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  • in reply to: 9 CSS hack in stylesheet – entire stylesheet ignored

    Sorry for late response.
    The patched version seems to be immune to the problem now.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Using an evaluation copy. The code is a sample right from the documentation. It just converts an HTML page from a URL. It compiles and runs just fine using JDK 1.6 on windows 7, but the output is blank. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.


    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    Unfortunately you did not provide more details regarding your test scenario and environment.

    A typical reason of blank pages is a binary data corruption (by an implicit applying of character encoding conversion to a binary document) by a saving or sending a PDF to HTTP. For example:


    If it is definitely not your case, please publish the HTML, PDF samples and Java code you run.

    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    Sorry, I’ve attached the code. thanks !

    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    try to add encoding=”default” attribute to

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I had a issue when trying to convert a jsp page into pdf using PD4ML. I have a tag with image pointing to external sources. It display correctly on my page, but PD4ML didn’t render it when generating the PDF. The space was left blank. I tried some with internal images and it worked fine. I am using Weblogic 11g. Any help is appreciated.


    in reply to: Problem with displaying image with external link

    If you open the HTML in a web browser, web browser establishes a connection to load HTML itself and establishes connections to load referenced images.

    When you request Weblogic to generate a PDF, your web browser establishes a connection to load PDF, but connections to load images are initiated by Weblogic.

    Usual problem reason: Weblogic server has no routing to the image locations. Please make sure the server, where Weblogic runs, can resolve the image location addresses and has a routing to the image server.

    A switching of debug info on (pd4ml.enableDebugInfo()) and analyzing Weblogic’s log can help.

    in reply to: Barcode font problem

    I used there free Code 39 barcode font for my Word. And it works fine.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    We recently tried to include some small images as data URIs embedded in a CSS file. This results in malformed PDF content.

    I have not investigated it further but I suspect a CSS parser error which results in the rest of the CSS document being ignored.

    <br /> .expand{ background:url() 0 center no-repeat;}<br />

    I am not dependent on the images being displayed, but it would be nice to have a working CSS document even when using data URIs.

    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    try to add encoding=”default” attribute to

    Sorry, I’m a newbie. I’m still at a loss. Where is this tag? is this a configuration item ? I’m just running straight java. No web apps.


    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    oops, sorry – I published the hint to a wrong thread.

    Could you please also post a sample PDF with blank pages?

    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    Sure, here it is.

    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    So what do you think ????

    in reply to: Sample code generating blank pages

    Sorry for the delay with the reply.

    As I see the PDF has been generated from a blank HTML document.

    What is confusing, is that the PDF generation parameters

    [language=java:wjqpokp9]% PD4ML version: 381fx1
    % JDK version: 1.6.0_31
    % OS version: Windows 7 6.1
    % File encoding: Cp1252
    % size: java.awt.Dimension[width=595,height=842]
    % insets: java.awt.Insets[top=28,left=28,bottom=28,right=28]
    % htmlWidth: 780
    % call with URL[/language:wjqpokp9]

    does not correspond API calls in file you sent.

    First I would make sure the Win7 workstation can establish an outgoing HTTP connection to (or to other HTML source) and there is no firewall/proxy in-between.

    in reply to: Embedded data URIs breaks CSS

    We patched our code to correctly process “data:” URLs in CSS.

    A fix will be available with the forthcoming beta version in 1-2 weeks.

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