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  • in reply to: SVG or embedded pdf Images

    We plan to return to the topic in October-November 2012. Hopefully we’ll find a good lightweight SVG library. There are few candidates; and we prefer not to use Batik.

    in reply to: SVG or embedded pdf Images

    Thanks for the update. I look forward to any future updates on this.


    in reply to: Junk filenames of the attachments in PDF

    Thank you very much for the reply.
    I have downloaded the latest xsl file, pd4ml_demo.jar and ss_css2.jar.
    Then I have tried to convert the dxl file to a PDF file using the command line tool.

    Here is the HTML copied from the console by -dumphtml:

    The Chinese work are correct.

    And here is the console of using the command line tool:

    I have specified the fonts. I have tried specified the correct fonts and all fonts using the Chinese supported fonts. Both result still got the wrong characters of the filenames of the attachments in the PDF file.

    What should I do next?
    Thank a lot.

    in reply to: Background-color: transparent not rendering correctly

    Experiencing the exact same issue here – code with background-color:transparent worked with fx6 release, but generates a black box with fx7. Will watch this space for an update.

    in reply to: Background-color: transparent not rendering correctly

    We’ve just fixed the issue in the development build. An updated version is to be released next week.

    in reply to: Render crashes and heap space fills

    The problem is fixed in the development build. To be released in 2-3 days.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am generating a PDF that contains HTML sup tags for footnote superscript references.

    The problem is that when the superscript number is generated into the PDF, the line height for the entire line is adjusted. is there any way to keep that from happening so it will work like a normal superscript?

    in reply to: IE8 PDF wont download

    @PD4ML wrote:

    It looks like the problem is caused by a caching of documents, downloaded by HTTPS. Please correct if I am wrong.
    It was a known issue of older PD4ML JSP taglib versions, until we found a safe HTTP header directives set.

    Currently PD4ML taglib sets only the following HTTP cache control directives:

    [language=java:1mh17s0m]((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Pragma”, “cache”);
    ((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Expires”, “0”);
    ((HttpServletResponse) sr).setHeader(“Cache-control”, “private”);[/language:1mh17s0m]

    In your case there are some other cache controls (including conflicting with the above) – probably the hosting application is configured to add them to each reply. Try to switch it off for PDF generating JSPs.

    PD4ML, tankyou ! Works like a charm =)

    I also have add cache-control: no-store, no-cache. See lines bellow:

    response.setHeader(“Pragma”, “cache”);
    response.setHeader(“Expires”, “0”);
    response.setHeader(“Cache-control”, “private”);
    response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”, “no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate”);

    Again, tankyou!

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I am converting dxl to pdf using pd4ml.But email id sometimes overlaped in From to and coopy to field(which are raw item data tag in the dxl file).I have copied here a sample raw item data in which i am facing the issue .Please help to resolve the issue.


    in reply to: Junk filenames of the attachments in PDF

    The problem is going to be solved with the forthcoming PD4ML maintenance release.

    in reply to: sup and sub HTML Tag support?

    The issue is to be fixed with the forthcoming maintenance release.

    in reply to: Email Id Overlap issue

    The forthcoming maintenance release (v380fx8) should fix the problem.

    in reply to: Junk filenames of the attachments in PDF

    Thank you very much~

    in reply to: Email Id Overlap issue

    could you please let us know what would be the release date for this?Also ,we have purchased licensed version of PD4ML Java Library Pro.Could you please clarify After the release Just download the new version and use it in our project is enough?

    in reply to: Email Id Overlap issue


    Could you please update on this.This issue need to be fixed ASAP as we have release in this month.

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