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  • in reply to: Passing authentication headers

    Well, basic authentication is supported by PD4ML, so you may always use
    [language=java:3s5g2c6o]Map m = new HashMap();
    m.put(PD4Constants.PD4ML_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION, “login:password”);
    and it is quite safe to use, as the base64-encoded password does not leave the server side in the scenario.

    But the trick with iv-user HTTP header is still not clear to me. As I can imagine, MS Internet Explorer never sets such proprietary HTTP header. How does it request for images after HTML is loaded?

    in reply to: Passing authentication headers

    OK, in our development environment I can detect the presence of the Authorization header, base64 decode the username and password and then use PD4MLs support for basic authentication. It would be easier to just forward the Authorization header though. I need to use the identity of the user who made the original request as the images and charts are personalised. However, that doesn’t help me in our production environment.

    You are correct that the browser does not set the iv-user header, as I said, it is the Tivoli Access Manager proxy server that does this. It’s quite standard practice for a security proxy to use such a header to pass information about authenticated users to an application server.

    The browser maintains the session with the security proxy using a cookie.

    I want PD4ML to send its requests for images directly from the application server to the application server, and not via the security proxy. There are several reasons for this, but mainly that there is no network path that allows a request from the application server out to the security proxy and back to the application server. Further, even if there was a such a network route sending the session cookie used between browser and security proxy would not work. It would not be a very good security solution if you could replay the cookie and get an authenticated session from a different client on a different host!

    So, for this to work, I need to be able to forward headers recieved in the original HTTP request when requesting images etc. to be included in the PDF. If that’s not possible, then I’ll need to look at a different architecture.

    Out of interest, what HTTP request context does PD4ML.useHttpRequest() transfer if it doesn’t include the HTTP headers ? Basically, what does it allow me to do that isn’t already covered by other methods such as PD4ML.useServletContext() and PD4ML.setCookie() ?


    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Am trying to generate a pdf from jsp file , but the generated pdf is a blnak one,
    can any one help me in this issue

    in reply to: Problem with header, footer when use "generateMulticolumn"

    is there any progress in solution of this problem ?
    Thank you very much

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Hello experts.
    I’m newbie to PD4ML.
    I’ve tried to use PD4ML in a J2EE project where we’re using jspx pages.
    I tried this code , but it generate a malformed pdf.
    Has anyone used PD4ML with jspx? ..
    Any ideas?.

    response.setHeader (“Content-Disposition”,”inline;filename=”especial.pdf””);

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    Does anyone know how to output a RTF with the new 3.7 version via the wrapper script? I tried adding -outputFormat RTF to the command line, but received an error stating it was not a valid parameter.


    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    The application works perfectly in local environment but when I deployed it in the online test site, the PDF generated is only a blank page with the evaluation note in the footer.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Hi Experts,

    We are facing some difficulties in using the pd4ml java libraries with large html input. For your reference I have attached a html page and a jsp I have used for the conversion. The pd4ml version we are using is “pd4ml.volume.370”.

    When we convert small html pages it works very well but for large html pages it takes very long time for the conversion. In some of the cases server goes out of memory. For the attached html page conversion happens in the fraction of seconds. But if we have about 60,000 lines in the same format as an attached html then we don’t get result back.

    Other than this we find pd4ml very handy to use. Also the new feature “RTF format” you have added in the latest release will be quite useful for us.

    Your advice on the large html conversion will be highly appreciated.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Nilesh Manjare
    eQ Technologic.

    in reply to: Is the evaluation copy for intranet only?

    Of course PD4ML is able to work in local environment as well as in the Internet.

    Obviously there are some network-specific issues on your side. I would recommend to try to dump HTML content before it is passed to PD4ML (to make sure the source HTML is not blank).

    Also pd4ml.enableDebugOutput() forces PD4ML to dump external resources URLs it tries to load.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hello everybody.

    I found the pd4ml Converter for Lotus notes recently and tried it using the provided sample Notes Application.

    When i integrated it into my Notes Mail Application running on a Client that has English as its first language most of the things were fine with the exception of Attachment handling (might be an issue of the provided Xml) and german Umlauts which where not transformed the right way.

    To test further i changed my Clients language and i got strange Signs at the end of each line:
    Betreff: Noch ein Test für PDf erzeugung ev8iAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABTdWJqZWN0AA== 0ggBAAAAAAA= 0ggJAP///wA=

    And also at the End of the Body Field ….
    Und weil es so schön ist schreiben wir hier auch noch was hin ev8iAAQAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABCb2R5Qm9keQ==

    Is this a Language Problem or do i need to change something?

    Thank you for your reply.


    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Is RTF output currently supported from the Tag Library?

    I tried to use the outputFormat parameter but it is only rendering PFD output. I set the outputFormat parameter to “rtf” and “rtfwmf” without success (the file name was changed to *.rtf).

    I am using version 3.7 of the trial.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I am using java 1.6. pd4ml 3.70, application running on resin 3.19.

    when using the pd4ml taglib i am getting IllegalStateException. and the message:
    IllegalStateException: http://localhost:8090/.test.html: tried to write 5429 bytes with content-length 5407 (At 's', char=115).
    Sometimes the pdf is generatated ok, and other times, i gives me an error.

    So i would guess that the pdf is missing some bytes, to complete viewing? Any ideas on how to avoid this error?

    in reply to: IllegalStateException

    My first suspect is that the PDF bytes are sent to the browser not in bin, but in text mode. The content has grown because of newline conversion from “n” to “nr”. But I cannot be sure about that before I took a look to your code.

    Could you please publish a JSP sample here or send it to support pd4ml com?

    in reply to: RTF Support in Tag Library

    Hmm… The only explanation is that you use PD4ML Std. RTF output is a feature of PD4ML Pro.

    in reply to: Integrating the PD4ML Converter into Notes

    Most probably the red content is base64-encoded versions of the mail fields.

    We constantly improve our DXL->HTML XSL stylesheet and some issues like yours are already resolved. Could you please send a DXL sample to support pd4ml com – we’ll check if it is convertible with the current state of XSL stylesheet and PD4ML library.

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