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  • in reply to: Additional wrong page breaks

    Most probably the issue is caused by enableSmartTableBreak() mode clashes with CSS page break control code in your document. Try to disable smart table breaks – does it change anything?

    FYI: enableSmartTableBreak(true) applies

    TR, TABLE { page-break-inside: avoid }

    In the mode it implicitly inserts a page break before a table, if it helps to keep the table not broken. It looks like that happens in your case. By default the first page has a bit smaller content area height than the second one, as the first page respects top margin of tag.

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    The JDK works fine, I use it for Tomcat, Spring and work with it as usual. It’s also been updated automatically a couple of times since I got Lion.

    in reply to: Spanish charset printing problem

    Thanks for your help.
    I tried this , but it is not working for some reason
    here is my code fos = new;
    PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();
    pd4ml.setPageInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
    pd4ml.setPageSize(pd4ml.changePageOrientation(format)); // landscape page orientation
    pd4ml.setPageSize(format); // portrait page orientation
    pd4ml.useTTF(“java:fonts”, true);
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Times New Roman”, “Arial”, “Courier New”);
    if ( headerBody != null && headerBody.length() > 0 ) {
    PD4PageMark header = new PD4PageMark();
    header.setAreaHeight( -1 ); // autocompute
    header.setHtmlTemplate( headerBody ); // autocompute
    pd4ml.setPageHeader( header );
    pd4ml.render(“file:” + inputHTMLFileName, fos);
    outputPDFFile = null;

    Please suggest me any other solution.

    in reply to: Spanish charset printing problem

    pd4ml.enableDebugInfo(); forces PD4ML to print some diagnostics. Could you please check what is printed to the STDOUT (or to server’s log if it is a web application)?

    in reply to: Additional wrong page breaks

    Looks like enableSmartTableBreak(false) solved the problem! Many thanks!!!

    in reply to: pdf is blank


    thanks for the reply I am using the following php code below

    $var = “java_path -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp jar_path Pd4Cmd html_path 800 A4”;


    the pdf is created but when we try to open it, there is no content just a blank/white space.

    this happen when we try to generate a pdf from the html in our domain where the pd4ml files is also hosted, but if I try to change the html using from other domain it works.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Hi all

    I have developed a code to convert html files to pdf using pd4ml api. Its working fine in windows environment. But when I deployed the war in linux it got stucked in render method and after that there is no response. Please anybody help me in this. Sharing my code snippet.

    PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();
    try {
    pd4ml.setPageSize( landscapeValue ? pd4ml.changePageOrientation( format ): format );
    } catch (Exception e)
    if ( unitsValue.equals(“mm”) ) {
    pd4ml.setPageInsetsMM( new Insets(topValue, leftValue,bottomValue, rightValue) );
    } else {
    pd4ml.setPageInsets( new Insets(topValue, leftValue,bottomValue, rightValue) );
    pd4ml.setHtmlWidth( userSpaceWidth );
    pd4ml.render(new URL(urlstring), fos);
    }catch (Exception e) {

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Spanish charset printing problem

    This is the output on STDOUT:-
    version: PD4ML 351b8
    new parse attempt with: UTF8
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/ca_state_logo.png
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/ca_state_logo.png
    image size: 70777
    can not embed file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/ca_state_logo.png. Not embeddable color type. Reformatting image…
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/sign.png
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/sign.png
    image size: 264
    can not embed file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/sign.png. Not embeddable color type. Reformatting image…
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Julie_signature.gif
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Julie_signature.gif
    image size: 2770
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Entertainment.png
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Entertainment.png
    image size: 1104
    PNG marker: sRGB
    PNG marker: gAMA
    PNG marker: cHRM
    can not embed file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Entertainment.png. PNG should not have more than 256 colors. Reformatting image…
    image not yet in cache: java:/resources/icons/spacer.gif
    not yet in cache: java:/resources/icons/spacer.gif
    image size: 48
    done in 2126ms.
    PDF generation done.
    pdfFile1: F:Tomcat_DIRjakarta-tomcat-5.0.19webappsewpmctempinvoicepdfGC-áá-329703-04112012.pdf
    version: PD4ML 351b8
    new parse attempt with: UTF8
    done in 340ms.

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    Please help, someone.

    Presumably something is simply missing, but there are no log messages at all to give an idea. Probably the Lion idea is a red herring.
    I did a complete reinstall of Snow Leopard a couple of weeks before updating to Lion and it may have happened then.

    Here’s a very simple test below. The code is correct, of that I’m certain.
    The debug just prints out “version: PD4ML 380 Pro” and then it all hangs….

    All the correct .jars are on the classpath- I currently have:

    Any help would be very gratefully received.

    <%@page import="org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants"<br /> %><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="pd4ml"<br /> %><%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"%><pd4ml:transform<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="portrait"<br /> screenWidth="700"<br /> pageInsets="10,50,20,50,points"<br /> debug="true"><br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <br /> hello<br /> </body><br /> </html><br /> </pd4ml:transform>

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    The JSP sample is very basic and as I see is absolutely correct. The library set is also complete. So obviously something is wrong with the environment.

    If you are absolutely sure there is no error messages and stack traces in both server STDOUT and STDERR logs, please try to run an offline test:

    java -Xmx512m -jar pd4ml.jar

    It should run PD4ML in GUI mode. Try to open an HTML and to convert it to PDF. Does it work?

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    Thanks for your help.

    I’ve been trying to run the command-line pd4ml class but whatever I do I get: Cannot run program “/Applications/”: error=13, Permission denied

    I’ve created a folder with completely open permissions to everyone, and I run the pd4ml class from there.
    I also changed the permissions for the Mac preview app so that it has permissions to be run by any user.

    The pd4ml class will open and show my simple html file when I press GO.
    But will not create a .pdf when I press PDF – for the reason shown above.

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    P.S. There have never been any messages at all in my Tomcat stdout and stderr logs. Complete silence. And any calls to pd4ml just hang forever, without timeout.

    My Lion update was quick and practically painless, which was perhaps too good to be true. I’ve had no problems at all with any other programmes.

    Presumably something is missing, however. PD4ML doesn’t depend on any system graphics does it?

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Dear supporter,

    I’ve a question about including fonts directory when i run java class which is not in class path.

    When i run java class using console mode it works fine with including fonts folder.

    java -Xmx512m -cp pd4ml.jar;. Converter “$(tempDir)/$(ModuleName).html” “$(tempDir)/$(ModuleName).pdf” “file:fonts”

    By the way i need to run this class the other directory.
    At this time i struggling to include fonts folder which i located under the pd4ml.jar class path as follows but failed.

    _pdf.useTTF(“file:../../../../../jar/PD4ML/fonts”, true);

    Finally i tried to run copy font folders to this run directory and found out it works with _pdf.useTTF(“file:fonts”,true);

    My question is
    Is there any way to set fonts folder without copying those stuff?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    I would need again your help. Please find attached an example of a PDF file that breaks to a second page although it looks like everything could be placed on one page.

    In the file you can find the header, footer and body HTML code.

    Would be great if you could give me a hint what is causing the page break.

    Thank you very much in advance,

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    > The pd4ml class will open and show my simple html file when I press GO.

    It is a good sign. It means PD4ML works and renders HTML (in the case not to PDF, but to Image output device). I guess it also produces PDF to a TMP directory, but it cannot start a viewer application for some reason.

    The problem with Tomcat still has no good explanation. I would recommend to try to configure a progress monitor:

    It should help us to determine at which conversion phase it fails.

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