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  • in reply to: Deployment / Configuration issues

    what is implement for setup pd4ml.
    He copied folders tlds in web-inf –> lib –> pd4ml.tld and files in lib –> pd4ml_tl_demo.jar in proyect.

    it is proyect on page main login.xhml describe


    in xmlns:pd4ml is not found namespace “”.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I’m using the lastest trial version, the java code is just to print a html url to a pdf file. It works perfect in my eclipse but when I copy the code to lotus agent, it failed to print the svg part.
    Can you pls help on this, thanks.

    in reply to: Having trouble in display SVG correctly in lotus agent.

    You need to make sure, resources of the Lotus agent include the most recent PD4ML library. You may check PD4ML version if you open a generated PDF in Acroread and review the document properties.

    If the version is old, open the database in Lotus Designer remove pd4ml_demo.jar from the agent resources, save the database, quit designer, open the database in Designer again and add a new lib.

    in reply to: Implement PD4ML Using xhtml in jsf 2.0

    PD4ML distribution ZIP includes a web application structure WEB-INF, you may reuse. TLD and pd4ml_tl.jar are already in correct locations. Just copy pd4ml_demo.jar and ss_css2.jar to WEB-INF/lib

    in reply to: PDF page headers/footers definition options

    @PD4ML wrote:

    I am using this code to display footer using java.It is showing me String of page number but image is not being attached.I want to attach image in footer.

    [language=java:1yznuj1e]PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark();
    footer.setHtmlTemplate(“page $[page] of $[total]

    in reply to: Implement PD4ML Using xhtml in jsf 2.0

    @PD4ML wrote:

    PD4ML distribution ZIP includes a web application structure WEB-INF, you may reuse. TLD and pd4ml_tl.jar are already in correct locations. Just copy pd4ml_demo.jar and ss_css2.jar to WEB-INF/lib

    One Question
    he download file pd4ml.lib.trial.385b9 he copied files

    I use Netbeans 7.3 in facelets jsf 2.0

    In page main login.xhtml writtlen;> here <== No library found for namespace

    in reply to: initialPageNumber

    With your particular footer sample there is a possibility to get a confusing footer text “page 3 of 1”. So some mechanism to impact $[total] value is also needed. That was a reason we did not copy the feature from PD4PageMark to inline HTML headers/footers.

    We could add the feature to , but first we need to review typical use cases and to think how to keep everything consistent there. Of course, we would appreciate your input.

    in reply to: TIFF Compression

    @PD4ML wrote:

    Please request support pd4ml com for a version supports TIFF compression.

    THANK YOU, i have send a request, really helps me a lot.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I am using this code to display footer using java.It is showing me String of page number but image is not being attached.I want to attach image in footer.

    [language=java:3tgalpax]PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark();
    footer.setHtmlTemplate(“page $[page] of $[total]

    in reply to: Display image in Page Footer

    Most probably the problem is with the image path. Try to enable debug output and to inspect if it tried to load the image. Also is a more safe format to point local resources.

    in reply to: Implement PD4ML Using xhtml in jsf 2.0


    in fact not an URL “to go”, but a unique ID for PD4ML’s TLD document. The ID is also present in the meta data of pd4ml_tl(_demo).jar. In a normal situation Servlet/JSP container discovers the IDs and do not even try to load as a web resource.

    So in your case I would suspect problems with web application deployment.

    in reply to: Barcode font problem

    Do I need to encode the start/stop character “*” into the Code 3 of 9 barcode manully using this Code 39 barcode font?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I have an HTML document that looks like this:

    <html><br /> <body><br /> <img src="[Portrait]" align=right /><br /> Some other text goes here.<br /> </body><br /> </html><br />

    Then in my Java code, I have a code snippet that does the following:

    <br /> String portraitPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "Desktop" + File.separator + "Test.jpg";<br /> <br /> //Escape backslashes on Windows so replaceAll doesn't take them away<br /> if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows"))<br /> portraitPath = portraitPath.replace("\", "\\");<br /> <br /> outputHTML = outputHTML.replaceAll("(?i)\[Portrait\]", portraitPath);<br /> <br /> FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);<br /> pd4ml.render(new StringReader(outputHTML), fos );<br />

    This generates a PDF document as expected. However, on a Mac the image appears in the rendered PDF. On Windows 8, the image doesn’t, just the text. Copying the value of portraitPath into a web browser on both Mac and Windows shows the image file, so it’s not an error of the file not being available. I’ve also tried replacing the backslashes in portraitPath in favor of forward slashes as well as converting spaces into “%20” but in all cases it still renders fine on a Mac, but not at all on Windows.

    Is this a bug in PD4ML? Or is there something else I’m not considering?

    in reply to: Landscape and portrait on the same document

    I am facing same problem. Please advice us.

    in reply to: Local Image Rendered on Mac, but Not on Windows

    tag expects not a local path, but an URL as a src attribute value.

    The following reformatting should help to workaround:
    [language=java:2pljl47z]String portraitPath = System.getProperty(“user.home”) + File.separator + “Desktop” + File.separator + “Test.jpg”;
    portraitPath = new File(portraitPath).toURI().toString();[/language:2pljl47z]

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