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  • in reply to: uncorrect size for image

    I expected you send us at least form_ctact_titre1.jpg. Your HTML/CSS implicitly assumes dimensions of the image, which are not known to me.

    @jj_ben wrote:

    When i try to generate the html page, the picture of orange bars have not the correct size.

    if i add the height of img directly in the css it works :

    [language=css:3ke6x301].formCtactTitre1, .formCtactTitre1Off {
    width:731px; height:32px;
    padding:7px 5px 0 30px;
    font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#FFF;
    .formCtactTitre1 {
    background:url(images/form_ctact_titre1.jpg) no-repeat center;height:40px;
    margin:5px 0 2px 0

    With height:40px; you do not scale the image, but increase the DIV height (overriding previous height:32px setting). Obviously form_ctact_titre1.jpg height is about 40px (greater than the initial 32px).

    I tried to reproduce the situation, when background image height is less than the box. See attached – PD4ML does not center the background vertically. It is a good question why MS IE does. CSS requires a vertical positioning hint given explicitly:

    background:url(images/form_ctact_titre1.jpg) no-repeat center center;

    With the CSS change PD4ML positions the background image correctly.

    in reply to: How To Put a Colspan of Td Tag in Table

    It is quite difficult to see, what you expect to render from the code.
    As there is no any neighbor rows and columns, colspan=”3″ is optimized to colspan=”1″. In standard scenarios, like below, colspans work correctly.




    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi All,

    IS IT Work HTML TD Col-Span Attribute In PD4ML ?

    If It Is work:

    We Have One Table the columns of it Doesn’t span. Please Give Me Help For The How To Col-span For Table Columns

    The Table Code IS
    <table border=1 width='100%' height='100%'><br /> <tr><br /> <td >data</td><br /> <td >data</td><br /> <td >data</td><br /> <td >data</td><br /> <td >data</td><br /> </tr><br /> <tr><br /> <td colspan="3">span</td><br /> <td colspan="2">span</td><br /> </tr><br /> </table>

    When We Execute This Html code They Given PDF File Doesn’t Shows the Table col-span
    Please Give me help For This Problem

    I Show the PDF File Below Please See it and Edit The My Code

    in reply to: IS IT Work HTML TD ColSpan Attribute In PD4ML ?

    Try to add any content to the table cell (for example,  ) or to apply the following CSS style to the table:
    table { empty-cells: show; }

    in reply to: IS IT Work HTML TD ColSpan Attribute In PD4ML ?

    @PD4ML wrote:

    Try to add any content to the table cell (for example,  ) or to apply the following CSS style to the table:
    table { empty-cells: show; }

    I try What You are Say But It Not Works .. Please See The Given Document

    in reply to: Custom PD4ML classloader

    Perfect, I think that would do it!

    I’ll get in touch with support.


    in reply to: pd4ml https image urls

    PD4ML cache is a static hash table with soft references to loaded objects. After JVM is stopped, the cache, of course, disappears. Also a shortage or heap space may cause a cache reset.

    I would recommend you to ignore the debug output and to focus on the resulting documents. If there are no missing images and external styles are applied correctly – there are no reasons for a panic.

    in reply to: direction=rtl not working

    We’ll start to work on it from the middle of September.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I am trying to output the of a JSF page to a pdf file. The converted HTML tags from JSF pages are written to the pdf file instead of the contents.
    Have been trying to resolve this for a while. Any help is very much appreciated.
    My intend is to store the byteArray. Just to make sure the bytearray content is good, I am creating this temporay pdf file.

    The content written to the pdf file is (Full file is not written, maybe buffer size issue):

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I am trying to output the of a JSF page to a pdf file. The converted HTML tags from JSF pages are written to the pdf file instead of the contents.
    Have been trying to resolve this for a while. Any help is very much appreciated.
    My intend is to store the byteArray. Just to make sure the bytearray content is good, I am creating this temporay pdf file.

    The content written to the pdf file is (Full file is not written, maybe buffer size issue):

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I am trying to output the of a JSF page to a pdf file. The converted HTML tags from JSF pages are written to the pdf file instead of the contents.
    Have been trying to resolve this for a while. Any help is very much appreciated.
    My intend is to store the byteArray. Just to make sure the bytearray content is good, I am creating this temporay pdf file.

    The content written to the pdf file is (Full file is not written, maybe buffer size issue):

    in reply to: IS IT Work HTML TD ColSpan Attribute In PD4ML ?

    Hmm… Of course I tried and it does work. See attached.
    I copy-pasted HTML from your post.

    Are there any exceptions or error messages printed to STDOUT (or server’s log)?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    At the moment I am evaluating pd4ml pro for a client. I have an issue with the JSP-tag pd4ml:header. I am using the following code :

    <br /> <pd4ml:transform<br /> screenWidth="400"<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="portrait"<br /> pageInsets="20,20,90,20,points"<br /> enableImageSplit="false"<br /> fileName="${filename}.pdf"<br /> enable="true"><br /> <br /> <pd4ml:header areaHeight="90"><br /> <table width="360"><br /> <tr><br /> <td style="width:36px;"><img src="/images/logosmall.png" style="margin-right:15px;" width="36" height="45"/></td><br /> <td valign="bottom" style="text-align:left; "><br /> <div style="font-size:15px; display:inline-block;text-align:left; "><br /> TESTING THIS<br /> </div><br /> <div style="font-size:9px; display:inline-block; text-align:left;"><br /> <b>created by:</b> Ruben Thys<br/><br /> <b>created on:</b> ${creationDate}<br /> </div><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br /> </pd4ml:header><br />

    The strange thing is sometimes my header disappears when my document contains more or less text! When I set enableImageSplit to ‘true’, my header appears and everything is rendered perfect.

    Is there an alternative way of implementing this ?

    Is this a known issue, because before buying the product we have to know if we could use this feature…

    Thanks in advance!


    in reply to: pd4ml:header enableImageSplit problem

    As far as I remember we already addressed the issue. Which version of PD4ML do you use?

    A better approach would be to use <pd4ml:page.header> tag instead. Some info about headers/footers in PD4ML:


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi All,

    I Have One Small Problem i.e we have One Table The Table Header Are Print In Each Page

    How To I Write A code Please Tell Me!

    Note:- I am Writing The Code In html.

    I Hope U have Solve This Small Problem

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