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  • in reply to: java.lang.StackOverflowError ( pd4ml )

    It looks like there is a multi-repeating unclosed tag in your document. However I may be wrong with it.

    It would be very helpful if you send an email to PD4ML support with the document sample – hopefully there is no sensitive info in it.

    in reply to: request sample code html to image in .NET

    Currently it is not possible to do.

    We work on the feature to be also available in .NET version.

    in reply to: Regarding direct print through default printer & Preview

    Hi PD4ML Team,

    First of all Thanks alot for ur quick respose.

    2) Is it possible to open as “PDF Preview mode” that is dynamically generated PDF file by PD4ML for ?

    I want “PDF Preview mode” to restrict the “Print” option in generated PDF.
    it is only for viewing purpose.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I tried to disable the images cache in the Java servlet but there was no difference after I used the following code:
    HashMap pd4mlParamMap = new HashMap();

    The evaluation copy sentence “pd4ml evaluation copy. visit” shows up at the bottom of the PDF pages even when I use the licensed library. However, when I use the library on the command line , the sentence does not show up. It only shows up when I use the library from within the Java program.

    Thanks in advance for the tips/solutions

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I am experiencing some strange behaviour with PD4ML. On generated PDFs, the date format of dates is rendering as FULL Date and Time strings, but the HTML I am putting into PD4ML only contains a short date format??

    I.E Fri 18 Sep 09 becomes Fri Sep 18 22:25:00 NZST2009.

    My first question is – Does PD4ML try and be clever and detect dates? This is strange because surely the input symbols should be treated as Strings …

    Secondly, is the local machines date and time format settings responsible for the output of PD4ML in any way???

    Im scratching my head a little as to what is causing this.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I am trying to convert html data to pdf in jsp.
    Is there a way i can produce a editable pdf, so that the pritable pdf can be modified .

    Thank You

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Hi ,

    We are using PD4ML since several years but today we encoutered an issue : It seems PD4ML is limited to 50 pages.

    I am not sure about the version od PD4ML we are using … Our licence was bough in 2007.

    Could you advice on it ?

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Im doing a proof of concept before we buy pd4ml, i have hit a show stopping problem. i believe its environmental, but im stuck figuring it out….

    Main problem:

    not being able to put ANY images into the rendered pdf document.
    they exist, have correct permissions and are accessible directly from the browser…
    so im unsure whats going on.

    Note: when i dont have any images the document renders fine and displays correctly in the browser.

    PD4ML Version: PD4ML 351b8 Pro (eval)

    WebSphere 4.0.7 on AIX 5.2
    jdk 1.3 – i know its a dinosaur.. but.. thats out of my control.

    Xvfb (virtual frame buffer) has been installed.
    not sure if the opengl extensions were installed though.

    following process is running (shows Xvfb)

    /usr/lpp/X11/bin/X :2 -vfb -force -x abx -x dbe -x GLX

    following lines added to start of the websphere startup script
    DISPLAY=<br /> export DISPLAY<br />
    (note that the doco online says to use the following but it didnt work
    DISPLAY=3D127.0.0.1:0.0 nor did DISPLAY=3D127.0.0.1:2.0)
    When i added the 3d bit, i couldnt actually render any PDF files.

    The following tests are a result of running the ‘index4.jsp’ testfile (below). obviously i commented out each other test case so only a single test was running at once, and, if all test cases are commented out.. then the PDF renders fine in the browser. (minus picture of course).

