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  • in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    For the time being it is not quite clear why it conflicts with background images in footer. Also an absolute positioning in footer was not foreseen when we implemented the feature.

    I would recommend you to use inline footer definitions instead of your current approach.

    You may place

    right after opening tag or before tag of your document. Also do not apply absolute poitioning to the element.

    More infor about footers in PD4ML:

    in reply to: JSP -> PDF conversion turkish char problem

    By default PD4ML supports Latin-1 charset only. In order to convert international documents you need to configure and utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro.

    in reply to: Table borders disappear in default or low zoom ratio

    But if my table layout is as below:
    <br /> <style type="text/css"><br /> .tb4{color:#000; border:1px #000 solid; border-collapse:collapse;}<br /> .tb4 td{padding:6px 3px; border:1px #000 solid; line-height:15px; }<br /> .tb4 .hd{padding:6px 3px; background:#eee; text-align:right; }<br /> </style><br /> ... ...<br /> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tb4"><br /> <tr><br /> <td class="hd" width="20%"><br /> AAA<br /> </td><br /> <td><br /> 111<br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> <tr><br /> <td class="hd" width="20%"><br /> BBB<br /> </td><br /> <td><br /> 222<br /> </td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br />

    Any suggestion to fix “missing” border between AAA and BBB?

    in reply to: problems running agent in background with domino 7.0.4

    @PD4ML wrote:

    > – the server seems to be unable to run in headless mode. It seems that domino 7 runs a 1.4 JVM which doesn’t support headless mode.

    JDK introduced the headless mode starting from 1.4. However, as far as I remember, particular IBM’s JDK 1.4 implementations has problems with it. I would recommend to try to manage to run your JDK headless.

    Regarding the exception. It looks like the only potential source of it is null returned by the code:

    [language=java:35qv5iym]try {
    md5 =“MD5”);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

    Could you please create a minimalistic test in your environment and check if it returns an MD5 instance.

    You are quite right.

    I tried a simple agent with the code:
    1. try {
    2. md5 =“MD5”);
    3. } catch (Exception e) {
    4. return null;
    5. }

    and it raised an error because:
    >This error can occur when a Domino 6 file named ibmjcaprovider.jar still exists on
    >the machine, because, for unknown reasons, it was not properly removed during
    >the upgrade. In Domino 6, the file ibmjcaprovider.jar was used to provide the class
    >listed in the error message. Due to the change in JVM version for Domino 7, a
    >new jar file is used, ibmjceprovider.jar.
    >To correct the problem, delete ibmjcaprovider.jar as it is no longer needed.

    but even if I correct this error using headless I still got an error here:

    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/X11GraphicsEnvironment
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at java.lang.Class.forName1(Native Method)
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at java.lang.Class.forName(
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at java.awt.Font.initializeFont(
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at java.awt.Font.(
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4PageMark.
    (Unknown Source)
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at PdfAgent.generatePDF(
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at PdfAgent.NotesMain(
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source)
    17/08/2010 03.59.55 PM HTTP JVM: at Source)

    looking here seems that some problem with IBM JVM 1.4.2 & headless is present:

    BUT having deleted ibmjceprovider.jar it is possible to use Xvfb and I managed to produce a PDF (even if not complete, but this will be another post).

    thanks a lot


    in reply to: problems running agent in background with domino 7.0.4

    Glad you resolved the problem!

    And thank you for sharing the workaround!

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    The scenario is:

    Domino server 7.0.4 on a RH3 linux server.

    A Lotus Script agent runs a Java agent that produces the PDF file, i.e. the java agent runs in background.

    Not using headless (it always raises an error) but Xvfb.

    The java agent running in background produces a PDF file, non exactly what i want but probabily i can trick with css.

    While producing the file it raises an error
    HTTP JVM: Bad Base64 input character at 0: 37(decimal)

    and leaves a temporary file (e.g. +~JF37255.tmp)

    The java code is basicly the one of the example apart that the ID of the document is given as a parameter for the agent.

    I attach
    – the PDF produced by pd4ml
    – a pdf produced with PDF995
    (I cannot attach the file +~JF37255.tmp because it is 375 Kb big)

    if you have an idea..



    in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    thanks for your replay.
    we bought the pd4ml pro library, but our problems are still there; even more, now with the licensed pd4ml.jar library the footer image isn’t rendered at all; footer is empty.

    more, i think there is a missunderstanding:
    i’m building the PDF document header and footer with a method like the following:

    private PD4PageMark getPageFooter(String cssTag)
    String footerBody = “” + cssTag + “” +

    PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark();
    footer.setAreaHeight( -1 ); // autocompute
    footer.setHtmlTemplate( footerBody );
    return footer;


    So, i suppose i can’t use pd4ml tags when bulding header and footer like this. Isn’t it?

    So, i’ll get back and repost all of our problems that we are facing right now:
    1. header is rendered over the PDF document margins! (the header is built in exactly the same way as explained for the footer above)
    2. with the licensed library, the footer isn’t rendered at all!!! (footer is built as described above)
    3. header (and i suppose footer too) is rendered only for the first page of the resulted PDF document and not for all the other pages!!! I need the same header and footer in all the pages of the PDF document

    Sorry for pressing, but this problems are becoming urgent.
    Your help is very much appreciated.


    in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    Have you seen a workarounf suggestion in my previous reply?

    You define the footer correctly, but weither it is rendered correctly depends on cssTag value in the code. If there are absolute positioning and adding of as table cell backgrounds – it fails with the current version

    in reply to: PD4ML.NET border issue when promoted a page with datagrid

    As I am dealing with little confidential data. I did attach the samples and send you an email to support, sales pd4ml email ids. Please check with Igor in sales team for the reference documents.


    in reply to: Create single pdf for multiple URLs.

    @PD4ML wrote:

    No. It is not possible for the time being.

    A workaround is to merge HTML into a single one before passed to PD4ML. By the merge you would also need to remove and closing tags as they stop further HTML parsing.

    Thanks. Will try that.

      in reply to: General questions / FAQ

      When my app generates the pdf from the HTML is displays satisfactorily. However when the pdf is printed is prints very small and centered on the paper. Margins are 1.75 inches on the left and right. Is there a solution for this?

      in reply to: PDF printing problem

      A simplest workaround for the problem is to choose “Scale To Fit” option in the print dialog.

      A better solution would be do determine a reason, why it prints so small. What is a target paper format you use by conversion? (By default it is A4)

      in reply to: Troubleshooting

      I´ve got an PDF, where I´d like to give a full Image as Background. I tried many ways, but I couldn´t find a suitable solution. So I decited, to split the Image up in 3 parts. one for the header, one for the “flowing” and one for the footer. It seems pretty nice so far, but when I try to put the “flowing” image in the body, I got an white space by about 1cm. If I remove the image and take only a color, the white space is gone!

      Any suggestions?

      in reply to: body background-color vs. background-image

      You may define a page background this way:

      [language=java:35pxssit]PD4PageMark footer = new PD4PageMark();

      It will stretch the image to cover the choosen paper format, so it makes sense to prepare a background image whose aspect ratio is identical to the format.

      in reply to: uncorrect size for image

      I send you all the sources in order to analyse the bug i’ve post 28 Jan 2010, 13:28 .
      by the way, the version of pd4ml i use is : pd4ml.src.360fx1

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