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  • in reply to: Byte stream output and header/footer content height

    I can find a similar reference of producing PDF with byte[] data.
    And look forward to see the reply of the header & footer height concern.

    in reply to: Byte stream output and header/footer content height

    There are 3 ways to define headers and footers in PD4ML:

    The first 2 options preallocate space on each page.
    The third option allocates header or footer space dynamically. It also allows to change or disable/enable header and footer from page to page.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I’ve found that definition list is wrong transformed to RTF (list term not
    rendered). For example for following part of HTML :
    <dl><br /> <dt>term</dt><br /> <dd>description</dd><br /> </dl>

    only description appears in RTF document – term is missing.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    In our application we use PD4ML to generate PDF previews. In one such case, we also have images inside the document. The image is rendered correctly on HTML preview but does not renders correctly on PDF preview.

    Please see attach generated html code and PDF preview. Look at the image under GAP column


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    My html containing css to rotate the text direction, and using the style:
    -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg)

    May i know whether pd4ml support it? or any workaround to have same effect?

    in reply to: CSS Text Rotation

    With some restrictions a similar can be achieved with writing-mode: tb-rl CSS style.

    For example:



    in reply to: CSS Text Rotation

    Many Thanks! It is work.

    in reply to: PDF output does not render images correctly

    Hi Any updates on this issue?

    in reply to: PDF output does not render images correctly

    As I see in the HTML source there is a lot of JavaScript code to manipulate images. Please take into account: PD4ML does not support JavaScript.

    Try to switch debug on (pd4ml.enableDebugInfo()) and inspect STDOUT/server’s log.

    Does it try to load the images at all?
    Are the requested URLs correct?

    in reply to: png images errors while parsing

    i cant parse PNG images , please tell me how to solve that


    in reply to: png images errors while parsing


    please find the PNG that causes the parsing problem attached to the message . also find html that includes the image below

    Untitled Page




    ????? ??? ??????

    ????? ????

    ????? ???? ??? ??????

    ????? ??? ??????

    ????? ????

    ????? ???? ??? ??????


    ???? ???????? ??????? ???????
    ????? ????????
    ??????? ?????? ????? ??????
    ????????? ????????? ??????????? ????????????
    ???????? ????????? ??????
    United Arab Emirates
    Ministry of Interior
    Abu Dhabi Police G.H.Q
    Human Resources General Directorate
    G. Director Office

    ???????? : 11/2/33
    ????????? : 15/10/2007 ?
    ????????? : 03/???? /1428 ??

           ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????
    ???????  :   ???? ????????
    ?? ???? ??

    ????????? ???? ??????????????
    ???? ??? :

  • asdfasdf
  • 500254 – 10/10/2007

  • thanks

    in reply to: PDF output does not render images correctly

    HI Team,

    I have enabled pd4ml.enableDebugInfo(). And verified the STDOUT/server’s log.

    In server log, I have seen the urls for other images and gap rater.

    I have Observed other images are rendering properly. But not Gag rater image.

    I have tried to access gap rater image URL through browser(In HTML). Its displaying properly. (Attaching the screen shot for this)

    Please find the attached server log.
    Could you please suggest me on this?


    in reply to: png images errors while parsing

    Unfortunately there is no PNG attached.

    Could you please try to attach once more?


    in reply to: png images errors while parsing

    ok now you can find it attached to the message and by the way its a signature

    thank you very much

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Please see file attached to understand

    I used page.brek=”rotate” to make page landscape but the header and the footer is not stretched

    here is the the layout settings:

    and i use page break like this:

    i have tried here with htmlwidth attribute but no success.

    Is there any way to fix this?

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