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in reply to: HTML CSS styles into RTF July 5, 2023 at 11:39#36660
you would like to see HTML’s CSS converted to an editable RTF document stylesheet, and if you edit it in MS Word it will impact all relevant RTF content blocks. Right? Please correct if I am wrong
Yes! So when I define a paragraph style in the html document CSS, I will found the same paragraph style in the RTF document stylesheet.
I’m considering pd4ml for my software ( ) and it would be very useful to have such a feature, so writers don’t have to go back to LGC, change CSS, export to RTF, all over again , whenever they need to change each paragraph to a certain style.
in reply to: HTML CSS styles into RTF July 5, 2023 at 13:04#36663Hmm… It is not the feature can be easily implemented. It cannot take the original CSS styles (the used in source HTML/CSS sizes/dimensions change itself depending on conversion scale factor, see and there is no possibility to export the initial original stylesheet rules/properties, aligned depending on conversion params.
It seems like the only possible way is to go through all the HTML elements and find repeating styles (after the style and scaling is applied); if there are matches, to synthesize a style sheet from them with arbitrary class names.
I’ve added the feature request for future releases. Not sure if we can address it within the next couple of months
in reply to: HTML CSS styles into RTF July 6, 2023 at 12:09#36666Is there a way to keep CSS style defined in the HTML file when exporting in RTF, transformed in a RTF paragraph or character formatting style?
in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting July 14, 2023 at 09:11#36690Hi,
does PD4ML make use of ghostscript or has ghoscript inside? Asking because of CVE-2023-36664.
Thank you very much.
in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting July 18, 2023 at 14:08#36700I am using PD4ML version 4.0.16. I noticed that the “Non-Breaking Space”
Is there a solution for this?<html>
<style type=”text/css”>
body {
Width: 20px;
Hello, World!
</html>in reply to: Non-Breaking Space ” “ July 18, 2023 at 14:14#36701Sorry, the “ ” was swallowed.
In the example, it should read:Hello, World!
Hello, World!in reply to: Non-Breaking Space ” “ July 18, 2023 at 14:18#36702Hi! It should not be non-breakable. It looks like an undesired side effect of our tuning of CJK line break logic. We’ll investigate the issue and let you know
in reply to: Text highlighting feature in PDF July 26, 2023 at 05:09#36705Life is a journey, you don’t care about the destination, you care about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.
Others laughed at me as crazy, I laughed at others and couldn’t see through.
on the thought of his buddy zhuge qing, zhang chulan and feng baobao came to resolve the case with the help of “anywhere” business enterprise. how does zhang chulan display his competencies to assist the king trap the black hand backstage? what wonderful overall performance will zhuge qing, wang ye and others have? who’re the people who covet the “8 wonders”? “under one guy-becoming a member of the world” may be introducedsoon!
voip phone servicein reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting August 1, 2023 at 10:27#36718I am migrating from V3 to V4. Relative paths within an
tag, such as.
<img src="/servlet/ImageServlet?picid=2730100&width=310" />
<img src="/servlet/ImageServlet?picid=2730100&width=310" />
which still worked in V3, now throw an SRVE0238E: Ressourcenpfade müssen einen vorangestellten Schrägstrich enthalten.
at com.pd4ml.cache.ServletResourceProvider.getResourceAsStream(y:1928)
at com.pd4ml.ResourceProvider.getResourceAsBytes(y:2080)
at com.pd4ml.cache.e.return(y:380)
at com.pd4ml.cache.FileCache.getImage(y:375)
at com.pd4ml.html.doc.render.ub.<init>(y:2554)
at com.pd4ml.PD4ML.writePDF(y:2154)
at com.pd4ml.PD4ML.writePDF(y:3327)
at com.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.render(y:2346)
at com.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.doEndTag(y:2781)Is there a solution or workaround for this?
in reply to: relative URL to a servlet in the “img”-tag throws a MalformedURLException August 2, 2023 at 11:01#36731It looks like an issue of web application configuration: for some reason the servlet resource provider does not recognize
/servlet/ prefix as a name of local web application.Did you place the v4
pd4ml*.jar inWEB-INF/lib
WEB-INF/lib or is it in the commonlib/
lib/ directory? Since the new taglib JSP classes are inpd4ml*.jar
pd4ml*.jar, the location of the JAR (which determines which classloader is used) can be relevant.For a smoother transition of JSPs from PD4ML v3 to v4, we recommend that you leave the JSPs as they are and store pd4ml_tl.jar from v3 in
WEB-INF/lib. Generally, taglib v3 works well with PD4ML reply to: relative URL to a servlet in the “img”-tag throws a MalformedURLException August 11, 2023 at 14:12#36776I have switched to V4 and no longer use the V3 library. I don’t think it is a path problem of the pd4ml.jar either, because the
library is found, otherwise the whole PDF printing would not work. I have included the HTML page for PDF printing via a JSP page
and the taglib<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/pd4tl.tld" prefix="pd4ml" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/pd4tl.tld" prefix="pd4ml" %> and use the “transform”-tag. As I said, it still worked without problems in V3. In V4, something must have changed in the handling of the “img” reply to: relative URL to a servlet in the “img”-tag throws a MalformedURLException August 11, 2023 at 14:14#36777Judging from the error stack, the PD4ML tries to load the image as a file, which cannot succeed with a servlet:
at com.pd4ml.cache.ServletResourceProvider.getResourceAsStream(y:1928)
at com.pd4ml.ResourceProvider.getResourceAsBytes(y:2080)
at com.pd4ml.cache.e.return(y:380)
at com.pd4ml.cache.FileCache.getImage(y:375)in reply to: relative URL to a servlet in the “img”-tag throws a MalformedURLException August 15, 2023 at 12:01#36783> I don’t think it is a path problem of the pd4ml.jar either, because the library is found, otherwise the whole PDF printing would not work.
The problem is not in finding of pd4ml.jar
The libraries from common lib/ and WEB-INF/lib/ are loaded by different classloaders. Libraries loaded from common lib/ may not see local web application reply to: Tomcat 10 Jakarta Multithread problem August 15, 2023 at 14:15#36788Please we need help with this
in reply to: Tomcat 10 Jakarta Multithread problem August 15, 2023 at 14:21#36789Hi Mauro,
we’ve converted your question to a helpdesk request. You’ll receive a notification soon. -