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  • in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    I forgot to say that, the images are getting displayed in the generated PDF file. But the console output says that the image is “not yet in cache”.

    What is the reson for this and how to eliminate this in our logs?

    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    The log messages seems to be confusing.

    As long as there is nothing like “cannot load image” in the log – it loads the images and places them to the cache successfully.

    You can suppress the output if you switch PD4ML debug mode off.

    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    Thanks for the reply.

    Ya, I commneted “pd4ml.enableDebugInfo();” in my code; And the log is clean.

    My question – the images are seen in the PDF but the log says not yet in cache when I enable debugging…?

    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    It is not a warning, it is not an error. It simply tells that the images are not in cache, so PD4ML loads them from the given URLs and saves to the cache.

    You may create a simple HTML with a non-existent image URL and you’ll see how it reports problems with an image loading.

    in reply to: direction=rtl not working

    please contact support pd4ml com and send the source HTML and the resulting PDF to analyze.

    in reply to: JSP taglib header/footer issue

    In the JSP you define headers and footers in HTML format. It requires PD4ML Pro. If the headers/footers are not in the resulting document, I would suspect you use PD4ML Std.

    More info about headers/footers:

    in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    hmm… “up-side-down footer” is an old issue resolved in the recent versions. could you please send a PDF sample to analyze to support pd4ml com

    in reply to: language support problem in <title> tag

    tag content is not shown in a document body. It impacts PDF meta-data only (TITLE property of PDF, Acroread window caption). Do you mean question marks in the meta data? Could you please send a PDF sample to support pd4ml com. Also it would be nice if you dump source HTML to see what is exactly passed to PD4ML.

    in reply to: [.NET] HTML rendering problem

    –> bump

    I’m in the evaluation phase of finding a good “html to pdf” framework for .net and this product would be the perfect solution for our project. (Because we already using the java product in our company)

    It would be a great benefit for the project if you can solve this problem. To be on the safe side, I will not buy (suggest to buy) the software until it’s working as expected.

    I look forward to hear from you and best regards,

    in reply to: [.NET] HTML rendering problem

    Stefan, we’ve reproduced the issue and been working on it.

    in reply to: Create single pdf for multiple URLs.

    @PD4ML wrote:

    PD4ML API has a method, which takes an array of URLs as a parameter. It should do the trick for you.

    thanks for your quick response. we tried it and it works well as we send an uri array to load multiple urls. But each url page is loading as a new page. Is there anyway to avoid this page break?

    Thanks & Regards,
    Gopakumar B

    in reply to: Create single pdf for multiple URLs.

    No. It is not possible for the time being.

    A workaround is to merge HTML into a single one before passed to PD4ML. By the merge you would also need to remove and closing tags as they stop further HTML parsing.

    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    I have given a non-existent url and I still get that those comments that ‘image not yet in cache’, ‘not yet in cache’.
    However, it clearly says that it cannot load the image and the reource/image not found.

    Log output:
    image not yet in cache:
    not yet in cache:
    resource not found.
    image not found.
    can not load image: /xxxxxx/dlwimages/mail.gif
    image not yet in cache:
    not yet in cache:
    resource not found.
    image not found.
    can not load image: /xxxxxx/dlwimages/spacer.gif


    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    I am getting confused by this log output.

    If I convert the html for the first tiime, according to your previous reply, PD4ML is just saying that “the image is not yet in cache” and it will load the image. I am not getting the “cannot load the image” error. This is fine. I assume that the image is now loaded into the cache.

    But when I run the converter again to convert the same HTML with same images, I am still getting the same output in the log that the image is not in cache… 🙁

    This is what my concern is – Whether PD4ML is loading the image and caching it for the first time if I enable the property::::: “pd4ml.cache.enable=true”???
    Whether caching is properly getting implemented here???


    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    > when I run the converter again

    Do you start JVM again?

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