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  • #35985

    Hi! As I see the bugfixed version for some reason has not been uploaded to the site yet.
    Please check the download area tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!


    Hi! As I see the bugfixed version for some reason has not been uploaded to the site yet.
    Please check the download area tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

    I confirm it is working now. Please release the bug fix with the next version. Thank you very much

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    Greetings. Hope you are well! I am using v4.0.13fx6 and noticed that PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE is not working. When i open the pdf that is getting generated, i can only see it as set to 70.4% instead of “Fit to width”, this was all working fine when i was on v3.Can you please let me know if that fix is in this v4.0.13fx6?

    Below is the code i am using

    String PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE ="pd4ml.document.view.mode"; //oLog.infoForced("PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE"+PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE); org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML pd4ml = new org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML(); com.pd4ml.PD4ML pd4mlNew = new com.pd4ml.PD4ML(); java.awt.Insets margins = new java.awt.Insets(30,25,30,25); // Add letter border (top, left, bottom, right) pd4ml.setPageInsetsMM(margins); pd4ml.debug("true"); pd4ml.enableDebugInfo(); pd4ml.setPageSize(org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.A4); pd4ml.protectPhysicalUnitDimensions(); pd4ml.interpolateImages(true); java.util.Map m = new java.util.HashMap(); //m.put(org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.PD4ML_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS_SPACE, "document"); //m.put(org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE,"SinglePage"); pd4ml.setDynamicParams(m); //pd4mlNew.setDynamicData(m); pd4ml.pd4mlNew.setParam(PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE,"OneColumn"); baos = new; org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4PageMark footer = new org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4PageMark(); footer.setPageNumberTemplate("$[page] of $[total]"); footer.setPageNumberAlignment(org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4PageMark.RIGHT_ALIGN); footer.setColor(new java.awt.Color(0x303030)); footer.setInitialPageNumber(1); footer.setPagesToSkip(0); footer.setFontSize(11); footer.setAreaHeight(20); footer.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Times-Roman",0,11)); //footer.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Times-Roman",java.awt.Font.BOLD | java.awt.Font.ITALIC,11)); pd4ml.setPageFooter(footer); pd4ml.render(new, baos); baos.close(); return baos.toByteArray();


    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting


    I have a problems with fonts in comand line tool on ubuntu 20.

    here is the call

    java -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar pd4ml.jar 'pathtohtml' 800 A4 -ttf fonts/ -orientation PORTRAIT -insets 10,10,10,10,mm -out /tmp/temp.pdf -debug 99999

    in the aller font is defined


    debug results:

    CACHE FONT CACHE init: fonts/

    FONTS FONT CACHE lookup: aller:26.0 for ‘H277318’
    TRACE FONT CACHE Type1 font ‘arial’ can show ‘H277318’
    FONTS FONT CACHE found: arial 26.0

    The font in the generated pdf is Arial Not Aller

    What is the problem? How can I fix it?

    in reply to: Fonts not loaded

    Hi! Can you please share with us your and a minimalistic sample of PDF where you expect Aller font to appear?

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting


    we’re using PD4ML 4.0.15fx2 to convert HTML output to PDF. We are setting a simple footer for the pages.
    Under certain circumstances, when page break occurs on a table (a table of ingredients), the table row immediately preceding the page break is missing in the output. It’s not just hidden (such as “overlapped by the footer”), it’s not preset in the PDF.

    Is there some known “dead space” around page breaks or another explainable reason?

    My HTML is not minimized yet…but I will gladly post it when it helps.

    Thank you & best regards!


    Hi Viktor,

    could you please test if the issue is still reproducible with the most recent builds of v4.0.16?



    we tried using the 4.1.16 snapshot, unfortunately this effect stayed (plus, our FontAwesome 6 glyphs that worked in .15fx2 became question marks).

