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  • #37255

    Hi! Before we analyzed and fixed the issue you could try to use a hybrid solution: pd4ml_tl.jar from v3 + pd4ml.jar from v4
    This combination is used by a number of our clients because porting of JSPs utilize PD4ML v3 taglib is not always possible.

    in reply to: Jakarta Version of PD4ML v4.0.17

    We are preparing a new build of Jakarta, but due to unexpected technical problems with our CI/CD environment, it has been delayed.

    BTW: Have you had the opportunity to test the older adapted version in Tomcat 10?

    in reply to: Tomcat 10 Jakarta Multithread problem

    Still no news from you… I had to purchase support because of this problem, and it seems we wasted our money, two months waiting for the any comment and we are still empty handed

    in reply to: Tomcat 10 Jakarta Multithread problem

    Ah.. sorry! We did not forget, but we still have problem with our CI/CD environment after system upgrade: it still cannot build specific versions (like the one for Jakarta Tomcat) from the most recent codebase state. I expected it to be resolved over the weekend, but obviously I underestimated the complexity. We’ll let you know you as soon as there is news.
    Sorry again it takes that long!

    in reply to: Jakarta Version of PD4ML v4.0.17

    We did some small tests with and they seemed to work fine.

    Unfortunately we ran into an endless loop with 4.0.15fx2 (javax version) some months ago. At the time we could not reproduce the error in our development environment and simply switched back to 4.0.9fx5 because of time constraints. So the idea was to try the newest version with Tomcat 10 and see if the problem with the loop still exists…

    in reply to: Jakarta Version of PD4ML v4.0.17

    Hi! We’ve just published v4.0.17 snapshot for Jakarta:
    Please give it a try

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    Good morning, we are experiencing issues with font families and input text fields. When we view the HTML, the input text fields have the font correctly applied, but when we generate the PDF, the fields are displayed with a default font. We are using version 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT. We have attached both the original HTML, the generated PDF, and the fonts. Please note that we are not including the <style> part of the HTML within the body; instead, we are using the parameter pd4ml.addStyle(css, true).

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Input text and font-family

    Historically, PD4ML only allows you to define the form font for an entire document through API call parameters:

    public void generateForms(boolean enable, String useTtfFont);
    public void generateForms(boolean enable, String useTtfFont, String formFontCharRange)

    However, there are no longer technical reasons to maintain the restriction. We’ll look into adding the ability to override the font via CSS

    in reply to: Input text and font-family

    Hello, we have this font in our file:
    Calibre\ Black=Calibre-Black.ttf
    We are using the method like this: pd4ml.generateForms(true, “Calibre Black”); but we are not getting the correct font to display (that font is used in texts outside of input fields and is drawn correctly)

    Is there something misconfigured in the properties file or in the way you are calling the method?

    in reply to: Input text and font-family

    We need time to take a closer look at this issue. I was able to reproduce something similar: internally the PDF looks correct and has the correct font links, but Acrobat falls back to Arial/Helvetics. We’ll let you know asap.

    in reply to: Licensing / Purchasing of PD4ML

    Currently I only get a white page (besides the menu bar and title “Apply For Evaluation License”) when opening

    in reply to: Trial License page broken

    Thanks for pointing this out. We will fix this as soon as possible

    in reply to: Trial License page broken

    It should work now

    in reply to: Trial License page broken

    It does, thank you

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    Does Pd4ml jar support JDK 17 and JDK 21. Please confirm

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