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  • in reply to: HTML to PDF issue

    Could you please post such PDF sample?

    in reply to: HTML to PDF issue

    I have attached the pdf. And the command that i have used is:
    java -Xmx512m -cp ./pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd “file:test_htm_1.htm” 1200 LETTER -adjustwidth -nohyperlinks -smarttablesplit -noimagesplit -pdfa -ttf c:/windows/fonts -pdfforms -debug -out c:/temp/output/with_width/test.pdf

    in reply to: cannot render greeks using TTF Embedding feature

    Glad it works now.

    I suspected Std as in the debug output
    version: PD4ML 380 (eval)
    there was no “Pro” suffix.

    in reply to: images won’t render

    I guess I’m having a somewhat similar problem, however my images are coming not from an intranet server, but from an Amazon S3 account. Something like:

    Is it possible to embed images into the PDF from Amazon S3, or will they need to be accessed from the server generating the PDF?


    in reply to: images won’t render

    Your server must be able to establish a TCP/IP connection to… (probably you’ll need to route HTTP(S) requests from the server via proxy).

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    After a page break sometimes cell borders are not drawn.

    The example.html file attached contains the page body. The run.bat calls Converter.class with a page header.

    Any idea why the top border of the DCS statement is not drawn after the page break?

    in reply to: Table cell border not drawn after page break

    Is the issue reproducible with the recent versions of PD4ML?

    in reply to: Table cell border not drawn after page break

    Yes. Please find an example in the attache zip file.

    in reply to: Table cell border not drawn after page break

    The attached zip file contains the example.html file which is the page body. run.bat calls Converter.class with a page header.

    in reply to: Problem removing anchor underline using text-decoration


    I am facing the similar issue I AM NOT ABLE TO REMOVE THE UNDERLINE FOR tag,
    The post above seems to be month or 2 old.
    Were you able to find any work around.? Please do reply.

    Thanks for any help.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I am getting open or save dialog box, when we click open it should open in new window. how to achieve this ?

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Watermarksettings for a specific jsp are cached by pd4ml:header. We set Watermarks dynamically to flag some printouts as drafts.

    If this page was printed as draft next printout is still flagged as draft also if watermark settings are removed.

    Used Version: 3.80

    We tried out:
    – disable cache: System.setProperty(“pd4ml.cache.enable”,”false”) ;
    – Http Header:
    httpServletResponse.setDateHeader (“Expires”, 0);
    – Setting path to watermarkimage to an empty image

    Nothing worked.

    Please let me know if there is a solution to get this fixed.


    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I am using pd4ml within to output reports to PDF for my users. With very large reports, 500+ pages, the product is running extremely slow and sometimes crashes the web services on the server. If it runs to completion, it may take 25 minutes! In contrast, the same report run on the same server using crystal reports to output to PDF takes a few seconds. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    in reply to: Large PDF Issue

    I hope you compared similar functions of the tools: HTML-to-PDF conversion.

    The PDF output itself by PD4ML is quite quick: 2-3% of the conversion time.
    But HTML rendering – the first phase of the conversion – is a resource consuming task.

    PD4ML does not use native HTML rendering engines (like Webkit or Mozilla), PD4ML is managed .NET code (and 100% Java). Managed code has its benefits and, of course, disadvantages like performance penalties.

    For example it instantiates a .NET object even for any standalone whitespace. Bearing in mind generic .NET overhead in CPU/RAM usage, we simply would not recommend to convert such big documents.

    If you definitely need that, I would recommend to revise the document layout. First make sure the document is not a huge table. PD4ML does all the layout of all the pages in memory, before it writes anything out. Any cell on, let’s say, page #350 whose width is a bit wider than previous cells of the same column requires re-layouting of previous 349 pages – as it impacts the entire table layout.

    So split big tables to smaller ones.

    Second, try to avoid nesting of tables where it is possible. Each table cell layouts 3 times: MIN, MAX, OPTIMAL. Each table cell of a nested table layouts 9 times. If the nesting level is 2, a cell layouts 27 times etc.

    in reply to: Watermark Cache Problem

    Obviously the problem is caused by a reusing of custom tag object instances by the JSP framework. We never experienced exactly such issues on our test environment, but I can imagine that could happen.

    We’ll check what can be done in the taglib code to prevent that. In the meantime you could check if there is a configuration switch by your application server to disable the optimization.

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