    Test File:
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/pd4ml.tld" prefix="pd4ml" %><%@page contentType="text/html; charset=ISO8859_1" %><pd4ml:transform<br /> screenWidth="800"<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="portrait"<br /> pageInsets="10,10,10,10,points"<br /> enableImageSplit="false"<br /> encoding="default"<br /> fileName="myoutput.pdf"<br /> inline="true"<br /> debug="true"<br /> ><br /> <br /> <br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <br /> <%<br /> String url = request.getScheme() + "://" +<br /> request.getServerName() + ":" +<br /> request.getServerPort() +<br /> request.getContextPath() + "/";<br /> %><br /> <BASE id="theBase" href="<%=url%>"><br /> </head><br /> <br /> <body><br /> <br /> Server Base Path = <%=url%><br /> <BR><BR><br /> <br /> <br /> <%--<br /> TEST 1<br /> This FAILS in pd4ml, works fine direct in browser<br /> <IMG src="http://testserver/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg" width=200 height=200><br /> --%><br /> <br /> <br /> <%--<br /> TEST 2<br /> This Fails but works fine as jsp, and when you look at the log and directly access the url shown there<br /> <IMG src="wayne/my_logo.jpg"><br /> --%><br /> <br /> <%--<br /> TEST 3<br /> <br /> This also Fails, but the file actually exists in the location.<br /> file permissions are ok, (owned by same user as the web app with rwx)<br /> <IMG src="file:///icsdata/red.gif" width=200 height=200><br /> --%><br /> <br /> <BR><BR><br /> Hello, World A4!<br /> </body><br /> </html><br /> </pd4ml:transform>

    Test Results:

    pdf is displayed, but minus picture.

    [9/22/09 21:43:28:471 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U version: PD4ML 351b8 Pro (eval)<br /> [9/22/09 21:43:28:480 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U done in 9ms.<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:684 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U version: PD4ML 351b8 Pro (eval)<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:693 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U image not yet in cache: http://testserver/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:693 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U not yet in cache: http://testserver/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg;jsessionid=ZRF5GMB45OC4NKEXNQI3SVA<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:693 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U testserver<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:693 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U image http://testserver/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg has zero length.<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:693 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U can not load image: http://testserver/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg<br /> [9/22/09 21:46:02:699 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U done in 15ms.


    i loading the image directly in the browser loads the picture fine. its a relatively small pic (64k..)

    pdf is displayed, but minus picture.

    [9/22/09 21:51:24:520 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U version: PD4ML 351b8 Pro (eval)<br /> [9/22/09 21:51:24:528 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U image not yet in cache: http://testserver:80/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg<br /> [9/22/09 21:51:24:528 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U not yet in cache: http://testserver:80/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg;jsessionid=SF03EONOLUX4QGIDSFI1I3Y<br /> [9/22/09 21:51:24:529 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U testserver<br /> [9/22/09 21:51:24:529 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U image http://testserver:80/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg has zero length.<br /> [9/22/09 21:51:24:529 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U can not load image: wayne/my_logo.jpg<br /> [9/22/09 21:51:24:531 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U done in 11ms.


    same thing again, copying the url into the browser loads the picture.

    server takes about 45 seconds then returns Error 500, internal Server error.
    no PDF at all obviously.

    <br /> [9/22/09 21:55:55:364 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U version: PD4ML 351b8 Pro (eval)<br /> [9/22/09 21:55:55:373 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U image not yet in cache: file:/icsdata/red.gif<br /> [9/22/09 21:55:55:373 EST] 20c3b6bd SystemOut U not yet in cache: file:/icsdata/red.gif<br /> [9/22/09 21:56:35:716 EST] 20c3b6bd WebGroup X Servlet Error: : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

    Now I know what you’re thinking… increase the JVM size with the recommended -Xmx512m… well these logs are from -Xmx768m.
    I think outofmemory error is not the root cause, because the more memory i give it the longer it waits then errors with out of memory.


    BlockElement(body) {margin-left=8, margin-right=8, font-family=[Ljava.lang.String;@2c167687, margin-bottom=8, margin-top=8, font-size=16, line-height=1.2000000476837158, display=block}<br /> ContentElement(pd4content) [ ] {font-family=[Ljava.lang.String;@2c167687, display=block, line-height=1.2000000476837158, font-size=16}<br /> ContentElement(pd4content) [ This also Fails, but the file actually exists in the location.] {font-family=[Ljava.lang.String;@2c167687, display=block, line-height=1.2000000476837158, font-size=16}<br /> <br /> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext: method getServletContextName()Ljava/lang/String; not found<br /> at org.zefer.cache.c.getResourceAsBytes(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.cache.ResourceCache.getObject(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.cache.ResourceCache.getObject(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.cache.ResourceCache.getImage(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.n.Ôõ0000(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.n.Óõ0000(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.n.while(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.b.b.o00000(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.ab.o00000(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.b.d.o00000(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.ab.o00000(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.html.doc.Document.layout(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.o00000(Unknown Source)(Compiled Code)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.render(Unknown Source)<br /> at org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.doEndTag(Unknown Source)<br /> at wayne._index4_jsp_4._jspService(<br /> at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(<br /> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(<br /> at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(<br /> at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(<br /> at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service(<br /> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at<br /> at Code))<br /> at Code))<br /> at<br /> please increase heap size of JVM with the command-line parameter -Xmx512m<br /> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError<br /> bash-2.05b$

