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  • in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    In my HTML markup I use the code ≤ to show a less than or equal to sign, and it appears correctly in my browser. But when rendered in PD4ML, it appears as a question mark symbol (?).

    Is there any way I can display LTEQ/GTEQ symbols in PD4ML? I am using PD4ML version 3.70.

    Thank you

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hello, staff. I’m a ArchLinux user. I download swt.jar, put it into Djvu2Pdf/lib dictionary and run as root. I do everything as this site said.

    But I just get an error message like this:
    Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyException in thread “main” org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [gtk_init_check() failed]
    at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.createDisplay(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.create(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.
    (Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.
    (Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.getDefault(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.djvupdf.DjvuConverter.main(

    Can you help me run Djvu2Pdf? Thank you!

    BTW: I tried swt-3.6.1-gtk-linux and latest swt-3.6.2-gtk-linux, both can’t work. I run pacman-Q jre, get jre 6u24-2. I run pacman -Q gtk2, get gtk2 2.22.1-1. I hope those message will be helpful.


    I get the same problem. Copying the url into the browser correctly brings back the image.

    in reply to: PDF output does not render images correctly

    Hi Team,

    Any updates on this?


    in reply to: PDF output does not render images correctly

    Obviously the only problem is the original image dimensions. The image itself is too small and Acroread’s image scaling routines cannot produce anything acceptable from it.

    Unfortunately from PDF we cannot choose applied image scaling algorithm. The only available PDF option is to force to interpolate the image, which usually gives even worse result (when applied to tiny images).

    As a workaround I would recommend to generate images with greater dimensions (keeping height/width attributes unchanged) as it described there:

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am using demo version of PD4ML.
    So, I want to ask that In head tag not working.
    so does this thing work properly in full version?


    > Copying the url into the browser correctly brings back the image.

    PD4ML supports only JPEG, PNG and GIF. First please make sure, the image is of the supported formats.

    Also if the image generation requires a session context, you need to make sure SESSIONID is propagated to the image generation servlet.

    in reply to: link tag in head not working

    There is no functional differences in full and demo versions except the demo version watermarks the resulting documents.

    In general the tag should work. But:
    – HTTPS is not supported if PD4ML is deployed to Weblogic or WebSphere, as the application servers implement proprietary SSL level, not derived from Java’s SSL implementation. Solution: to implement a custom resource loader, utilizes platform specific SSL classes. Or even better – use HTTP instead of HTTPS.

    – Make sure the valid path is valid not only from browser, but also from the server where PD4ML deployed to. A usual situation: the server cannot resolve host name etc. Try to enable PD4ML debug output and inspect server’s log for errors.

    in reply to: GTEQ/LTEQ signs do not render

    The characters does not belong to the default ISO8859_1 character set.

    So in order to output the characters you need to configure and utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro

    in reply to: png images errors while parsing


    can i get any update on this issue please


    in reply to: link tag in head not working

    Actually in the html page images from same HTTPS Server is working fine but CSS link from the same server is not working.

    As HTTPS server we are using Apache 2.0

    Please advice for the same.

    in reply to: link tag in head not working

    ok. Try to switch debug info on (pd4ml.enableDebugInfo() or ) and check server’s log if it tries to load the stylesheet at all.

    in reply to: link tag in head not working

    Thank you for your support.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    What should i do to render thead column on every page?
    I am using CSS like
    @media print
    which displays thead column on every PDF page in other PDF generation tool but PD4ML is not.
    So, is there any way to generate thead on every page without using

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I am facing a problem with the delay of the PDF generation. My application is deployed on 2 nodes. Based on load balancing the request will go to either Node 1 or Node 2. When request is processed at Node 1 there is no delay (Less than 10 sec) in PDF generation. When request is processed at Node 2 the PDF generation takes very long time (more than 20 Min).

    Can you please suggest me a solution for this?
    Why request processing at Node 2 is taking very long time for PDF generation while Node 1 is generating PDF very quickly.

    Any configuration related changes required to fix this delay issue? Please suggest.

    Srinivas Kakumani

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