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  • in reply to: Render html entities like Spanish ñ

    by default PD4ML supports only basic fonts Arial, Times New Roman and Courier (and only Latin-1 charset). In order display national scripts or other fonts of your choice you would need to configure and utilize so-called TTF embedding. See:

    in reply to: Is it possible to set header/footer scope via the API?

    I am also looking to compute the header height dynamically based on header size. Does anyone know how to do this using the API?

    in reply to: Issue with TTF embedding.

    Can anyone please answer above query!!.
    Also Is there any specific criteria for a TTF file to be compatible with PD4ML pro version. Is there a way to confirm that a TTF is compatible with PD4ML.

    in reply to: Issue with TTF embedding.

    Did you try the most recent (trial) version 390b2 of PD4ML Pro?

    Hopefully the issue of v350, you faced with, has been already solved in recent releases.

    in reply to: Is it possible to set header/footer scope via the API?

    For HTML headers footer.setAreaHeight(-1) forces to allocate footer (or header) space, depending on an actual header height. The auto-computed height cannot change from page to page.

    By inline header/footer definition (like ) it can auto-compute header/footer height as well as change the allocated header space if header definition changes from page to page.

    If you do need an exact numeric height (in pixels) of a particular portion of HTML content, you may instantiate PD4ML, perform a dummy conversion of HTML portion to PDF and request the document height:

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    For the following segment of code:

    When attempting to filter this image in CSS, the following will not work:
    .b .c img{
    display: none;

    however when removing the span class, the image is filtered correctly:
    .b img {
    display: none;

    By filtering one level up, we may be unintentionally filtering other images. We are assuming this is due to the span class not being handled correctly. Please advise.


    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    i want to disable the inline-attachment feature with the following lines:

    <br /> HashMap m = new HashMap();<br /> m.put(PD4Constants.PD4ML_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_ATTACHMENTS, "true");<br /> pd4ml.setDynamicParams(m);<br />

    But this doesn’t work for me. I always get a PDF with embedded attachments. The data source is a domino-XML.

    Thanks for your help

    in reply to: Disable Attachments

    There is a probability you use PD4ML version, which does not support the feature yet. Could you please check generated PDF file properties: it should list PD4ML version used. Or alternatively send a problem PDF sample to support pd4ml com


    In the current implementation of PD4ML’s HTML renderer tags are interpreted as text style modifiers. You may apply a style to them by classname or ID directly, but they do not appear in a document DOM-like structure. That makes complex CSS selectors (which rely on spans) to fail.

    The issue is going to addressed in the forthcoming versions. For the time being you may workaround the issue if you change tags to

    (if possible)

    in reply to: PD4ML Tips & Tricks


    I am merging existing pdf with another stream, i am able to get the pdf file, but i have an requirement where i need to include total number of pages at the end of generated pdf.
    How can i get the size(no.of Pages) of an existing pdf file.

    I have tried using “${total}” but this just gives the only the size of generated stream and does not include the size of existing pdf file that is merged with.

    Could any one of you please give the solution .. and we are using version: PD4ML 381 Pro

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: How to get Number of pages in a pdf file

    If you know a number of pages of the existent PDF, you may add it as a correction to the final $[total] value with header.setInitialPageNumber():

    [language=java:84n7vipe]PD4PageMark header = new PD4PageMark();
    header.setAreaHeight( -1 ); // autocompute
    header.setHtmlTemplate( “$[total]

    ” );
    pd4ml.setPageHeader( header );[/language:84n7vipe]

    If a number of pages is not known for a particular case, you would need to count it with a third-party tool. Currently PD4ML Web implements the needed PDF page count functionality ( ), but the API is not exposed and documented yet.

    We plan to include the new PDF manipulation module (PDF analyze, merge etc) to the main branch of PD4ML with a forthcoming release.

    in reply to: Disable Attachments

    From PD4ML documentation:

    * “pd4ml.disable.external.attachments”
    * if “true”, it does not load attachments () from local system and from URL. It does not impact inline-defined attachments.
    * @see PD4ML#setDynamicParams(java.util.Map)
    public static final String PD4ML_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_ATTACHMENTS = “pd4ml.disable.external.attachments”;[/language:3jrsrudr]

    Attachments come from Lotus Notes/Domino XML (DXL) are inline, that is the reason the setting does not disable them by default.

    There are workarounds:

    1. sample code has the following section:

    [language=java:3jrsrudr]if ( dontPassAttachmentsToXalan ) {
    xml = extractAttachments(xml);

    extractAttachments() method extracts inline attachments from DXL, stores them as temporal files and inserts references to the temp files instead on the attachment bodies. In the case PD4ML_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_ATTACHMENTS flag works as expected.

    2. Suppress attachments on CSS level:

    [language=java:3jrsrudr]pd4ml.addStyle(“pd4ml-attachment {display: none}”, true);[/language:3jrsrudr]

    In the case an invoking of extractAttachments() also makes sense, as it prevents bulky base64-encoded attachment data from being passed to XALAN.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    How can I set different footer on the last page?

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Hi all,

    I want create PDF and merge with existing PDF file.
    Unfortunately, existing PDF version is 1.3, so when process merge, error occurs like below:

    org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.parser.b: Invalid PDF version format: PDF-1.3
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.parser.h.?o0000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.parser.d.?00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)

    pd4ml version is “pd4ml 3.85fx7 Pro”

    Could you please solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance..

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I have 4 tables on one page I am attempting to render. My CSS looks something like this:

    .pdf tr td div{
    overflow: hidden;

    I’ve been getting mixed results, with 50% of the time the table appearing correctly, and 50% of the time much of the content from table cells (e.g. images, text) does not appear, although the table still shows with misaligned columns. Adding some thread.sleep calls in my java code did nothing to help.

    If I remove the ‘div’ from the CSS style, I do not experience this issue, but obviously the alignment is off as a result.

    Please provide a response by 5/21/14 if at all possible. I can provide screenshots if needed.


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