    Does anyone know how to fix the above… or tell me where to look next?
    where does getServletContextName() come from?????

    am i addressing the images correctly?

    hope someone can help.

    Thankyou in advance,

    in reply to: image rendering not working for me (Websphere 4 on aix)


    the host – “TestServer” above was a virtual host on another machine (eg HostA)
    (HostA and TestServer share the same IP address).

    HostA didnt have DNS enabled, so HostA could not ping TestServer.
    However my desktop PC itself could ping both HostA and TestServer.

    solution: (either enable DNS resolution – not allowed in my environment, or, add TestServer to the hosts file…)

    Now onto the rest of the prototype….

    here is a copy of the file that is WORKING. (it renders the two pictures)

    <pd4ml:transform<br /> screenWidth="800"<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="portrait"<br /> pageInsets="10,10,10,10,points"<br /> enableImageSplit="false"<br /> encoding="default"<br /> fileName="myoutput.pdf"<br /> inline="true"<br /> debug="true"<br /> ><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <%<br /> String url = request.getScheme() + "://" +<br /> request.getServerName() + ":" +<br /> request.getServerPort() +<br /> request.getContextPath() + "/";<br /> %><br /> <BASE id="theBase" href=""><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Server Base Path = <br /> <BR><BR><br /> <br /> <br /> TEST 1<br /> Works Fine. This doesnt use the base tag resolution - it is already fully qualified.<br /> <IMG src="http://testServer/wayne/wayne/my_logo.jpg" width="200" height="200"><br /> <br /> TEST 2<br /> WORKS, this uses the base tag to determine the apps context etc... so its a way for me to use relative paths<br /> that resolve to fully qualified urls when you look at the log.<br /> <IMG src="wayne/my_logo.jpg"><br /> <br /> <BR><BR><br /> Hello, World A4!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Hello, Page2!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

    in reply to: PD4ML Tips & Tricks

    Is it possible to disable the web links in the pdf output document even when they are enabled in the input HTML?
    What we would like to do is display only the text part of the link in the PDF output, so that when it is clicked with the mouse pointer, nothing happens or it only gets highlighted.

    Thank you in advance

    in reply to: disabling web links in pdf output
    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Does PD4ML support the CSS attribute “font-size=x-large”?

    I’m trying to convert a document that’s created from a Wiki style rich text editor. The editor uses that attribute. I’m not able to preserve the size of the font after conversion. Is there a work around?

    Thanks in advance for any pointers.

    — jerry

    in reply to: Deployment / Configuration issues

    Is there a way to change the images which are used for the form elements (especially checkbox and radiobutton)?

    Best regards


    in reply to: font-size=x-large

    Yes, it is supported. But from CSS syntax perspective “font-size=x-large” is incorrect. It should use a colon symbol like that:


    Also please take into account: the resulting font size in PDF also depends on HTML-to-PDF scale factor. The scale factor is calculated this way:

    htmlToPdfScale = ( pageFormat.width – pageInsets.left – pageInsets.right ) / htmlWidth


    in reply to: images cache and evaluation copy sentence

    1. The cache disabling is possible again since v351b14. Please give a try.

    2. JAR names of commercial and evaluation version differ: pd4ml.jar vs. pd4ml_demo.jar. Please make sure that you removed pd4ml_demo.jar from the classpath, shared lib directories and flushed any cached copies of it.

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