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  • in reply to: Css style inheritance

    Hi Kalle,
    it depends on what you call “inheritance”. I believe we’re looking at a double-class selector issue here.

    That kind of selectors is generally not robust, as MSIE – for example – doesn’t evaluate them correctly either.
    In MSIE, a selector like .class1.class2 {} will be evaluated as .class2{} – all elements with the class class2 will be influenced.
    Likewise, in PD4ML it seems to be the first class that gets honored.

    So, in my opinion, the question of your post is: does PD4ML support double-class selectors?

    And a robustness hint is: try to avoid them as they’re problematic with browsers as well (at least to my experience).


    in reply to: Css style inheritance

    To be honest I even did not know, that there is such type of selectors.

    We need to check if ss_css2.jar (CSS library PD4ML relies on) correctly parses double selectors. If yes, the feature implementation does not seem to be a complex task.

    in reply to: Positioning – bottom ignored

    I add my “want” vote as well. Please! πŸ™‚
    In my case it’s “right:” that we’re sorely missing.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Pd4ml api is right now defaulting the generated pdf to Times New Roman fonttype.

    I just want Verdana and Georgia fontype (.ttf) to be used while generating the pdf. The PD4ML demo jar code I am using is as below:

    PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Verdana”, “Georgia”);
    pd4ml.enableDebugInfo(); file present in System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/lib/fonts directory has following contents:


    Please let me know if I am missing anything obvious since I have the required .ttf files in the above directory. Any help would be appreciated.

    in reply to: images won’t render

    ahh I see-

    In case anyone else has the problem, I have gotten around it by putting the full unc path to the server which servers up the images. Example:

    that has sorted out the issue and the images are rendered.


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    This css line doesn’t seem to work during conversion:
    background: url(imgs/dotleaders.gif) bottom left repeat-x;

    Also Special charater like βƒž doesn’t apper on PDF doc instead we get this “”.
    Any solutions to this. Will this be fixed in the next release?


    in reply to: repeat-x attribute and check-box not working

    In place of check-box symbol we get Γ’Ζ’ΕΎ in the PDF doc.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I wonder if you can help me – I have been trying to get your ttf embedding feature to work all afternoon and am having no luck. We are looking into to PD4ML for a chemical website so greek symbols are essential.

    the jsp page:

    <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/pd4ml.tld" prefix="pd4ml" %>

    PD4ML embedded fonts test

    Hello, World!


    I have put the fonts in a directory and generated the properties file:

    #this is an autogenerated file. please remove manually any references to copyrighted fonts
    #Mon Jan 30 16:47:43 GMT 2012
    Arial Bold=arialbd.ttf
    Arial Bold Italic=arialbi.ttf
    Arial Italic=ariali.ttf
    Courier New=cour.ttf
    Courier New Bold=courbd.ttf
    Courier New Bold Italic=courbi.ttf
    Courier New Italic=couri.ttf
    Times New Roman=times.ttf
    Times New Roman Bold=timesbd.ttf
    Times New Roman Bold Italic=timesbi.ttf
    Times New Roman Italic=timesi.ttf

    and referred to this. ( I am using windows so have not put this properties file directly into the windows/fonts directory as it will not accept this!) I have also put them in a jar , registered the library as shown above. I have tried rendering from the page. It seems to get assci chars, in the font, i.e. abcde…., ok but not any symbols.

    Hello, World!
    ??????, ???!

    What I need to do is get it to render from a java class

    html.useTTF( “java:fonts2”, true );

    response.setContentType(“application/pdf; charset=utf-8”);
    response.setHeader(“Content-disposition”, “inline; filename=test4.pdf”);
    if (!request.isSecure()) {
    response.setHeader(“Pragma”, “no-cache”);
    response.setHeader(“Expires”, “-10000”);

    html.render(url, baos);

    This still does not render any Greek symbols only ‘?’! Any help would be appreciated!

    in reply to: cannot render greeks using TTF Embedding feature

    I have downloaded the pro demo version to do the proof of concept for this but when I do the debug I just get this:

    version: PD4ML 380 (eval)
    done in 297ms.

    It does not look like it is even trying to load the fonts. Is this not the correct PDML jar? If not where can I download the correct one and what is it’s name?


    in reply to: cannot render greeks using TTF Embedding feature

    TTF Embedding is a feature of PD4ML Pro.

    You obviously tried PD4ML Std.

    in reply to: cannot render greeks using TTF Embedding feature

    Yes I think you may not have the correct jar in your current pro evaluaion download.

    I dropped down to evaluate it not the standard one, and used pd4ml_demo.jar and pd4ml_tl_demo.jar are the only jars in that package and I have installed both.

    Can you tell me the name and where I can download and evalution on the pro version so I can test that it will handle the fonts for us?


    in reply to: cannot render greeks using TTF Embedding feature

    ah – a new one went up today

    and that seem to be working!


    in reply to: Css style inheritance

    That was a good clarification Viktor. Double selectors are used in our base html and in the first place it was pushed directly to pd4ml and the result wasn’t as expected. By modifying the source html we get the output correct but it would be nice to get support for this πŸ™‚


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I have one html file and i am using PD4CMD to convert to PDF but it is generating blank PDF file. There is no exception in debug output. Can you pleasse help on this.
    I have attached that input html file.

    in reply to: Absolute positioning within a padded parent

    Ping. Any idea on this, anyone? πŸ™‚

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