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  • in reply to: pd4ml:include not working as an alternative of $[page], $[to


    in reply to: Signature

    any news on this topic ?


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I’m trying to convert html file with elements having CSS line-height properties to PDF.
    In browser, texts in tag with line-height property are aligned vertical center.
    But, in converted PDF file with pd4ml, texts are aligned to bottom edge.
    (This situation stands out when tag having just one line sentence.)
    Could I adjust vertical alignment by setting value such as parameters or something?

    in reply to: Losing text in the <textarea> after the conversion to pdf
    in reply to: Pd4ml – generated pdf takes first page longer width

    You can define htmlWidth for the entire document (including the first page) with pd4ml.setHtmlWidth() API call.

    impacts htmlWidth of subsequent pages only. So with a page break directive it is not possible to define htmlWidth for the first page.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I use a Application Development product where I use PD4ML as a 3rd party tool. I recently upgraded to 3.9.8FX1 and I encountered the below error :

    [2015-11-02 16:46:17,947] java.lang.RuntimeException: stack underflow
    at org.zefer.css.y.Ã’00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.css.yb.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.css.f.Ã’00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.css.c.Ã’0O000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.PD4MLHtmlParser.buildDocument(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)

    I’m new to this forum. Can someone point on how can I fix this issue.

    This issue is seen when using a simple HTML Block in reports.


    in reply to: System Error: Stack Underflow

    I would recommend to give a try to the just released v398fx2. If the issue persists, an HTML sample with accompanying CSS resources would help to analyze the issue.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am using command line tool to test pdf rendering, then I got the warning and error, but which line of the css caused the error? anyway to tell?

    C:utilpd4ml>pd4net “xyz.aspx?fkey=151711” 1024 -out t.pdf -debug
    version: PD4ML 385 Pro (eval)
    using content encoding from HTTP header: utf-8
    loading CSS file xxxxxxx/yyy.css
    Warning: Invalid syntax in CSS selector: “”
    Warning: Invalid syntax in CSS selector: “”
    processing xxxxxxx/yyy.css
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at org.w3c.css.sac.CSSParseException..ctor(String message, Locator locator)
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.pseudo(Condition pred)
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.simpleSelector(Selector sel, Char comb)
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.selector()
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.selectorList()
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.styleRule()
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.styleSheetRuleList()
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.styleSheet()
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.parseStyleSheet(InputSource source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.css.CssParser.parseStyleSheet(InputSource source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.css.CssRuntime.parseStyle(String css, Uri documentLocat
    ion, Boolean isCSSdoc)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.PD4MLHtmlParser.buildDocument()image size: 2005
    can not embed xxxxxxx/logo.png. Not emb
    eddable color type. Reformatting image…
    PNG marker: tEXt
    done in 16841684ms.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Page breaks were cutting off text in tables in PD4ML 395, so I tried using the 398fx2 jar, but then I found the styles were not being applied in the same way as before.

    Also I found that in 398fx2 there were a lot more debug messages – below is a sample.
    line 1: : updaterequestid [attribute onload=”updaterequestid()”] – added js file as style to get around this
    line 1: invalid number syntax [attribute for] – there are a lot of these
    line 1: invalid number syntax [attribute name]

    Any idea why these versions are so different and what I can do?

    in reply to: which line in css caused the issue?

    The exception is thrown by CSS Parser open source library (ss_css2.jar), which is very sensitive to CSS syntax errors and to not supported constructs. It seems in your CSS there is an unknown pseudo-selector.

    Since v398 PD4ML uses our proprietary CSS parser/cascading engine, developed to address issues like the one you reported.

    If an upgrade is not possible, try to narrow down the invalid CSS code location and fix it: comment out a half of the stylesheet – test for the exception; commend out a half of the remaining half – test; and so further.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Using pd4ml 3.98 and above produces the error documented in my screenshots (special characters in value-attribute of an input-tag is rendered incorerrectly).
    I’ve just tested with 3.98fx2, error is still there.

    Using 64bit JDK version on Windows 10.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    We are using PD4ML successfully on non SSL sites to generate PDF files.

    A new requirement to use only SSL sites has emerged.

    Currently the programmatic process is:
    1. to capture the page HTML
    2. send the HTML via POST to a controller (MVC system)
    3. controller strips some HTML and redirects to a JSP page (view) the textual HTML (which contains images, etc.) where the JSP page is using PD4ML transform taglib with outputFormat set to PDF

    Since the view JSP page just really takes the textual HTML passed from the controller it is added to the body of the JSP page and the PD4ML taglib executes cleanly on a non-SSL site

    A few links on the PD4ML site and the forum post below mentions to use a custom loader. How can we use the custom loader via PD4ML TagLib?

    Can we use a custom loader via TagLib?

    Has any new support for the SSL of WebLogic and Webspher been added in newer versions?

    @PD4ML wrote:

    But I would recommend you to create a simple custom resource loader:
    and to interpret the “non-standard” paths the way you like.

    … but in our case of using an SSL site, would it point to a non-SSL site? That would not be allowed as non-SSL links are converted to SSL links via the load balancer.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    in reply to: Special Characters in input tags broken with 3.98

    I confirm the issue.

    To be fixed with the next maintenance release in 2-3 weeks.

    in reply to: Taglib transform not working with SSL and WebLogic Server

    > Can we use a custom loader via TagLib?

    yes. Put the compiled .class file to WEB-INF/classes and refer to it in JVM command line as described by the link

    or add a reference to it with custom tags (nested to ):



    BTW: what kind of SSL-relevant exception does it throw in your scenario (and writes to server’s log)? Can you publish a snippet?

    in reply to: System Error: Stack Underflow


    I upgraded to v398fx2 and tried the same. I still see the same issue.

    I don’t have any HTML code as such. Below is with what I’ve tested and encountered the error :


    I don’t use any external css except inbuilt css in product.


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