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  • #29320

    Thanks.Yes the solution provided by you really helped to overcome the pagewidth issue but the font size of the PDF content decreased.Is there any way to increase it?


    If some content does not fit a page width, you’ve got two options: either to extend htmlWidth (in the case the content is scaled down) or to narrow the content, using HTML means.

    If the downscaling of the content is not acceptable, just enclose the content into a table and set the table width more-less matching htmlWidth parameter.

    In DXL scenario the enclosing table is already there – just find it in XSL and change width=”100%” to width=”800″, for example.

    in reply to: Out of memory error while converting a dxl file

    extractAttachments() is intended to extract base64-encoded bulky data chunks from DXL (and replace with a reference to a TMP file), before the DXL is passed to XSLT transformer – otherwise it causes XSLT transformer to consume a lot of memory and to lose performance.

    extractAttachments() deals with DXL not as with XML, but as with a long string. So it is sensitive to some XML formatting. The version I posted searches/replaces attachments more-less stable. You may use PdfAgent(R7).java or extractAttachments() as a usage template (I thought your code is derived from one of the Java classes).

    PD4ML may deal equally with attachments originally embedded in DXL or with references to extracted attachments. With the references it is asa a rule more performant.

    in reply to: Background-color: transparent not rendering correctly

    We reproduced the problem with the most recent version. Hmm… something strange happens. I assigned the top priority to the issue – to be fixed with the forthcoming beta.

    in reply to: Background-color: transparent not rendering correctly

    We fixed the problem in the dev build. A fix will be available with forthcoming beta release.

    in reply to: RTF issue with <span> and <a> tags

    The problem is resolved in the development build. A fix will be available with the forthcoming beta release in ~1 week.


    I created an HTML with 3 text input fields: t1, t2 and t3.


    Hockey is among the
    sports, having made its first appearance at the 1908 London Games.


    Added 3 PD4ML API calls:

    [language=java:rrtngbnu]pd4ml.addDocumentActionHandler(“OpenAction”, “this.getField('t1').value ='OpenAction'; app.alert('OpenAction');”);
    pd4ml.addDocumentActionHandler(“WS”, “this.getField('t2').value ='WS'; app.alert('WS');”);
    pd4ml.addDocumentActionHandler(“DS”, “this.getField('t3').value ='DS'; app.alert('DS');”);[/language:rrtngbnu]

    Result of a saving of the document is predictable: only t1 and t2 fields are filled. See attached.

    However it is some strange: both WS and DS alerts are popped up after I pressed Save of a SaveFile dialog.

    in reply to: Not able to extract a PDF attachment from DXL File


    I tried on my own to implement the logic of extracting the embedded documents which are not inside the tag.Actually the file content is inside the tag d:item/d:object/d:file/d:filedata.In the XSL file ,for tag you have written the logic as below. I would like to know what is the PDF4ML attachment tag will do? Does the attribute in this tags like description ,height are mandatory?Also you have written an image tag followed by pd4ml-attachment tag I would like to know what the image tag will do as well?

    <xsl:template match="d:attachmentref"><br /> <xsl:variable name="attkey"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:variable><br /> <pd4ml-attachment icon="Area"><br /> <xsl:attribute name="description"><xsl:value-of select="@displayname"/></xsl:attribute><br /> <xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="d:picture/@height"/></xsl:attribute><br /> <xsl:attribute name="width"><xsl:value-of select="d:picture/@width"/></xsl:attribute><br /> <br /> <xsl:call-template name="getbody"><br /> <xsl:with-param name="p1" select="$attkey"/><br /> </xsl:call-template><br /> <br /> </pd4ml-attachment><br /> <img><br /> <xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="d:picture/@height"/></xsl:attribute><br /> <xsl:attribute name="width"><xsl:value-of select="d:picture/@width"/></xsl:attribute><br /> <xsl:attribute name="src">data:image/gif;base64,<xsl:value-of<br /> select="normalize-space(d:picture/d:gif)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/><xsl:value-of<br /> select="normalize-space(d:picture/d:notesbitmap)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></xsl:attribute><br /> <xsl:attribute name="border">0</xsl:attribute><br /> </img><br /> </xsl:template>

    in reply to: How to add sent date in the header of the document


    I think that if we remove the +0200 from the date then it would be easy to format the date by calling format-date template .Is it possible to remove the +0200 from the date?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Out of memory error while converting a dxl file

    Where is these java files located (PdfAgent(R7).java or can you please provide the link?

    in reply to: Out of memory error while converting a dxl file
    #29222 can be found in the package:

    in reply to: How to add sent date in the header of the document

    Obviously you may use substring() function for the removal. The following is an XSL date string processing example from our stylesheet.






    in reply to: Custom font, font-size

    i’ve also has same problem in font-size it seem the result of the pdf ( i use coldfusion)

    here’s the code :

    Test pdf4ML

    FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18

    *) margins with same values are not exactly the same in pd4ml and default especially left margin is smaller in pd4ml check for other margins as well   <tahoma 20>

    there’s a different result when i use pd4ml and cfdocument there’s gap between each line and the font size seem to be different

    thank you

    in reply to: Custom font, font-size

    @ary.yuniarti wrote:

    i’ve also has same problem in font-size it seem the result of the pdf ( i use coldfusion)

    here’s the code :

    Test pdf4ML

    FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18

    *) margins with same values are not exactly the same in pd4ml and default especially left margin is smaller in pd4ml check for other margins as well   <tahoma 20>

    there’s a different result when i use pd4ml and cfdocument there’s gap between each line and the font size seem to be different

    thank you

    in reply to: Font size is increased in the generated PDF

    I also have the same problem with the increasing font size :
    i use coldfusion and there are different result when i use cfdocument and pd4ml

    and also there’s a bit different gap :

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