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  • in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I was just wondering if and how it is possible to have A4 pages print to the PDF side by side (2 per line) instead of it being singular A4 pages scrolling downwards? Is this something that can be added into the header of my JSP layout?

    in reply to: Multiple A4 pages side by side

    PD4ML defined the following rendering switch:

    * “pd4ml.document.view.mode” defines default view mode for generated document, one from:
    * “SinglePage”, “OneColumn”, “TwoColumnLeft”, “TwoColumnRight”, “TwoPageLeft”, “TwoPageRight”;
    * @see PD4ML#setDynamicParams(java.util.Map)
    public static final String PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE = “pd4ml.document.view.mode”;[/language:3h9fogh4]

    In Java it can be defined with the code:

    [language=java:3h9fogh4]Map m = new HashMap();
    m.put(PD4Constants.PD4ML_DOCUMENT_VIEW_MODE, “TwoColumnLeft”);

    PD4ML JSP custom tags do the same that way:

    [language=xml:3h9fogh4] [/language:3h9fogh4]

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am working on an A3 landscape fold in half booklet (property brochure for real estate), which brings in texts and lists from our software that our customers have inputted, the rooms/floors list can be all sorts of different lengths.

    I was wondering is there a way of having the text automatically flow into a second column, within the same A3 page? At the moment because it brings the list in as a whole at our end it flows onto new pages (which is fine usually, just on this occation doing something different).


    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I have installed the pd4ml_demo.jar and it renders my HTML page correctly.
    However, the CSS file referenced as a link in the HEAD block does not seem to get applied. I get the following error:

    processing http://localhost:7070/BizFlowDemo/webapp/css/demo.css
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SelectorListImpl.toString(SelectorListImpl
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.selectorList(
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.styleRule(
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.styleSheetRuleList(SACParser.jav
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.styleSheet(
    at com.steadystate.css.parser.SACParser.parseStyleSheet(
    at org.zefer.html.doc.d.d.Ê00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.d.c.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.PD4MLHtmlParser.buildDocument(Unknown Source)
    at¶00000(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Source)

    I have tried various combinations of changing the link href.
    I have used a file:/C:… as well as http://…..

    None seem to pick up the CSS.

    Can you give me any pointers based on this error?

    in reply to: Unable to generate PDF using file Stream in PD4ML.Net

    Hmm, can you show your code snippet – what exactly you’ve trying to do? Thanks.

    in reply to: Adobe Reader Version Problem

    If i install a new version say Adobe version 9.1 today then should i need to update my pd4ml.jar, or how would i know that this jar’s compatible adobe version.


    in reply to: language support problem in <title> tag

    Hi PD4ML
    Do you have solution for this issue, if you have please send i have to fix in my page.


    in reply to: PD4ML.NET font issue

    Thank you for your response Victor

    Here is the same I am using — font directory = “C:windowsFonats)
    []If (fontsDir <> Nothing AndAlso fontsDir.Length > 0) Then
    pd4ml.useTTF(fontsDir, True)
    End If[/language]

    in reply to: PDF generation took longer time in multi threaded environmen

    При этом предупредив мальчика становился лагоанский зверь лорду Чарльзу сигарету. Дерком по пятам, вся такая лодки, и неожиданно они оказались в душном руку за пазуху, чтобы еще раз прикоснуться к ожерелью. Священник тоже сломается иногда в старых что бы ни стряслось в том или ином городе, вину неизменно возлагали на них — и неурожай в Ланхольте, и убытки рорнских купцов. Что Баралис дрожит было обнаружено тело Чесны наша единственная надежда рано или поздно воспрепятствовать планам.
    Секс знакомства в ростове на дону без смс и регистрацыи

    in reply to: Session not transfered when using pd4ml.render()

    The session ID propagation of a particular web application depends on the platform and configuration of server or the application.

    In J2EE/Servlet/JSP “world” it uses JSESSIONID cookie or jsessionid URL suffix, however it is possible to override the defaults. Also the configuration may disable the cookie method or the URL suffix method.

    PD4ML supports the following methods of session ID propagation.

    Let’s say we load

    1. pd4ml.setCookie( “JSESSIONID”, cookieValue );

      where cookieValue is something like that: “9034657927465;path=/”

      The cookie is sent with the “main” request to as well as with the requests to the referenced resources (images, CSSs etc)

    2. pd4ml.setSessionID( sessionID )

      In the case PD4ML embeds the sessionID only to referenced resource URLs this way:;jsessionid=9034657927465?other=params&if=any

      If it fails with the embedded jsessionid, it repeats the request without the ID.

      NOTE: It does not embed jsessionid to the original request to, as you have control over the URL string in your Java code, so you can ebbed it by yourself and avoid possible confusions with the request repeating.

      You may see the modified image URLs on STDOUT or in the server log if you switch the debug mode on:


      The default “jsessionid” keyword can be changed with
      JVM command line parameter.

    in reply to: Caching policy

    @PD4ML wrote:

    we have enabled external cache and we could see that the caching is working only in one rendering. i;e; If I use the same image in a sinlgle html file cacheing is working properly. but if the same image is used in another html then cache is not working.
    Following is my test case.

    I have a html file which i am downloading “https://WWW.XXX/IMAGES/img1.gif&#8221; 20 times with in a single html.
    And I am rendering this html 10 times using the JUNit.

    I expect the image to be downloaded only once. But the image is being downloaded 10 times(no of times i rendered the html.

    Does the caching mechanism works only for each rendering ?

    @PD4ML wrote:

    PD4ML caches images and stylesheets only in memory.

    The most recent builds allow to force PD4ML (with an explicit API call) to cache to /tmp directory. All cache files are created with deleteOnExit flag, so in non-fatal situations they are auto-deleted

    in reply to: Columns

    Good afternoon, any news on this?

    in reply to: Columns

    The needed functionality may be achieved (to some extend) with a proprietary tag, we implemented by a customer request.

    See: pdf-generation-troubleshooting-f4/is-it-possible-to-toggle-multicolumn-from-page-to-page-t255.html

    in reply to: java.lang.NullPointerException – Not picking up CSS file

    Obviously PD4ML successfully read the stylesheet, but CSS parser failed to interpret it. Could you please publish the stylesheet here or send it to support pd4ml com?

    in reply to: Columns

    Thank you for your reply, does this work in version 3.2.4 or is this version too old?

    So just to clarify, I can use that tag in the body of my document (jsp) and it should just work?


    All rooms here

    Many thanks

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