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  • in reply to: Blank PDF

    A maintenance period (incl. software updates) of the license you own is obviously expired. There are renew/upgrade options. Contact support pd4ml com

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Dear PD4ML Team,
    We are trying to use your product (version to create a PDF with an embeded font from an HTML that displays a Barcode using the mentioned font.

    We have managed to setup the PD4ML fonts properties file correctly and using the debug mode we can see that the TTF file for the Barcode font is actually loaded in cache during execution. However, the resulting PDF file does not have the font embeded and the Barcode is not visible.

    An example HTML to test this would be as follows:

    Test PD4ML with Barcodes Font “Code128bWinLarge”



    The required “Code128bWinLarge” TTF font is freely available under:
    (The Code128bWinLarge.ttf file can be extracted from the “.msi” file using a UNZIP tool).

    Would you be able to have a look at this issue and see if we are doing something wrong or if it is a bug?

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Unfortunately WinZip does not recognize the .MSI as an archive. Also after I installed the tool, I found no traces of Code128bWinLarge on my workstation.

    Could you please just send the TTF to support pd4ml com?

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Thanks for your reply and time to look into this issue.
    The usual location for the font after the .MSI installation would be “C:WindowsFontsCode128bWinLarge.ttf”.
    I have sent the font file to the PD4ML support e-mail address as requested.
    Have a good weekend,

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Thank you! We received the font. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to test/investigate the issue today.

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    After I copy-pasted your HTML snippet, I noticed the barcode data is followed (after ‘…744.1s’) by an invisible 0xC29C character. The character’s glyph is not defined by Code128bWinLarge.ttf. In the situation PD4ML unsuccessfully tries to find a TTF, which has a missing glyph data.

    After I removed all content after the barcode data, it started to work correctly.

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Hello Support Team,
    Thanks for sharing your findings.
    I believe the HEX character you mention (Hex: C29C, which is equal to ASCII: 156 and Unicode: 0153) is in fact the barcode’s End or “STOP” character and has in deed a graphical representation within the TTF. The list of all defined characters for this barcode font can be found here:
    Should PD4ML not accept this and other defined control characters?

    in reply to: Unable to use pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders

    I’m having the same problem.

    How can I set value to “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders”?

    in reply to: Unable to use pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders

    Steve B. (see previous posts) finally solved the issue by a prepending the class name with its full package name, i.e:

    map.put( “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders”, “com.application.PD4MLCustomFileResourceProvider” );



    I tried the CMYK to RGB conversion trick ( but my image can’t get metadata with reader.getImageMetadata(0);. Is there any others way for me to solve sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conversion request?

    if (“JPEG”.equalsIgnoreCase(format) || “JPG”.equalsIgnoreCase(format)) {

    IIOMetadata metadata = reader.getImageMetadata(0);
    String metadataFormat = metadata.getNativeMetadataFormatName();
    IIOMetadataNode iioNode = (IIOMetadataNode) metadata.getAsTree(metadataFormat);


    > but my image can’t get metadata with reader.getImageMetadata(0);.

    What kind of error it produces?


    @PD4ML wrote:

    > but my image can’t get metadata with reader.getImageMetadata(0);.

    What kind of error it produces?

    reader.getImageMetadata is null so unable to proceed to next line of code.

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Because of


    @Guest wrote:

    @PD4ML wrote:

    > but my image can’t get metadata with reader.getImageMetadata(0);.

    What kind of error it produces?

    reader.getImageMetadata is null so unable to proceed to next line of code.

    Any idea on this issue? I don’t know why I can’t get any information from Image Metadata.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    We are experiencing an interesting issue during HTML to PDF conversion where one table border is appearing on two separate pages after a page break. I’ll attach the converted PDF file for your reference in a second post (I don’t see a way to do it in the initial post). Also, here are the details you may need:

    Java Runtime Version: 6
    PD4ML Version: Newest recommended for .NET 2.0 (1.0.5080.21062)
    Operating System: Windows 7
    App Server: Local machine

    .NET Code Snippet:
    <br /> var pd4ml = new org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML();<br /> pd4ml.HtmlWidth = 780;<br /> pd4ml.PageInsets = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(20, 20, 20, 20);<br /> pd4ml.PageSize = org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.A4;<br /> pd4ml.enableDebugInfo();<br /> var tempFileName = GetTempFileName("pd4ml");<br /> <br /> using (var fs = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))<br /> {<br /> pd4ml.render(url, fs);<br /> }<br /> <br /> Process.Start(tempFileName);<br />
    <br /> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><br /> <HTML lang="en" ><br /> <HEAD><br /> <TITLE>Internal Estimates Calculator</TITLE><br /> </HEAD><br /> <BODY><br /> <TABLE><br /> <TR><br /> <TD>Test Content</TD><br /> </TR><br /> </TABLE><br /> <TABLE style="page-break-before: always; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: outset; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #336699; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #336699; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: outset; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: outset; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #336699; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: outset; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #336699" width="99%"><br /> <TR><br /> <TD>Test Content 2</TD><br /> </TR><br /> </TABLE><br /> </BODY><br /> </HTML><br />

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