    A screenshot of the page break effect is attached – “Eiweiß” is present in HTML and missing in PDF.
    Do you have any ideas – would out HTML be useful for an examination?

    Thank you, best regards

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    Hmm… Looks not good. We’ve just converted the forum topic to a support ticket.
    You’ll receive a notification soon.

    Yes, the HTML sample would really help in the issue analyze.

    > plus, our FontAwesome 6 glyphs that worked in .15fx2 became question marks
    It can be a side-effect of recent WOFF/WOFF2 support updates. Do you use the web fonts in your doc?


    Thank you!
    Is the HTML best posted here or in the support ticket?

    About FA6/WOFF – yes, we do use WOFF/WOFF2 fonts, so such effect would be possible. Please let me know if we can supply you an example for this, too. Those effect were observed in two separate usage cases.

    Thank you, best regards

    in reply to: Licensing / Purchasing of PD4ML

    Good morning,
    We have an older version of PD4ML that we would like to update.
    One of the way that we use PD4ML is to use the transform tag in our jsps to convert to a pdf. Our current pdfs generated from jsp page are using 2.6 tld.

    I am evaluating the latest PD4ML v4. I applied for an evaluation license. The only option that I get in “View MY Licenses” page is the ability to download the license in pdf file. Currently I have not used the license on my project. The pdf format generated using the new v4 jar files is not quite correct.

    Here are my questions:
    1: How do I get for evaluation a .lic file instead of pdf file so that we can install it in /classes directory as indicated in PD4ML docs?
    2: Will applying a license file provide more features?
    3: What is the best way to update the jsps to display in correct format using the newer version of PD4ML?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Madhvi Arora

    in reply to: License file for evaluation purpose

    Maybe this will help someone since it was not obvious- clicking on the activation code downloads a .lic file. We do seem to have many formatting issues using this new version. Also adding the debug=”true” breaks the jsp to pdf conversion.

    Can you please let me know where the logs are written. Also why is debug=”true” breaking the page. Here is the transform tag:

    <%@ taglib uri=”; prefix=”pd4tl” %><%@page
    contentType=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″%><pd4tl:transform

    in reply to: License file for evaluation purpose


    > 1: How do I get for evaluation a .lic file instead of pdf file so that we can install it in /classes directory as indicated in PD4ML docs?

    There are various methods to provide the license code to the software. pd4ml.lic file is one of them. pd4ml.lic is a text file. You can create the file and copy-paste the license code to it.

    Or, as you learned, you can click over the code on “View My Licenses” page to download the file.

    > 2: Will applying a license file provide more features?

    No. A non-trial license code removes the evaluation banner from resulting PDF docs. An evaluation license makes the evaluation banner less contrast and annoying. But the software in evaluation mode is still fully functional.

    > 3: What is the best way to update the jsps to display in correct format using the newer version of PD4ML?

    Despite PD4ML v4 provides refactored JSP taglib, if you have JSPs created and tuned for v3, we recommend to stay with pd4ml_tl.jar from PD4ML v3.

    PD4ML v4 implements new HTML rendering engine and supports much more HTML and CSS features, so rendering differences are possible.

    Please email HTML/JSP/CSS and corresponding problematic PDF output to helpdesk @ to get an assistance

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting


    we have an issue with ≤ and ≥

    example code:

    <title>Neue HTML Datei</title>
    <style type=”text/css”>
    body {
    color: black; background-color: white;
    font-size: 100.01%;
    font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
    margin: 0; padding: 1em;

    div#Inhalt {
    margin-left: 1em;
    padding: 0 1em;
    border: 1px solid #dddddd;
    width: 170mm;
    div#Inhalt #title {
    font-size: 1.5em;
    margin: 0 0 1em;

    etrewr ౷

    <br />
    <p>@@@@@ ≤ ≥</p>


    Thanks a lot for an advice or ideas

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    Hi! To render non-Latin-1 glyphs, you need to use the PD4ML TTF embedding feature.


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