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  • in reply to: is with PD4ML Java Library multithreading possible?

    The topic should answer your question:


    in reply to: problems with

    I opened the document in MS IE and got more-less the same result. Could you please describe what is the expected layout?

    in reply to: setHTMLTemplate()

    I would recommend to define inline headers instead of API definitions. See


    If it is not acceptable for some reason, please email to PD4ML support and supply the request with the HTML code you use to define the HTML header.

    in reply to: problems with

    oh sorry,

    there was a little bug in the html, here the correct code:


    Test (Test)


    in reply to: problems with

    For the test, of course, I placed the style to the document inline. The rendering result is identical to MS IE.

    in reply to: problems with

    the error was in line 8 and 9 of html code.
    the div’s must have the css class ‘test’.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    We have a few slices over at EngineYard and it seems like PD4ML is failing quite miserably, 95% of the time. We have about a gig and a half worth of RAM, but from our local tests it looks like PD4ML uses ~70mb when we run it. So we don’t understand how we’re getting out of memory errors.

    Here’s the exact error:

    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    Could not reserve enough space for object heap
    Could not create the Java virtual machine.

    We also get another one pertaining to “out of memory”.

    The java version we have on our local machine (which PD4ML runs flawlessly) is “1.5.0_16” (32bit) and the one installed on our slices is “1.6.0_11” (64bit).

    Any idea’s why this would be happening?

    in reply to: Supported platforms

    Apparently its a permission problem. But we cant figure it out how to solve this.

    We try to execute the java -version to see the output from PHP, but we got nothing.
    In command line all the outputs are Ok.

    Do you know how to solve this? Do you have any client running under OS400??

    in reply to: Supported platforms

    I tested the permission with other file with the same permission, owner and group and the php executed successfully.

    I tested with zendid from Zend and PHP get the outputs.

    We honestly dont know how to execute on OS400.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    We are looking for feedback regarding the use of encryption technology within pd4ml because we have to provide answers to the following questions to the Federal Government. (We must include any Third Party Products which we use.)

    Thank you.

      1. Does your product perform “cryptography”, or otherwise contain any parts or components that are capable of performing any of the following “information security” functions?
      (Mark with an “X” all that apply)
      a. _ encryption
      b. _ decryption only (no encryption)
      c. _ key management / public key infrastructure (PKI)
      d. _ authentication (e.g., password protection, digital signatures)
      e. _ copy protection
      f. _ anti-virus protection
      g. _ other, e.g., home grown scrambling (please explain): _______________________________

    2. For items with encryption, decryption and/or key management functions (1.a, 1.b, 1.c above):

      a. What symmetric algorithms and key lengths (e.g., 56-bit DES, 112 /168-bit Triple-DES, 128 / 256-bit AES / Rijndael) are implemented or supported?
      b. What asymmetric algorithms and key lengths (e.g., 512-bit RSA /Diffie-Hellman, 1024 / 2048-bit RSA / Diffie-Hellman) are implemented or supported?
      c. What encryption protocols (e.g., SSL, SSH, IPSEC or PKCS standards) are implemented or supported?
      d. What type of data is encrypted?

    3. For products that contain an “encryption component”, can this encryption component be easily used by another product, or else accessed / re-transferred by the end-user for cryptographic use?

    in reply to: PD4ML getting out of memory errors

    As far as I remember the default max heap size of JVM is limited by 64mb (which matches “~70mb”, you got).

    In order to increase it you need to run your java runtime or appserver with a JVM command-line parameter like the following:

    (defines 512 mb of heap size, sufficient for most of PD4ML applications)

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    PD4ML is not able to convert swf content embedded in html to pdf.

    in reply to: Supported platforms

    Can you give us an attention?

    Try to contact Zend or all your customers using Zend Core on I5 will have the same problem 🙁

    in reply to: Supported platforms

    Sorry for the delay with the reply.

    Did you check the installed programs list and the PTF group level as the Zend forum recommends?

    Did it help to resolve the issue?

    in reply to: Federal Government Export Law Compliance

    1. Does your product perform “cryptography”, or otherwise contain any parts or components that are capable of performing any of the following “information security” functions?
    (Mark with an “X” all that apply)

    a. X encryption
    b. _ decryption only (no encryption)
    c. _ key management / public key infrastructure (PKI)
    d. X authentication (e.g., password protection, digital signatures)
    e. _ copy protection
    f. _ anti-virus protection
    g. _ other, e.g., home grown scrambling (please explain): _______________________________

    2. For items with encryption, decryption and/or key management functions (1.a, 1.b, 1.c above):

    a. What symmetric algorithms and key lengths (e.g., 56-bit DES, 112 /168-bit Triple-DES, 128 / 256-bit AES / Rijndael) are implemented or supported?

    ARC4 (ARCFOUR) 40-128bit

    b. What asymmetric algorithms and key lengths (e.g., 512-bit RSA /Diffie-Hellman, 1024 / 2048-bit RSA / Diffie-Hellman) are implemented or supported?

    c. What encryption protocols (e.g., SSL, SSH, IPSEC or PKCS standards) are implemented or supported?

    d. What type of data is encrypted?

    Text content, images, attachments, textual meta data

    3. For products that contain an “encryption component”, can this encryption component be easily used by another product, or else accessed / re-transferred by the end-user for cryptographic use?

    No way

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 4,243 total)