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  • in reply to: RTF Rendering of PNGs

    PD4ML supports 2 types of RTF output: RTF and RTF_WMF. The second one forces all images to be converted to WMF format for better RTF viewer compatibility. For instance, MS Wordpad is able to render WMF images only. MS Word, as a rule, is able to show JPEG, PNG etc.

    in reply to: RTF Rendering of PNGs

    Worked great! You guys are the best

    in reply to: problem with justify

    most recent version:
    first example, almost good (docum width=600),
    second and third unwell (width 580, 620)

    <br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> Page #1<br /> <div><br /> <table border=0 ><br /> <tr><br /> <td WIDTH=580><br /> <p style="font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt; text-align:justify"><br /> A AAA AAAAAAA AAAAAA A AAA AAAAAAAAAA v cv v xccvxcv vc xcvxdf bsdf beraqbq e4brqe4r beqrt 35t 35beqr berq bqer bqer ber ber berqb erqb erq berqberq beqr be<br /> rq berqb35 qer berq bqer ber berq brv cvcxvcx berxcvv xcvsaegv seag seg xc v cxvxcz zvcx vxczv zxcv xt35t5 t 35tc351tvx sae gsaecseg vseng seg seg sex cvx bv zxecvr xcvqzxasegcv sfefsefsef seag sea<br /> aseg asesge segasegsg esaegreears gase gase gaseg aseg saeg aseg saeg ggg sea ges age g segsegsesae gesaeg sar eegg snreagsase gaseagseg xczbnpklepq, pbl eplbqerp blerlpqbqerpkbl erpqblp[erqkxzcv xcv 4 t34tb3 4 tp3 4[e qerp bklqerpq blblq as egsae gsea gseag aseeeanenreanrn re nrtn trnrtnrtw rt wtntr5 nwt gseag esagsa gqereg seag asegrhg er ghrbgsrwghagh aer hrnart ntn tr ntr nrtnrtw qer nrqergn gwrtn wrntrnwrt tynwr nwrnryn wtnwrn trnwrr tnwtyrnh wrynw twrn rnhwrynrtwn rn rtnrtwnr htrhqagre hkqh opqerjgoirejqgiojriogjqeroi gqeior qer qe<br /> r gqqergergre g eqer grqergg q reeg qerg qrqeg gerg gerq gq gqerr qerg greqe4g qrerq ger qergqwerg erg qer gerg erhqrerherqh erhe qrh erq herq herq h gqer<br /> <br /> <BR/><BR/><BR/><br /> <br /> Ponizej umieszczona jest informacja o widniejacych na Pani rachunku Osobach Wskazanych. Zgodnie z art. 131 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 28 sierpnia 1997 r. o organizacji i funkcjonowaniu funduszy emerytalnych<br /> (tekst jednolity: <nobr>Dz. U. z 2010 r. nr 34, poz. 189), jezeli w chwili smierci czlonek otwartego funduszu pozostawal w zwiazku malzeńskim, fundusz dokonuje wyplaty transferowej polowy srodkow zgromadzonych na rachunku zmarlego czlonka funduszu na rachunek jego wspolmalzonka w otwartym funduszu emerytalnym, w zakresie, w jakim srodki te stanowily przedmiot malzeńskiej wspolnosci majatkowej.<br /> Zgodnie z art. 132 ust. 1 ww. ustawy srodki, ktore nie zostana wykorzystane zgodnie z art. 131 przekazywane sa Osobom Wskazanym, a w przypadku ich braku, wchodza w sklad spadku.<br /> <br /> </p><br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br /> </div><br /> </body><br /> </html><br />

    in reply to: problem with justify

    The only robust solution for the time being is to use TTF Embedding feature of PD4ML Pro.


    Currently you generate PDFs rely on built-in Acroread fonts. Obviously font metrics of the fonts (used by PD4ML library) are not precise enough to output perfect text right edges (or it used wrong metrics – we need to investigate into the issue).

    in reply to: problem with justify

    the same example with embedded fonts


    in reply to: problem with justify

    It is quite strange. I’ve attached a doc, generated on my workstation.

    It looks like in your case it still uses wrong font metrics. We’ll check what is wrong with your doc.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    Is it possible to render an HTML page that contains elements whose content is populated using an Ajax call?
    Currently, when I try to render such a page, that elements that rely on the Ajax call are blank in the PDF.



    in reply to: Rendering an HTML page that contains Ajax calls

    It is correct. PD4ML does not support JavaScript.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    We have a setup where we call a servlet to generate a PDF. The servlet then calls pd4ml.render with an URL to a jsp.

    When an error occurs in the jsp, the module’s web.xml error-page configuration kicks in resulting in a PDF containing the error page.

    We would like to be able to send specific HTTP-status code back to the original caller of the servlet instead.

    The only way we can seem to make that happen is if we drop the error-page config, but we use that to display an error page for the rest of the web module.

    Do you have any ideas as to set this up without having to move all Pd4ml into seperate module?


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I’m trying to render an HTML page that contains a div with a css property overflow-x:hidden.
    This div can be very wide, and when I view the page in a web browser, I have no scroll bar and the div is not too wide (as expected).
    When I generate a PDF from this page using PD4ML, the div expands and is very wide.



    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Similar to, and, I cannot get the colspan attribute to be honored in a rendered PDF. I tried with the simple case as given in one of those threads and got the exact same result as the orignal poster did.

    <br /> <table><br /> <tr><br /> <td class="blank" >data</td><br /> <td class="blank" >data</td><br /> <td class="blank" >data</td><br /> <td class="blank" >data</td><br /> <td class="blank" >data</td><br /> </tr><br /> <tr><br /> <td class="blank" colspan="3"></td><br /> <td class="blank" colspan="2"></td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br />

    I am using PD4ml Volume 3.71b4, with the following settings:

    Page dimensions: LETTER, PORTRAIT
    Margins: 12px (all)
    HTML Width: 1050
    Author Name: Set
    Smart Table Breaks: true
    Image Split: false

    Is this an issue arising from a setting? I have tried it on both Linux and windows systems with the same results both times.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    i have some documents that contain businuess numbers like 12/354/9809 , when i display it on the html it looks just fine but when i try to convert it into pdf then the previous number displays as follows 9809/354/12 . also the direction for the page is rtl as it contains arabic text .

    so what do you think

    in reply to: DIV overflow-x

    Current versions of PD4ML support overflow CSS property only. More specific overflow-x and overflow-y are not supported yet.

    in reply to: problem with justify

    I prepared a small test
    unix and wines documents look the same
    in unix I have only specified font
    I use the font –
    justification does not look good
    it is possible to do better?

    I removed jars from tar (to reduce it below 265), you need to upload
    fonts.jar, ss_css2.jar and pd4ml_demopro.jar 371b4


    in reply to: Avoid error-page handling

    I’ve just done some testing. By 404 error PD4ML throws to the top level FileNotFoundException, for others it is something like “Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL …”.

    So obviously by error your JSP container returns the pre-configured error page with HTTP response code 200. In the case there is no indications to distinguish if it is an error page or a correct server response.

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