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  • in reply to: error

    Uh sorry, I tried for an hour to create issue, nothing happened. Page just refresh on submit.

    in reply to: error

    I use new PD4ML version: 4.0.9

    Can’t merge one of my scanned PDF using PdfDocument method
    When I try to open pdf File using:
    PdfDocument tmp_document = new PdfDocument(new FileInputStream(new File(bad_path)), null);

    in reply to: error

    error screen attached

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    in reply to: error
    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    Please fix submiting new issue and adding new comments


    Can’t add comment to post 34069

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    ColdFusion allow merging restricted pdf documents without password.
    Can it be implemented in PD4ML?
    Now, when I do document1.append(document2); it throws error: Native Exception, Invalid Password

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    in reply to: Allow document merge without password

    in iText it can be done, by: .setUnethicalReading(true);

    in reply to: Allow document merge without password

    sample2.pdf is password restricted. Password: 1234

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting


    HTML file contains relative reference to a fragment within the same file:
    <h2>reference to a file<a class="link" href="test_references.xhtml#figure_ID">Figure</a></h2>
    When PDF is generated, such link references to an absolute path where original xhtml file is located, which is inaccessible for end users from PDF. And anyway, behavior expected by user would be to scroll to the fragment within PDF.
    I assume that library resolves this url the same way like any other link to image or css, generating absolute path based on url of original HTML. But this is still the same file, so we would expect it to resolve to a fragment within a PDF, not to file.
    Could you please clarify whether this is expected behavior? And if the answer is yes, are there possible options how to solve issue using PD4ML tuning?

    P.S. It works properly when href attribute points to the fragment ID only:
    <h2>reference to a fragment in file<a class="link" href="#figure_ID">Figure</a></h2>

    Please see sample HTML, resulting PDF and java code attached.

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    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting


    We recently updated pd4ml to the latest v3 version. Unfortunately there seems to be a weird rendering issue in the latest version.
    See enclosed files. When viewing the entire page the bold text is almost unreadable in 3.11.4. In version 3.10.9 the rendering of bold text is much better.


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    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    I am finally getting around to evaluating v4 (4.0.9) and I’m running into an image problem.

    I am sending a BASE64 encoded PNG from a browser to a Java web application in order to be included in a PDF report generated by the tag library. This worked in v3, and the resulting image was nicely embedded in the PDF.

    With v4, the image has a black background.

    I’ve verified that this is not an issue with BASE64 decoding, since decoding the image, saving the file, and including this PNG in a v4-generated PDF results in the same black background.

    I’ve verified that this is not an issue with the image. I can reference the image in a plain HTML page with a light blue background, and it looks as expected.

    I have included some files:

    1. pie.png – decoded BASE64 image
    2. pd4mlv4-base64-img.png – screen shot of pdf generated by PD4ML v4.0.9, BASE64 image, and the tag library
    3. pd4mlv4-png-img.png – screen shot of pdf generated by PD4ML v4.0.9, PNG image, and the tag library
    4. pd4mlv3-base64-img.png – screen shot of pdf generated by PD4ML v3, BASE64 image, and the tag library

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    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    I use the Footnote example code given together with a different HTML input (LoremFootnotes.htm, containing enough text to fill about a page and a half) and the resulting PDF only contains one page, and the footnotes on the bottom of the page overlap the main text (see LoremWithFootnotes.pdf).
    When the same text without footnotes (Lorem.htm) is used to generate a PDF everything is fine (see LoremWithoutFootnotes.pdf).

    Do I need to add some CSS to make the text and footnotes both visible at the same time or is this behaviour a bug?
    I’m currently using version 4.0.9 fx1, but the footnotes worked wihtout a hitch in version 3.10.

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    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    We are having issues using minified stylesheets with Pd4ml. See enclosed files. Both are completely identical, except for the linebreaks added after all ‘;’ characters in stylesheet_ok.css.

    If we use stylesheet_error.css, pd4ml does not seem to use correct font and font-sizes as defined in the stylesheet. Using stylesheet_ok .css the result is as is expected.

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