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  • in reply to: Html/CSS rendering issue

    Thanks for your reply.

    The table is fitting in the first page and displayed correctly in IE. I played around with htmlWidth and table’s absolute coordinates but did’t work. Here are my pd4ml constants:

    protected Dimension format = PD4Constants.A4;
    protected boolean landscapeValue = false;
    protected int topValue = 6;
    protected int leftValue = 6;
    protected int rightValue = 6;
    protected int bottomValue = 6;
    protected String unitsValue = “mm”;

    I am sending html code to your support team. Please advise.

    BTW: we have pretty much decided to go with this product and will be buying soon.


    in reply to: Right margin overflow

    Was this solved? I am having the same issue.

    in reply to: Right margin overflow

    It would help a lot if you attach an example of a problematic document (its HTML source and resulting PDF).

    If HTML layout width does not fit horizontal PDF space, most probably the problem can be solved by increasing of htmlWidth parameter value. If some text crosses right table border – it looks like a bug in our code (however since the last 3-4 years we did not face such issue).

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I am having issue with converting JSP to PDF using web scenario. I have downloaded all the jars pd4ml_demo.jar, pd4ml_tl_demo.jar and ss_css2.jar and modified the web.xml as well.
    here is the exception i get while accessing JSP.
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.generatePdfa(Z)V
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.doEndTag(Unknown Source)
    at jsp_servlet.__pdf._jsp__tag0(
    at jsp_servlet.__pdf._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace

    Appriciate your help


    It looks like there is an older instance of pd4ml(_demo).jar on the server. Check all shared lib/ and cache directories of the server and remove the JARs. The best place for PD4ML libs is WEB-INF/lib

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    does the library support html to postscript conversions?

    -thank you

    in reply to: Dynamic change of PDF page orientation

    I am evaluating PD4ML. We need to print a document with two different margins on either side of the sheet. That is, on the first page we have a broader margin on the left side and on the next side we have a shorter margin on the left side. Can we do this in PD4ML? If so, how?
    Alex Philip

    in reply to: Rendering ends von </body> Tag

    I can suggest a solution for you:
    Send each page to PD4ML separately and create individual PDFs. Then use a lib like PDFBox to load each one and append them.

    in reply to: Automatically open print dialog

    @wilvec wrote:

    Any chance to send the converted document directly to the printer?
    I mean, do not open a viewer and display the print dialog box, but print it directly.

    The only way to print PDF silently is to run something like that on the client machine:

    AcroRd32.exe /t “C:document.pdf” “HP LaserJet 3300 Series PCL 6” “HP LaserJet 3300 Series PCL” “DOT4_001”


    AcroRd32.exe /t “C:document.pdf” “\serverprintername” “Kyocera FS-1010” “”

    For network printers sometimes it works without driver/port names:
    AcroRd32.exe /t “C:document.pdf” “\serverprintername”

    Of course the above is not usable for web application scenarios. In web applications (running acroread as a browser plugin) the silent print cannot be done for security reason.

    in reply to: Is it possible to set header/footer scope via the API?

    It is possible with overriding of template methods. For example the code below defines different footers for even and odd pages.

    [language=java:ajrznd4t]PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark() {
    public String getHtmlTemplate(int pageNumber) {
    if ( pageNumber % 2 == 0 ) {
    return “…template 1…“;
    } else {
    return “…template 2…“;

    Please take into account – even if you define return “”; for some pages there, it will allocate the defined footer space 50px anyway.

    footer.setAreaHeight(-1); autocomputes the footer heigh using the template code, returned for the first page.

    The following methods of PD4PageMark are overridable:

    • String getHtmlTemplate( int pageNumber )
    • Color getPageBackgroundColor( int pageNumber )
    • String getPageBackgroundImageUrl( int pageNumber )
    • String getPageNumberTemplate( int pageNumber )
    • String getTitleTemplate( int pageNumber )
    • Font getFont( int pageNumber )
    in reply to: scale html page to fit?

    Do you use PD4Browser (java -jar pd4ml_demo.jar) or Pd4Php?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    We have problems with css text-align property and html attribute
    1) css text-align property of input HTML tag when generate AcroForm from HTML form. We place an Input tag: . But, when AcroField is grenerated from this input tag, text in AcroField always adjust to the left (include text-align: center).
    2) We have

    tag with align attribute is set to “right”. But, in PDF table, all elements (text, field) always adjust to the left of the cell.
    We are using PD4ML Pro 3.6.0.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    will it possible to convert pdf to png format i have to send embedded image in mail

    Thanks in Advance

    in reply to: Dynamic change of PDF page orientation

    Unfortunately currently there is no easy way to do that.

    The horizontal margins (insets) impact HTML-to-PDF scale factor:
    scale = (pageFormat.width – insets.left – insets.right) / htmlWidth
    so a lot of flexibility in page-specific margins definitions could cause undesired drawbacks.

    However a swap of insets.left and insets.right depending on odd or even page seems to be doable and harmless. And I guess the limited feature would be sufficient for your case.

    We are ready to add it to our API. The implementation priority would depend on the PD4ML license type you own / are going to order. Please contact PD4ML support by email.

    in reply to: Dynamic change of PDF page orientation

    Thanks for the reply. We are planning to go in for PD4ML Pro license.

    I have another query. I have a report in which we go in for landscape.

    We develop the report in html and then using PD4ML try to convert to pdf. But the font and everything appears to be big when we go and change the page oreintation to suit landscape. The code for the same is given below.

    PD4ML pdf = new PD4ML();
    pdf.setPageSize(new Dimension(842,595));

    How can we sort it out?
    Thanks in advance.

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