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  • in reply to: Bullets not aligned RTL for arabic HTML to RTF

    I am using v3.10.9 of PD4ML, but I still do not see the bullet issue resolved for RTL.
    I tried using the solution you provided, but that also does not work.
    Even the text is not right aligned for Arabic content.
    Does PD4ML support Arabic RTL format when converting HTML to PDF.

    in reply to: pd4ml transform tag renders weird characters

    thanks for tips

    in reply to: Bullets not aligned RTL for arabic HTML to RTF

    Informative thread..!!!

    in reply to: Bullets not aligned RTL for arabic HTML to RTF

    RTF list bullets issue has been solved in the forthcoming v3.10.9fx3 and v4.0.3

    in reply to: Bullets not aligned RTL for arabic HTML to RTF

    Are these versions v3.10.9fx3 and v4.0.3 available for download and also do you have some sample code that does HTML to RTF conversion for RTL documents. The example code and the latest PD4ML version that resolves the bullet issue will be great help. We need to implement this feature urgently, therefore PD4ML team support will be a big help.


    in reply to: Bullets not aligned RTL for arabic HTML to RTF

    Both versions a planned to be published today.

    PD4ML v4 snapshot (with the feature implemented) is available for download from
    PD4ML v4 usage examples:

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    When we have underline tag at the page break ,then extra line is coming on top of the page. when font size in more that 14 px.

    Sample markup

    have 2 pages worth of content

    in reply to: Inline list elements (li) not supported?

    Thanks for information related to web development

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I am trying to render an SVG to PDF, however the textPath is not coming out as expected….it seems that textPath is not linking to the path element like it should and thus the text is not coming out at the correct angle


    any help much apprectiated

    in reply to: SVG textpath not rendering correctly

    PD4ML v3 includes our simple SVG renderer, which unfortunately does not support text paths.

    PD4ML v4 allows to replace our custom SVG renderer with Batik component. As Batik is very strict to SVG syntax, I had to modify the SVG code to

    [language=html:x4tl8dd5] IKKS [/language:x4tl8dd5]

    After that it successfully produced the attached PDF

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I’ve been reviewing the documentation for 508/UA compliance. I’m using PD4ML 4.0.3 and I see PD4ML.setAuthorName and PD4ML.setDocumentTitle. I don’t see support for Subject, Language and Keywords. PD4ML.addMetadata is documented not to support changing standard property names. So how to I change these standard property names?

    Clifton Sothoron

    in reply to: PDF 508 compliance

    PD4ML v3 inherits the data from HTML meta info, like

    In PD4ML v4 the feature is in TODO list, but can be added quite swifty by request.

    There is also a possibility to post-process generated PDF with the API calls:
    [language=Java:1dtt3lac]PdfDocument doc2 = new PdfDocument(new URL(“file:o:/work/pdf/doc2.pdf”), null);
    doc2.setAuthor(“Author 1”);
    doc2.setCreator(“Creator 1”);
    doc2.setTitle(“Title 1”);
    doc2.setSubject(“Subject 1”);
    doc2.setKeywords(“Keywords 1”);
    … and save the doc after the changes …[/language:1dtt3lac]

    in reply to: Getting underline on top of the page

    The issue should be fixed in the recent maintenance builds.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi there,

    We’re currently using PD4ML v4, and are having a little trouble getting Batik working as an external renderer in Java. On the GitHub page it states “PD4ML provides a way to plug Batik, JEuclid or another library and to associate it with a particular or custom tag (<svg>, <math>, <etc>)”.

    What are the steps required to “plug Batik” into PD4ML? We have the PD4ML v4 library and the Batik library on our classpath. As far as I can see, the only Batik related class in PD4ML is BatikSvgCustomTag, so I’m assuming that it has something to do with that, unless I’m missing something obvious.

    Kind regards

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by PD4ML.
    in reply to: Batik implementation

    Batik requires quite a lot of third-party components to run. Probably some of them are missing in your environment.

    In Maven-driven projects it is sufficient just to add



    I’ve also shown JEuclid MathML dependency above for a case you (or someone else) need to have them both. JEuclid also pulls a lot of additional components and some of them conflict with Batik dependencies. The above version combination is safe and works fine.

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