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  • in reply to: How to change the directory where the temp file is stored

    Java API offers an alternative method to create tmp file, which allows to specify tmp/ directory location:

    createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)

    A call of the method may look like that:

    File file = File.createTempFile(“attachment”, “.” + fileName, new File(“e:\another\temp”));

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I am evaluating the Java version of pd4ml. I downloaded the latest version from your website. I deployed the 3 jars, taglib, and jsp in a Resin Servlet container on Windows Vista – Java 1.6. When I access the jsp page a blank PDF is generated. The blank pdf obeys some of the directives in the JSP (page breaks, pdf file name), but never shows any content. I’m using a test page with a simple Hello World in a paragraph. My log only shows the following with debug=true:

    version: PD4ML 360fx1b1 Pro (eval)
    done in 5ms.

    Can you please help?

    Thank you,

    in reply to: "Pd4ml.render" take long time to process

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Just test after restart the Domino server and clicked “complile all” in Java Agent , still found that the PDF generated is in “PD4ML. HTML to PDF Converter for Java (324)”. Please kindly advise how can I clear the cache. Thanks.

    in reply to: "Pd4ml.render" take long time to process

    Probably some steps are redundant, but try to

    1. remove old JAR from agent resources using dominio designer
    2. close and reopen the database again in domino designer
    3. add the new JAR to the resources
    4. close the database in domino designer and open in lotus notes.

    in reply to: Evaluating pd4ml – getting blank page

    Please post your JSP and the resulting PDF to the topic or send to support pd4ml com.

    in reply to: Evaluating pd4ml – getting blank page

    Setting encoding=”default” solved the problem.

    in reply to: "Pd4ml.render" take long time to process

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We have changed our agent code using the latest jar (version 3.6) and XSL. Attached the PDFs generated using these new Jar. In the arcobat reader’s property, it shown that these PDF are generated by “PD4ML. HTML to PDF Converter for Java (360)”. So the problem of “cache” of old library is eliminated.

    We have tried to generate PDF using the XSL with both line 298 to 308 remarked and un-remarked. However, it is found that it still need around 10 minute to generate a PDF of email with a 12MB attachment. Please kindly help to see whether this render() function can be speed up.

    in reply to: "Pd4ml.render" take long time to process

    It is strange, both PDFs have no attachment.

    Try also the following configuration switches:
    – change private final static boolean dontPassAttachmentsToXalan = false; to true
    – change String xml = dxl.exportDxl(tmp); to String xml = dxl.exportDxl(doc);

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    How can i set logo in header via java.

    Thanks in Advance

    in reply to: Does Not Find New Fonts

    In order to use a font, registered in the .properties file as
    xxxx Fixed 2 Unicode=xxxx-fixed2U.ttf
    you need to explicitly specify the font face as it appears in file:

    Text (or the same via CSS)

    On practice it would be more convenient to rename the bulky font face names in, for example:
    <br /> xxxx=xxxx-fixedu.ttf<br /> xxxx Bold=xxxx-FixedU_B.ttf<br />

    For bold style
    It will look for font face with ” Bold” appended. (” Italic” for italic)

    1. TTF embedding is a feature of PD4ML Pro (not Std)
    2. TTF font file should define glyphs, used in the text

    in reply to: logo in header

    For example like that (HTML headers/footers is a feature of PD4ML Pro)

    PD4ML html = new PD4ML();

    PD4PageMark header = new PD4PageMark();
    header.setAreaHeight( 150 );
    header.setHtmlTemplate( “” +

    ” + “${page} of ${total}
    ” );
    html.setPageHeader( header );

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I got an issue regarding my web application, i’m using struts 1.x, JDK 1.3 and weblogic 6.x the process generating the PDF is running smoothly, but when i changed the environment to the weblogic 11g, the PDF is generated but it doesnt load to web browser, i need to click the button to generate the report twice or three times then the browser can load the PDF. its strange because in weblogic 6.x all the process are running smoothly.

    actually the PDF is generated in the background for the first time click, the problem is just why it doesn’t load simultaneously from the first click ? is there any compatibility issue with weblogic 11g or something else ? any explanation of this case will be appreciate 🙂 thanks in advance.

    in reply to: The file is damaged and could not be repaired

    It would help a lot if you try to collect PD4ML debug info for the cases when it generates PDF successfully and when it fails. You may switch debug info on with debug=”true” attribute of (if you use PD4ML taglib) or with pd4ml.enableDebugInfo() API call. It writes the debug to STDOUT/server’s log.

    Also please send us (support a sample of PDF it generates.

    in reply to: Does Not Find New Fonts

    Thank you for your reply.

    I did end up getting this to work only by using the ‘setDefaultTTF()’ method.

    (Incidentally, it is really non-intuitive the way the other alternative–embedding them in a JAR–expects that it look for a directory within the jar. I would have expected that notation to be the name of the jar. In any case, I did not use that method because of that ambiguity.)

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I have a problem. The generated PDFs have header and footers that fill 100% of the page width while the body only fills 100%.

    I have tried using the setHtmlWidth( 800 ) then also right after that the adjustHtmlWidth() but to no effect. I assume that the two should be used together.

    I removed my file entirely and verified that it’s gone but it has no effect.

    Any idea what could cause this problem?

    Thank you!

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