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  • in reply to: EmptyStackException in 399 fx2 on floated online-blocks

    This one is now gone in the current build. Thank you!
    I have sent a few more samples, somewhat less isolated, per email.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I ran into the following issue using containers that float in combination with margin-left and %-based distances (in 3.9.9fx3a1).
    The CSS I use looks like
    <br /> .container {<br /> float: left;<br /> width: 20%;<br /> margin-left: 5%; // not for the first container<br /> }<br /> <br /> <div class="container">1</div>...<br />

    however the margin-left seems to be ignored (well – actually it just seems to be really, really small). If I set margin-left to some pixel value it ends up clearly visible in the generated pdf. The difference can be seen here:

    I tried changing float to inline-block, but the result did not change. If I set margin-left to 100% the margin between the containers is visible – though I do not know where it takes the original width from.

    Is this something that is known and / or is there any way to work around this (while still maintaining %-based values and a non-table approach)? Maybe there is something in the documentation that I missed?

    Best regards and have a nice day!

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am assigning an HTML template for my header. It is similar to

    header 1 header 2header 3
    . The problem I am encountering is that the right margin of the header is very noticeably not the same as the right margin for the document body. How can I make the margins of the header (and footer) match the margins of the document body?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    we are using the pd4ml to convert html with chinese characters.

    we have chinese characters in both the header and the body. the outcome is that
    1. the header shows the chinese characters correctly in the PDF
    2. however, for the body all chinese characters are rendering as question marks (?).

    we know that we are loading the correct font as due to the header being rendered correctly. We are scratching our heads as to why only the body is failing from time to time.

    the problem arises intermittently as well however same observations as per above.

    Anybody knows any known issue relating to the above?

    in reply to: Support of java: protocol for other resources than images

    when do you expect to release this version ?


    in reply to: Support of java: protocol for other resources than images

    It is expected on Friday (if QA detects no issues).

    in reply to: Header is ok, body is failing showing question marks

    It sounds like different font families are applied to the header content and to the main body.

    If, for example, Arial or Times is applied to Chinese text (and regular versions of the fonts do not define CJK glyphs) PD4ML scans its fallback tables to find a “similar” font, which is able to display a given text. If no suitable font found, it gives up with an output of question marks.

    I guess it succeeds with a substitution font for header, but not for the main content. If you switch debug on, it should dump the font lookup attempts.

    in reply to: Header is ok, body is failing showing question marks

    Thanks for the reply

    For reference, we are loading “arialuni.ttf” to the pd4ml.

    We will turn the debug mode one and wait to for it to occur again.

    We use the same chinese characters for both header and body html and assuming that substitution is only failing for the body given that we load only the arialuni.ttf

    What would likely be the solution to resolve such an issue?

    in reply to: Header is ok, body is failing showing question marks


    We have enabled debug, though it only shows the lookup on first load.. succeedingly it doesnt show already (weblogic). I dont think it will be beneficial to enable debug as it will not show lookup once issue occurs.

    BTW Additional Information:

    pd4ml properties file contains:
    Times New Roman=arialuni.ttf

    Font File name: ARIALUNI.TTF

    Is my properties file sufficient to render chinese characters?
    We dont add the meta tag for the charset encoding of the HTML that will be converted, is it critical in using CJK Glyphs?

    in reply to: Header is ok, body is failing showing question marks

    Try to add


    SimSun presents in all fallback tables, so a TTF behind the font family name should be used as the last resort.

    in reply to: pd4ml:footnote with noref

    Hello pd4ml-team,

    would be nice if i would get any kind of reply!

    in reply to: Header is ok, body is failing showing question marks


    We were able to partially recreate the problem.
    We did stress test to generate 100 pdf

    By the 35th and 36th generation the error occured to the PDF and stabilized again.

    The 2 files (35th and 36th) had problem rendering chinese as its showing as question mark.

    We will try to apply the suggestion but feel free to advise if have an explanation on what happened. Thanks!

    in reply to: pd4ml:footnote with noref

    I’ve tested your code snippet with the most recent v3.10.0 and detected no issues. It renders correctly with and without “noref”.

    Could you please publish a HTML document and its resulting PDF to illustrate the issue?

    in reply to: Stack underflow since v3.9.8

    Please give a try to the just-released v3.10.0 – it addresses the type of issues.

    in reply to: pd4ml:footnote with noref

    Thanks for the reply.

    I updated the version and it still didn’t work. After some research I found out that if I add bodystyle like this, footnote is not displayed.

    String bodyStyleTemplate = "body{ margin-left : %smm;margin-right : %smm;padding : 0px;margin-top:0mm;margin-bottom:0mm;}";<br /> String bodyStyle = String.format(bodyStyleTemplate, left, right);<br /> pd4ml.addStyle(bodyStyle, true);

    I managed to workarount that and the footnote is now displayed. Thanks for brining me on the right path.

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