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  • in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I have 2 images on my html page.
    When I converting in .rtf – all is OK. But there are no images in generated .pdf file

    pd4ml debug log is same:
    version: PD4ML 390b2 Pro
    (loading fonts)
    (loading css)
    image not yet in cache: https://xxx/image1.png
    not yet in cache: https://xxx/image1.png
    loading https://xxx/image1.png [16ms]
    image size: 6714
    can not embed https://xxx/image1.png. Not embeddable color type. Reformatting image…
    PNG marker: sRGB
    PNG marker: gAMA
    PNG marker: pHYs
    PNG marker: bKGD
    image not yet in cache: https://xxx/image2.jpg
    not yet in cache: https://xxx/image2.jpg
    loading https://xxx/image2.jpg [88ms]
    image size: 5210
    done in 940ms.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I have read the section for the SVG on this link: stating that: “the support of HTML+SVG->RTF conversions is planned to be implemented later”.

    So I would like to ask, specifically when will the support of HTM+SVG -> RTF conversion be available? I would greatly appreciate it if there is a date provided.


    in reply to: Support of HTML+SVG->RTF conversions

    The feature implementation has quite low priority – we do not expect to address it before November.

    If you need it sooner – it could be implemented on a paid basis (it should not be that expensive to fund).

    Also there are two possible implementation ways: to linearize SVG and to embed it to RTF as a BMP; to convert SVG vector data to corresponding RTF vectors. The first method is significantly easier to implement, but has its drawbacks.

    in reply to: image not rendered in PDF

    I specify problem:

    My html code:
    <table><br /> <tr><br /> <td><br /> <img src="xxx/image1.png"/><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table>

    working css:
    img {<br /> width: auto;<br /> height: auto;<br /> vertical-align: middle;<br /> border: 0;<br /> -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;<br /> }

    NOT working css:
    img {<br /> width: auto9;<br /> height: auto;<br /> max-width: 100%;<br /> vertical-align: middle;<br /> border: 0;<br /> -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;<br /> }

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    i have an application where the customer gets a orderlist as a pdf after he ordered something. I am using pd4ml for this. However, the Euro signs (€) show up as questionmarks. I’ve tried charset from iso 8859-1 over 8859-15 to UTF-8, nothing of these work. As in HTML, you can use the html entities like: € , which didn’t work. The list of things i’ve tried is here:

    € –

    € –
    € –
    € –

    I am using pd4ml with an PHP application and changed even the header information to the charset accordingly, nothing worked. I downloaded the latest recomended version from the website.

    Can someone please share some information, how i can work around this?

    Kind Regards

    in reply to: Euro Symbols don’t show up in PDF

    By default PD4ML converts to PDF characters, belong to Latin-1 charset only using built-in Adobe fonts (Helvetica, Times New Roman and Courier New). In order to output national or special characters you would need to configure and utilize TTF embedding feature. See:

    in reply to: image not rendered in PDF

    The issue will be solved with the forthcoming beta release in few days.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    After upgrading to the latest version of PD4ML, I am getting this Weblogic error:

    java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method “javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lorg/w3c/dom/Document;” the class loader (instance of weblogic/utils/classloaders/ChangeAwareClassLoader) of the current class, com/businessdatainc/document/checkimage/TwoRequestsCheckRetrieval, and the class loader (instance of ) for resolved class, javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder, have different Class objects for the type rg/w3c/dom/Document; used in the signature

    I think this is due to the inclusion of the w3c Document object in ss_css2 jar file. Do you have any suggestions for a workaround?


    Was this ever fixed?
    I had hoped to get an email advice, but never got one.

    I suppose I shall have to buy 3.9, but if I do, can you confirm that the enabled parameter will work?



    As I see the patch still has not been applied to the main dev branch. Request support pd4ml com for a trial. If it fixes the problem, we’ll provide you with a patched commercial version after a purchase. (And of course the patch will be integrated to forthcoming versions)

    in reply to: LinkageError

    We’ve just updated v391 packages. Now ss_css2.jar does not include the conflicting DOM classes. Please try to download v391 again and substitute your ss_css2.jar with a newer one.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    The PD4ML cookbook says:

    That makes HTML-to-PDF scale factor computed like that:
    scale = (pageFormat.width – pageInsets.left – pageInsets.right) / htmlWidth
    From the above it is obvious, that an increasing htmlWidth makes the resulting document content appears smaller.

    But the units don’t match up, as width and insets are either pts or mm, and html width is pixels (which don’t have an inherent size/measurement.)

    When I specify a 72 pt font, I can get it to render 1 inch high (from descender to ascender) if I specify letter paper, 5mm insets on both margins, and HTMLwidth of 700.
    This ends up being 86.35 DPI which doesn’t sound like a nice round number.
    Now my measurements could be off by a bit but I can’t get any “normal” dpi such as the browser default of 96dpi to come close.

    Can someone explain the actual calculation/conversion?

    in reply to: Help me understand scaling…

    If font size precision is critical for your document, trigger


    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    My employer has bought a license for pd4ml so I swapped in the licensed version instead of the trial version. I.e. instead of ‘’ I am using ‘’ now. It looks fine but instead of the euro symbols which were displayed perfectly in the trial version question marks are displayed with the licensed version. Is this expected? Do I need to do the ttf embedding thing to fix this issue, or is there an easier way?

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Euro symbols work in trial, not in purchased version

    By default PD4ML converts to PDF characters, belong to Latin-1 charset only using built-in Adobe fonts (Helvetica, Times New Roman and Courier New). In order to output national or special characters you would need to configure and utilize TTF embedding feature. See:

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