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  • in reply to: nth-child(odd) and background: not rendering properly

    Here is a simplified example:

    <style><br /> .tableProgramOverview {width:100%;}<br /> .tableProgramOverview tr td {vertical-align:top;padding:10px 3px;border:1px solid #ddd}<br /> .tableProgramOverview tr td:nth-child(even) {width:60%}<br /> .tableProgramOverview tr td:nth-child(odd) {padding-left:25px;width:40%;font-weight:bold}<br /> </style><br /> <table class="tableProgramOverview"><br /> <tr><br /> <td><br /> column 1<br /> </td><br /> <td><br /> column 2<br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table>

    The (odd) selector is actually being applied to the 2nd td.

    When using nth-child(1) and nth-child(2), things render correctly:

    <style><br /> .tableProgramOverview {width:100%;}<br /> .tableProgramOverview tr td {vertical-align:top;padding:10px 3px;border:1px solid #ddd}<br /> .tableProgramOverview tr td:nth-child(2) {width:60%}<br /> .tableProgramOverview tr td:nth-child(1) {padding-left:25px;width:40%;font-weight:bold}<br /> </style><br /> <table class="tableProgramOverview"><br /> <tr><br /> <td><br /> column 1<br /> </td><br /> <td><br /> column 2<br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table>

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    When generating image from html following error message is shown when java 10 is used. Works ok with java 8. PD4ML image output works only with JRE 1.4 or newer

    Is there possibility to ignore java version checking so that java 10 is also recognized properly?

    in reply to: Vertical text writing-mode:tb-rl not working 3.9

    @Guest wrote:

    Is there any alternative for transform: rotate(-270deg) as writing-mode :tb-rl does not work for 270 deg.

    Looking for this as well

    in reply to: Vertical text writing-mode:tb-rl not working 3.9

    @Guest wrote:

    Is there any alternative for transform: rotate(-270deg) as writing-mode :tb-rl does not work for 270 deg.

    Looking for this as well

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi Team,

    We are having an issue with PD4ML not rendering Japanese katakana characters with Diacritic Marks. See below example:

    The string ジ is rendered incorrectly as シã‚™

    The string グ is rendered incorrectly as クã‚™

    Can you please let me know if these Diacritic characters are supported by PD4ML library? Is there a workaround to fix this so that the correct characters are displayed in the PDF?

    Waiting for your response. Thanks.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    does anyone know if there is a general incompatibility with inline unordered list elements in PD4ML? I didn’t expect this to be an issue, but our current tests show that there seems to be no way to have LIs formatted inline.

    The following code, for example, formats the items below each other instead of inline. No tampering with margin/paddings helps (a rather blind approach, admitted):
    <br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <title>Inline LI test</title><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <ul><br /> <li style="display:inline">Entry 01</li><br /> <li style="display:inline">Entry 02</li><br /> <li style="display:inline">Entry 03</li><br /> </ul><br /> </body><br /> </html><br />

    => Is there any workaround for this, is it a known problem maybe? MY forum search didn’t yield any relevant results, si here i try 🙂

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Inline list elements (li) not supported?

    I think unordered lists by default are vertical. To achieve an inline list (e.g. horizontal), you would need to make use of display inline which as far as I can see from the supported CSS properties is not supported. In fact, many display properties are not supported which is blocking me.

    in reply to: Bigger bullet points for unordered list items

    You can either use images for your bullet points as per the example below:

    myList li {<br /> background: url("bullet.gif") no-repeat left 5px;<br /> padding-left: 1em;<br /> }

    Or apply font-size to the list-item:

    ul.myList li {<br /> list-style-type: disc;<br /> font-size:8px;<br /> }

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    The TOC example here
    has two ending tags. I assume this is a simple human error?

    in reply to: Inline list elements (li) not supported?

    >I think unordered lists by default are vertical.
    Yes they are – and that’s why I explicitly asked about inline styled ones. They are, I believe, quite a common thing.

    @zefer – is there any chance that inline LIs are supported – or that their support can be fixed?

    Thank you & best regards!

    in reply to: Inline list elements (li) not supported?

    The feature is not supported due to legacy architecture restrictions of v1.x-v3.x

    Pre-release PD4ML v4 already supports the horizontal list representation, but as I see the spacing between list items is not quite correct.

    You can give it a try:

    in reply to: Inline list elements (li) not supported?

    Thank you for your response and the explanation!

    We’ll keep our eyes on the v4 progress and see what it does on the document in question 🙂

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Is css property vertical-align supported?
    If so then how to enable this? If not then how to workaround this?

    Having a PDF generated from the following code:

    <br /> <!DOCTYPE html><br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <meta charset="utf-8"/><br /> <style type="text/css"><br /> .title {<br /> text-align: center;<br /> }<br /> <br /> .container {<br /> width: 100%;<br /> }<br /> <br /> .inline-block {<br /> display: inline-block;<br /> width: 49%;<br /> vertical-align: top;<br /> }<br /> </style><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <h1 class="title">ISSUE BOXED IMG AND PICS</h1><br /> <div class="container"><br /> <div class="inline-block"><br /> Some short text<br /> </div><br /> <div class="inline-block"><br /> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras orci quam, luctus ut rutrum et, tempor nec sem. Nunc finibus pulvinar nulla at consequat. Aenean felis risus, elementum eu eros vitae, auctor pulvinar ex. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque justo est, vestibulum ultrices turpis at, condimentum molestie dui. Nullam tristique urna quis feugiat tristique. Vivamus ligula nulla, pharetra sed congue a, imperdiet ac turpis. Nam ut purus laoreet, faucibus eros at, sollicitudin nulla. Donec ultrices erat ut magna ultricies cursus. Ut arcu lectus, maximus a lectus at, interdum ultrices augue.<br /> </div><br /> </div><br /> </body><br /> </html><br />

    I expected that .inline-block divs would be aligned to the top of .container, they’re aligned to the bottom instead. The example code was rendered correctly in all browsers I had checked.

    in reply to: Images are not displaying in PDF (PD4ML generation)

    Were you able to solve the images not displaying issue? I have the same problem using Pega as well.

    in reply to: PD4ML NOT SUPPORTING THAI AND OTHER Indian languages

    Hi ,
    We are facing the same issuue of special characters when text is in hebrew/Arabic/chinese in pdf where as in browser these text is shown correctly.

    We are currently on pd4ml 3.7 where we do not see this issue and we wanted to upgrade to 3.10 where we see this issue and this issue is blocking our upgrade.

    We tried with the solution suggested in this thread as shown below, but it does not seems to work.

    pd4ml.render(new StringReader(htmlStr), outputStream, new URL(baseURL),”UTF-8″)

    Team: Could you please help.its very important to fix this issue.

    Thanks in advance.

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