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  • in reply to: display current date every time the PDF is opened

    > great help if you can release by this week.

    Hopefully it is not too late… We’ve just released v380fx3

    in reply to: How to optimize the size of the generated PDF?

    Until the new version is released, we would like to try downgrading to make sure that we actually can generate a smaller PDF. Can you suggest which version we should downgrade to?

    Thanks, Jon

    in reply to: How to optimize the size of the generated PDF?

    I found the 3.8.0fx3 release on the download page and we’ve seen great improvements in PDF file size in our initial tests with this new version. Case closed, I guess.

    in reply to: Custom font, font-size

    Font-size and custom font issue seems to be fixed now.. so now It´s just the page-break-inside issue left 🙂

    in reply to: Custom font, font-size

    I spoke to soon 🙁

    ok.. so now I´m trying this:
    body * {<br /> background: none;<br /> font-size:20px;<br /> font-family:"HM Ampersand Ultra Light";<br /> }

    and it´s applying the font, but if I change to 14px it dosent?
    I have tried all combinations I can think of :/

    Targeting classes, spans, divs, p tags, with “*” selector etc etc…

    I can´t post the font because I´m not sure if that is ok with the customer.. but I doubt that there is a problem with the font file.

    I have tried setting Arial on body and Times on h2 and that works but I can´t get it to work with custom fonts..

    Is there a limit to the number of custom fonts that can be used?

    in reply to: Custom font, font-size

    Is “pt” or “%” supported? or is it only px?

    in reply to: pd4ml.cache.enable=false

    Using the API to clear the cache instead of setting the property resolved our problem.

    Thanks for replying,

    Clifton Sothoron

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    A customer of ours is doing a PDF conversion and getting the message “URI is not hierarchical”. What does that mean?


    Clifton Sothoron

    in reply to: Css style inheritance

    The positioning issues are solved for me in that version, thank you so much for the quick response!
    Also thank you for the PD4ML console/GUI, it makes it so much easier to debug HTML without having to generate a PDF every time. You may want to advertise it more 🙂

    I have found another issue involving rather tricky LIs with bullet-dots coded as background, some positioned to the left, some to the right. I’ll start a new thread about that as soon as I have a clearer description of the issue and an isolated testcase.

    in reply to: Css style inheritance

    @vk_iconparc wrote:

    The positioning issues are solved for me in that version, thank you so much for the quick response!
    Also thank you for the PD4ML console/GUI, it makes it so much easier to debug HTML without having to generate a PDF every time. You may want to advertise it more 🙂

    I have found another issue involving rather tricky LIs with bullet-dots coded as background, some positioned to the left, some to the right. I’ll start a new thread about that as soon as I have a clearer description of the issue and an isolated testcase.

    Try to set “padding-left: 1px”

    in reply to: URI is not hierarchical

    The message is not originated by PD4ML. Obviously it comes from URL/URLConnection classes. I would recommend to google for a solution for your particular case/URL.

    in reply to: pd4ml.cache.enable=false

    Glad you resolved the issue.

    in reply to: Custom font, font-size

    “pt” and “%” should also work. “pt” is converted on-a-fly to “px” bearing in mind 72dpi resolution. (optionally pd4ml.protectPhysicalUnitDimensions() API call suppresses the size conversions, but it has its drawbacks)

    The issue you experience with font size is quite strange.

    Try to temporarily define any other TTF font instead of HM Ampersand Ultra Light, i.e. Comic Sans MS. Is the problem still there?

    in reply to: display current date every time the PDF is opened

    Thanks for the v380fx3 release,

    when i use the below html form field to display in pdf, and using javascript i have to populate the date in the form field which comes as a superscript instead of comming in the same line.

    See the below example.

    Ex: February 1, 2012,
    daily periodic rates are based on the Index Rate as of and are estimates.

    I want the date (February 1, 2012,) to come in the same line. I can do this by seeting the size of the input field,but if i increase the size a gap apeears between the current line and next line.
    How can i handle this? also please let me know how can i change the font of the input text variable to times new roman which is by defalut Arial.

    in reply to: RTF features

    Hi again, and thanks for the last release – it fixed a lot of the issue I was facing 🙂

    Since then I have been struggling with controlling table cell height. At first I thought it was due to some line breaking, and I had some success ending line breaks with / like this
    . But it never really fixed it, as I randomly got space at the end of the TDs. Now, after looking into it again, I realized that this might not have been the case at all, that the excessive space is in fact due to a table row height being set – probably calculated in some way. Here is the produced RTF, notice the trrh1073:


    If I remove it from the line, it fixes all my problems! The question is, can I control this with a tag, a css attribute or turn if off with an API setting?

    Regarding your comment about being able to set header/footer as a tag not being implemented yet, will it be possible in the future? If so, do you have a rough estimate to when we can expect that?

    Lastely, when specifying lengths in css (or tags), what is the unit that I should use (besides %)? I know that RTF natively operates on a twips, and I tried to calculate it from cm, but without much luck.

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