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  • in reply to: Footer issue in latest pro version (380fx9 Pro)

    Is there any update on the release of the fix? We are looking to support HTML footers, but anything except images fails to work with 3.80fx8/9.

    in reply to: How can I flatten my generated PDF?

    The slowly problem to print occurs when we send the PDF file to print on local machine, only if there is any kind/size of image as water mark.
    The size of PDF is 400kb, but it have 3 minutes to flatten all pages (page by page, with message on local user screen), and after that, the printer prints normally.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    Just bumped into this effect two days ago: an “9” MSIE CSS hack on a property with a nummerical value without an unit, such as
    left: 09;
    probably causes an exception in CSS handling so that the contents of the entire stylesheet in question is being ignored in that PD4ML run.
    Other CSS – such as that stated in the HTML document, remains unaffected.

    Other forms of that hack
    left: 0px9;<br /> position: relative9;
    seem to be successfully skipped and the rest of stylesheet used as it should.

    Since this seems to be a common MSIE CSS hack and entering position:0 is otherwise legal, which leads to higher danger of such a statement in the stylesheet and misrendering of pages, it’d be nice if this form of the hack could be “supported” too.
    Of course, it’s an easy way to avoid the problem (and good practice too) to simply always use units. Still it’s a mistake easily done and hard to find in a large stylesheet.

    These are test URLs:

    They look the same in web browsers – the difference can be seen in the PD4ML GUI for example.

    On a side note – when the shortened URL is called in the GUI, it also delivers the negative answer, even on the OK document (HTML is loaded OK, but attached stylesheet isn’t).
    =>Could this be another PD4ML issue – ie. handling URLs with redirects?
    When opening the expanded URL in the GUI, they show exactly the effect they should. So please use the expanded URLs for testing.

    Note2: It indeed IS an exception, as I noticed in the GUIs console in the process of writing:
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "09"<br /> at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)<br />
    so maybe the fix wouln’t need to specifically address CSS hacks at all, simply making sure an invalid number won’t send the entire stylesheet crashing down would, as a side effect, solve this issue too 😉

    Best regards,

    in reply to: TTF embedding

    My spring application has a maven build and I want to set up fonts.jar and for this build. Can anyone help me get started?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi,I’ve been troubleshooting a problem about td’s border.
    Here is the html code:
    <br /> <tr valign="top"><br /> <td style="width: 25pt; height: 1pt;"></td><br /> <td colspan="38" style="border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1pt; border-top-color: #000000; "></td><br /> <td colspan="5" style="width: 70pt; height: 1pt;"></td><br /> </tr><br />

    After converted to pdf,the middle td’s border is not displayed.
    The html code is a legacy code,so i cannot modify the code.
    So,how to convert this html to pdf to display the border?
    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: td border is not displayed.

    Try to add some content to the row cell:




    Otherwise it optimises the table and ignores rows with no content.

    in reply to: TTF embedding
    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hello guys,

    I just would like to know if PD4ML does support the embedded views in Lotus Notes as well? Because I was trying to generate a pdf from a Lotus Notes – Page and everything did work well, except of the space where the embedded view should have been because this area were left blank.

    So can someone just give me this short information?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    in reply to: Lotus Notes – Embedded Views?

    Please send us a DXL sample of a document with an embedded view – we’ll see if there is a view data can be converted to PDF.

    in reply to: 9 CSS hack in stylesheet – entire stylesheet ignored

    The CSS hack problem can be solved in a third-party open-source library “CSS Parser project”, PD4ML relies on. I took quick a look on it – it is quite simply to suppress the exception, but a correct processing of “0px9” syntax would require to update JavaCC CSS grammar, which is relatively tricky.

    JavaCC code edits have another drawback: by .NET port of it we would need to convert not JavaCC src, but semi-readable auto-generated Java code. So we implement patches to ss_ccs2.jar unwillingly.

    in reply to: 9 CSS hack in stylesheet – entire stylesheet ignored

    Since the hack is what it is – a CSS hack meant to be ignored – and we do not want to play MSIE, I do not think there is any need or a way to try to parse that value. It should just be “safely ignored” as it is in non-MSIE browsers.

    So I think catching that exception and throwing away that one property would be all that’s needed. Could this be done by you, or is that already something in the library?

    On a side note: it’s not “0px9” what causes the exception – that value goes through. It’s that without an unit – “09” where the “9” gets parsed as part of a number – that crashes it.

    in reply to: 9 CSS hack in stylesheet – entire stylesheet ignored

    Give a try to the attached.

    in reply to: 9 CSS hack in stylesheet – entire stylesheet ignored

    Thank you a lot! I need to forward that and wait for it to be available for testing, but will get back to you as soon as we could deploy & test it.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    we have a Lotus Domino application that produces PDF files with PD4ML Libraries (Java version).

    The application uses TTF Font IDAutomationHI25M.ttf to print a Barcode.

    We had this application perfectly running with a 7.0.x domino server. Now we had to upgrade the server to 8.5.3 and the barcode shows like in the attached file.

    The XML produced by dxl.exportDxl(tmp) is:


    where the string “ÀU+!!$Ô is the Interleaved 2 of 5 encoding of number 5210000003 (as required by the fonts) while
    the char string “ev8iAAAABwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABiYXJjb2RlAA==” seems to be added by exportDxl function.

    The second line (in the attached pdf) shows the same value (“ÀU+!!$Ô) print using a IDAutomation font which is NOT present in the jar file neither in the c:windowsfonts directory. The misteryous string still appears.

    Does any of you have any idea?

    thanks a lot

    in reply to: Lotus Notes – Embedded Views?

    Please find enclosed a dxl-sample. As you can see, in the embeddedview-section you’ll find the name of the view included but not the content of it.

    However, it would be very interesting to know if there is somehow a possibility to get this content of a embeddedview into the dxl-file too?

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