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  • in reply to: How to open pdf file in new window

    You can control the behavior via HTTP header:

    [language=java:2wdui3qr]response.setHeader(“Content-Disposition”,”inline; filename=”doc.pdf”;”);[/language:2wdui3qr]
    Forces browser to open PDF inline

    [language=java:2wdui3qr]response.setHeader(“Content-Disposition”,”attachment; filename=”doc.pdf”;”);[/language:2wdui3qr]
    Forces web browser to popup a Save/Open dialog.

    In PD4ML JSP taglib you may control that with inline=”true/false” attribute of tag.

    in reply to: Problem removing anchor underline using text-decoration

    text-decoration: none !important;
    If it does not help, try to impact its internal representation.
    text-decoration-u: none;

    It seems there is a bug with it in the recent versions.

    in reply to: Problem removing anchor underline using text-decoration

    We’ve just fixed the issue in the development build. The fix will be available with the next maintenance release.

    in reply to: display current date every time the PDF is opened

    I couldn’t see any beta-release last week of pd4ml which incorporates adding javascript to pdf. If you can provide by this week it will be helpful.



    Ok, done that.

    .jspx files always put the xml version line and the doctype declaration, right at the top, followed by new lines.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""><br /> <root>…..
    once the element begins there are no white spaces.

    You can remove the top xml declaration by including this in the .jspx file
    <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
    and I can remove the doctype declaration if I want to by excluding this line from the code:
    <jsp:output doctype-root-element="HTML" doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" doctype-system=""/>

    which I did, even though obviously these days a doc-type declaration is important.

    Doing that I have source without any white spaces before the transform tag.
    But it still doesn’t work if I put enabled=”false”.

    Please also bear in mind that with enabled=”true” and without omitting the doc-type or any other attempted hack, it produces perfect .pdfs. The only problem is enabled=”false”.

    But for me the enabled true/false functionality would be fundamental.
    Thanks for your help and time.


    Just wondering if you can give me any news at all about this.

    We’ve invested a lot in .jspx files and this unexpected problem is holding us up quite a bit.
    Have you verified the problem and is this something that can be solved?

    Any news would be gratefully received, thanks, so that I can decide what to do.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    We bought pd4ml lybrary 1 week ago. We are developing a web application and we use a trial of pd4ml library (apache tomcat 5.5) we generate a pdf from a html string (with css link) and it works fine. But when we put the application on production, the generated pdf doesn´t apply the css styles… we activate the log but there is no problems, only this message:
    “version: PD4ML 380 Pro
    loading CSS file
    Warning: Invalid syntax in CSS selector: “”
    done in 110ms.”

    Can someone help me please??

    thank you!!!

    in reply to: I can´t apply css

    First you need to resolve the CSS selector error.

    I’ve just checked – it seems to be correct. Probably there are inline styles in your source HTML.

    in reply to: I can´t apply css

    @PD4ML wrote:

    First you need to resolve the CSS selector error.

    I’ve just checked – it seems to be correct. Probably there are inline styles in your source HTML.

    If i have warnings, no styles applies or only doesn´t apply the warning style??

    why it works in development and doesn´t work in production? i have same code…

    thank you for your quickly answer!!


    > even though obviously these days a doc-type declaration is important.

    Not in PD4ML scenario. By a PDF generation the browser expects to receive PDF bytes only. If the response is leaded by the XML declaration, first: the data is misleading, as it is not “xhtml-strict” in fact; second: the declaration bytes break all object offsets in the document. Acroread can recover it on-a-fly, but it is not safe and by slow systems a pop-up with “rebuilding xref table” (or something like that) may appear.

    PD4ML itself simply ignores the declaration.

    The enable=”false” issue is in our TODO list for the next beta.

    in reply to: I can´t apply css

    Severe CSS error may fail the entire stylesheet applying. However, most probably, it is not your case, but I definitely makes sense to solve the issue.

    > why it works in development and doesn´t work in production? i have same code…

    Try to generate PDFs with bot versions and check in the PDF document properties PD4ML version numbers. Are they the same?

    in reply to: display current date every time the PDF is opened

    Most probably it will be available for download tomorrow or day after tomorrow.

    If you want to test the actual development build right now – please send a request to support pd4ml com

    in reply to: Css style inheritance

    We’ve just added the support. In few days it will be available for download/test.

    in reply to: Absolute positioning within a padded parent

    @vk_iconparc wrote:

    Ping. Any idea on this, anyone? 🙂

    Sorry to have to do this – but is there any response to this from the authors?

    in reply to: Positioning – bottom ignored


    we’ve just added CSS “right” and “bottom” properties support, however I am afraid they are still not 100% identically interpreted by PD4ML, comparing to the major web browsers.

    Could you please create and send us an HTML document, with your most wanted currently unsupported CSS features we could use for our internal tests?

    (including html-css-to-pdf-rendering-issues-f3/absolute-positioning-within-a-padded-parent-t524.html test case)

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