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  • in reply to: Hanging Threads!

    Please use the most recent PD4ML v3.10.9. There is no practical benefits to use that old version as v1.0

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I want to add pages after a page break – but these pages not to be included into total numers of pages.


    2 pages, then page break, total number of pages has to be 2.

    Is there a way to do this?

    I have no idea…

    Thanks for any ideas!!!



    in reply to: PageBreak, total numer of pages


    in other words:

    I want to do a page break but exclude the following page(s) from total number of pages ($total).


    in reply to: Unicode character not displayed, character missing in font

    @PD4ML wrote:

    I reviewed a number of TTFs with “Character Map” Windows utility, and it seems #9723 (U+25FB) glyph is quite rare in TTFs. I have only found it in DejaVu family of fonts.

    So try to modify the font-family directive like that:
    “font-family: Verdana,Geneva,’DejaVu Sans’,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”

    (Make sure DejaVu font is installed and indexed, and do not forget to substitute ‘=’ with ‘:’ in the property definition)

    Thanks, my bad for using a = instead of a :.

    I’am using the file for loading all the fonts in the windows/fonts directory, but now I want to load this extra font DejaVu Sans from a different directory. We install our program by scripts and installing a font in windows could be a hassle especially if it would require admin-right to modify the fonts in windows.
    So do you perhaps got some tips for configuring a extra font in our own folder, or an easy way to install the script in Windows.

    As a feature request it would be nice if pd4ml would fallback to a own font that contains all symbols instead off printing a questionmark. If i’m not mistaken it’s what the browser are already doing.


    in reply to: PDF rendering issue with display:inline


    If you check the supported list of CSS properties you will see display inline is not supported. I would be happy if someone proved me wrong!

    in reply to: PDF rendering issue with display:inline
    in reply to: PDF rendering issue with display:block

    End of January 2019 and display:inline-block is still not working. Please fix.

    in reply to: PDF rendering issue with display:block
    in reply to: Floating elements are reordered

    PD4ML v4 implements the float positioning logic as expected:

    in reply to: Unicode character not displayed, character missing in font

    @JeroenInception wrote:

    @PD4ML wrote:

    I reviewed a number of TTFs with “Character Map” Windows utility, and it seems #9723 (U+25FB) glyph is quite rare in TTFs. I have only found it in DejaVu family of fonts.

    So try to modify the font-family directive like that:
    “font-family: Verdana,Geneva,’DejaVu Sans’,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”

    (Make sure DejaVu font is installed and indexed, and do not forget to substitute ‘=’ with ‘:’ in the property definition)

    Thanks, my bad for using a = instead of a :.

    I’am using the file for loading all the fonts in the windows/fonts directory, but now I want to load this extra font DejaVu Sans from a different directory. We install our program by scripts and installing a font in windows could be a hassle especially if it would require admin-right to modify the fonts in windows.
    So do you perhaps got some tips for configuring a extra font in our own folder, or an easy way to install the script in Windows.

    As a feature request it would be nice if pd4ml would fallback to a own font that contains all symbols instead off printing a questionmark. If i’m not mistaken it’s what the browser are already doing.


    After testing installing the font in Windows isn’t an options for us.
    Is there another font/solution we can use that’s standard available on a Windows Server.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I have a question about vertical-alignment.

    Part of Html which I try to export is:
    <br /> <p><br /> text<br /> <img src="" style="page-break-inside: avoid;width: 1.355ex; height: 2.176ex; vertical-align: -0.338ex;" data-source="lambda"/><br /> text<br /> </p><br />

    Browsers render the image correctly – it is a “lambda” letter and it is vertically aligned with the text around. When I create a PDF from this code, vertical alignment does not work and “lambda” is rendered a bit higher.

    Is the a support for it in 3.9.0 version? Or is there any workaround?

    Thanks for your help,

    in reply to: vertical-alignment

    PD4ML v3.x does not support length values by vertical-align. It should be possible to workaround with position: relative; top: -0.338ex;

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Is pd4ml nth-last-child() support ?
    I tried and it not working, nth-child was fine

    in reply to: nth-last-child

    nth-last-child() is unfortunately not supported for the time being. An implementation of the feature would require an extra parsing pass or performance impacting look-ahead logic, even if the CSS property is not used – we are still not sure if it is worthwhile.

    in reply to: Unicode character not displayed, character missing in font

    @JeroenInception wrote:

    @JeroenInception wrote:

    @PD4ML wrote:

    I reviewed a number of TTFs with “Character Map” Windows utility, and it seems #9723 (U+25FB) glyph is quite rare in TTFs. I have only found it in DejaVu family of fonts.

    So try to modify the font-family directive like that:
    “font-family: Verdana,Geneva,’DejaVu Sans’,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”

    (Make sure DejaVu font is installed and indexed, and do not forget to substitute ‘=’ with ‘:’ in the property definition)

    Thanks, my bad for using a = instead of a :.

    I’am using the file for loading all the fonts in the windows/fonts directory, but now I want to load this extra font DejaVu Sans from a different directory. We install our program by scripts and installing a font in windows could be a hassle especially if it would require admin-right to modify the fonts in windows.
    So do you perhaps got some tips for configuring a extra font in our own folder, or an easy way to install the script in Windows.

    As a feature request it would be nice if pd4ml would fallback to a own font that contains all symbols instead off printing a questionmark. If i’m not mistaken it’s what the browser are already doing.


    After testing installing the font in Windows isn’t an options for us.
    Is there another font/solution we can use that’s standard available on a Windows Server.

    Excellent topic. Thank you.

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