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  • in reply to: problems with

    I changed the class from “addressen” to “test” and again got identical results in MS IE and PDF.

    in reply to: problems with

    Ok, i found my mistake. It was in the java code. I changed the output format. Now it works fine. Many thanks for your effort!

    in reply to: HTML-to-Image conversion with PD4ML

    If you need any assistance with the HTML-toImage conversion, please contact PD4ML support by email. Unfortunately for the time being we have no detailed documentation for the feature.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Does pd4ml include support for svg images included in the html document, or any other vector graphics? I have an image creation script that can also write out the images I am using as an svg or pdf (as well as gif/png which I use in the web pages). if I could directly embed those into the pd4ml document rather than using a gif/png, it would decrease the size of large documents, and increase image quality.


    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    in using a watermark image, what is the best type of image to use and what values of the settings of the PD4MLPageMark should be set? we’re having some trouble getting the image transparent enough for the underlying text to show through.


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I’m interested in acquiring the professionnal licence. You’re doing a great job. For the moment I use the evaluation copy.

    I’m trying to have a dashed border but with PD4ML I’ve got square-dots instead of a series of short line segments. How to stretch those dots ?
    With the ‘dotted’ keyword, I’ve got round-dot which is correct.

    Try it yourself :
    <div id="18" style="border-style: dashed; border-width: 1px 0px 0px; position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 350px; width: 800px; height: 0px;"> </div>

    in reply to: [CSS Issue] Border-style : dashed.

    We’ll check what wrong with it.

    It seems the only workaround for the time being is to use border-width value 2 and greater

    in reply to: [CSS Issue] Border-style : dashed.

    Ok thank you,

    For my use, 2 is too wide and looks too strong.

    in reply to: SVG or embedded pdf Images

    Unfortunately PD4ML does not support SVG graphics. SVG format is comparable by complexity to PDF itself and a fair implementation of SVG support module is not a trivial task.

    We considered to use open-source SVG renderers, but were not satisfied with the existing libraries.

    We are trying to keep PD4ML compact and performant, so we do not use general-purpose XML parsers, HTML code normalizers etc. Everything we use is custom developed (parsers, for example, with JavaCC) and specialized for HTML rendering and PDF output. As a result we have only 2 JARs, 635KB in size.

    An adding of bulky 12MB of Batik (an open-source SVG library) just to support a single image format, was unacceptable from our perspective.

    Nevertheless the SVG support is still in our TODO list. Most probably we’ll implement a plugable interface for vector graphics writers and an optional Batik-interface module is going to be an implementation of it.

    in reply to: Stylesheet definition results in emtpy pdf document

    We addressed the issue again in v351b8. Please give a try to it.

    in reply to: SVG or embedded pdf Images

    Thanks very much for the prompt response. i appreciate the lightweight and fast performing nature of pd4ml.

    I may attempt to implement something that takes output from pd4ml and replaces images with vector images using iText. I will let you know if I get anything to work like that, but I doubt I’ll be able to. That will be neat if/when it gets implemented into pd4ml. Keep up the good work!

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Watermarks

    Should be:

    You may use any image as a watermark. But you’ll get better results if you use a GIF or PNG with a transparency mask or alpha layer. (Opaque white background of a watermark image makes underlying content faded)

    On practice:

    the actual v351b8 has problems with opacity control (it always remains 100%). It is going to be fixed with the next release.

    As a workaround you may use translucent PNG with opacity set, for example in Adobe Photoshop, to 20-35%.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    We are evaluating your component and would like to ask several question.

    *Is it possible to change PDF Producer and Application fields in PDF while converting web page to PDF using your library?

    *The quality of web page rendering could be better, about 70% web pages look different than original. Some of them unreadable, try this
    How often do you release new versions with rendering engine improvements?


    in reply to: is with PD4ML Java Library multithreading possible?

    thank you!

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I’m running a web application in Ruby / Ruby on rails. I’ve used the wrapper you present for Ruby to get started. However this wrapper does not explain how to create header, footer and use of page_break.

    Header and footer are not so critical for me. But page breaks are.
    Is there a way to use without including the taglib ? If not, is there a way to include it on my development envrionment ?

    If there is no way to use page break, then… can you explain to me why there is such an impossibility ? Can’t the java converter look the string ‘‘ in the html document and replace it with a page break ? This way, there is no need for a taglib.

    Another hint which makes me believe that it would be possible somehow is that you say in that php programmer could use the , but no trace of “taglib” in that page.

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