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  • in reply to: can PD4ML display table <caption> tags?

    I’ve just re-read my post and should confirm that we don’t see the contents of the

    tags displaying in the PDF, obviously we don’t want to see the tags themselves! 🙂
    in reply to: can PD4ML display table <caption> tags?

    Try looking at for a list of supported tags – caption tags are one of the tags that are not supported by pd4ml.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I have a unordered list with standard bullet in the html document:

    <ul><br /> <li><span>Dazu werden drei Blätter Salat </span></li><br /> <li><span>auf die obere und untere Seite gelegt.</span></li><br /> <li><span>Dazu werden drei Blätter Salat </span></li><br /> <li><span>auf die obere und untere Seite gelegt.</span></li><br /> </ul>

    In the pdf rendered the bullet in front of the list items is missing. I replaced them using a background image for the

  • s but this causes other rendering problems and is not the desired solution.
in reply to: Icon for <ul> is missing in pdf

Could you publish a PDF sample, you got from the HTML snippet.

I have attached a version got on our side. Seems to be correct.

in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

I used Pd4ml pro trial version and want to fit to the page width when I convert a html to rtf.

My code is as follow:

pd4ml.setPageInsetsMM(new Insets(topValue, leftValue, bottomValue, rightValue));
pd4ml.render(isr, fos, base);

If I set HtmlWidth to a small value,the right side will be cut down.If I set HtmlWidth to a big value ,the font of the content will be very small. It seems ‘pd4ml.adjustHtmlWidth()’ doesn’t work effective.If I delete the statement ‘pd4ml.adjustHtmlWidth()’,the result is the same.

I didn’t set width to 100% in the html souce.

How can I fit content to the page width?

in reply to: It seems adjustHtmlWidth doesn’t work

Please try your code with the just released v3.9.3

in reply to: General questions / FAQ

Hi All,

I have 2 questions…

1. Is it possible to set outlines at header or footer?

2. I have 2 urls(ex.,
And java program makes PDF file with first url and after that merges it with second url
If your answer is “NO” for my first question, how can I set outlines on my PDF file?
Each url has completely html structure, so I can not insert tag in tag…

Thanks in advance for the solution

in reply to: Question about creating outlines

> 1. Is it possible to set outlines at header or footer?


> 2. I have 2 urls(ex.,
> And java program makes PDF file with first
> url and after that merges it with second url

There are PD4ML API render() method, which takes an array of URLs as an input. Doesn’t it work for you?

Also the new PDF merge API (PD4Document class) can merge 2 PDFs (including outline structures)

> If your answer is “NO” for my
> first question, how can I set outlines on my PDF file?
> Each url has completely html structure, so I can not insert
> tag in tag…

PD4ML can generate outlines from

hierarchy, from named anchors and from a structure of tags (which also point to named anchors).

If you need an outlines, point to each page, probably a table of contents is also a solution. See tag.

in reply to: General questions / FAQ


We are trying to convert an .xhtml page with dynamically loaded values into pdf.

I am using Pd4ml api, and my application is developed in Websphere Portal Server 6.1 .

When i trying giving, the url as an input , pdf is generated with no content in it.

Url: http://IPaddress:10039/wps/myportal/Rationalportlets. For instance , if i replace this url with its working fine.

Greatly appreciate your help.

in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

We are using • in our html, which shows like a normal bullet when viewing the html in the browser. But when converted to pdf with pd4ml all bullets are shown as an question mark (?).

in reply to: &bull; shown as ?

• entity corresponds to a symbol, which does not belong to Latin-1 character set. That means you need to utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro.


in reply to: pdf generated empty

1. Make sure there is routing from WebSphere server to http://IPaddress and port 10039 is not blocked.

2. Enable debug info and inspect STDOUT/server’s log for error messages

3. Try to save Rationalportlets output as a local HTML document and try to convert it locally. Does it produce a non-blank PDF?

in reply to: General questions / FAQ

We are using PD4ML to convert an HTML to PDF and it is client facing. Recently we are facing an issue in some browser. The PDF is not being generated. The issue has been fixed when we clear the cache or added trusted sites or enable adobe reader.

The pattern of the issue is not same in all cases in all browser. As we are using this in client facing we can not ask each client to change their browser setting.

Any suggestions would be great.

in reply to: Colspan/Rowspan not rendering


I have a similar issue.

My company bought PD4ML v3.93. We still use v.3.85 before.

I changed the version in our application and compared the generated PDFs with v3.85 and v3.93.

The test results were very good expect of two tables. Some rows were positioned in a different way with v3.93 as it was with v3.85.

My HTML analyze showed that these tables with the wrong rendering use the Attribute rowspan extensively compared to the tables showing no rendering problem.

I have a made test cases for you to reproduce this error.

Unfortunately, the email form of the Support Forum does not allow to attach files to this message (or I do not see where I can do this).

Please tell me where I can put these artifacts for you to reproduce.

The following artifacts can be sent from my side:
1. A ZIP file containing the HTML and all referenced files
2. A PDF file rendered by v3.93
3. A PDF file rendered by v3.85

With kind regards,

in reply to: Not generating PDF from HTML in some browser

There is a big probability the issue is caused by cache control directives (or a missing of them) in HTTP header you sent with PDF documents.

PD4ML JSP taglib sends HTTP headers as below. Try the same on your side.

String disposition = (inline ? “inline” : “attachment”) + “; filename=” + fileName;
((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Content-disposition”, disposition);
((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Pragma”, “cache”);
((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Expires”, “0”);
((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Cache-control”, “private”);[/language:3koaqin3]

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