim ins As Rectangle = New Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right)<br /> <br /> If ("MM".Equals(units.ToUpper())) Then<br /> pd4ml.PageInsetsMM = (ins)<br /> Else<br /> pd4ml.PageInsets = (ins)<br /> End If<br /> <br /> Catch ex As Exception<br /> Throw New Exception("Invalid page insets (top, left, bottom, right, units): " & insets)<br /> End Try<br /> End If<br /> <br /> pd4ml.HtmlWidth = (htmlWidth)<br /> If (orientation Is Nothing) Then<br /> orientation = "portrait"<br /> End If<br /> <br /> If ("PORTRAIT".Equals(orientation.ToUpper())) Then<br /> pd4ml.PageSize = PD4Constants.getSizeByName(pageFormat)<br /> Else<br /> pd4ml.PageSize = pd4ml.changePageOrientation(PD4Constants.getSizeByName(pageFormat))<br /> End If<br /> <br /> If (permissions <> -1) Then<br /> pd4ml.setPermissions("empty", permissions, True)<br /> End If<br /> <br /> If (bookmarks <> Nothing) Then<br /> If ("ANCHORS".Equals(bookmarks.ToUpper())) Then<br /> pd4ml.generateOutlines(False)<br /> ElseIf ("HEADINGS".Equals(bookmarks.ToUpper())) Then<br /> pd4ml.generateOutlines(True)<br /> End If<br /> End If<br /> <br /> If (fontsDir <> Nothing AndAlso fontsDir.Length > 0) Then<br /> pd4ml.useTTF(fontsDir, True)<br /> End If<br /> <br /> Dim footer As New PD4PageMark()<br /> footer.setPageNumberTemplate("page $[page] of $[total]")<br /> footer.TitleAlignment = PD4PageMark.LEFT_ALIGN<br /> footer.PageNumberAlignment = PD4PageMark.RIGHT_ALIGN<br /> footer.InitialPageNumber = 1<br /> footer.PagesToSkip = 1<br /> footer.FontSize = 14<br /> footer.AreaHeight = 100<br /> pd4ml.PageFooter = footer<br /> <br /> 'pd4ml.render(New Uri(inputUrl), outfile)<br /> 'pd4ml.render(New Uri(inputUrl).AbsoluteUri, outfile)<br /> pd4ml.render(inputUrl, outfile)<br /> <br /> End Sub

    I appreciate your further support in this regard.


    in reply to: Looking For PD4ML.NET Serve side Header/Footer Display Code

    The message tells your application cannot establish a direct HTTP connection with the host. Are you behind a firewall? Don’t you need to define proxy settings?

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