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  • in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    Please create a document with the only right arrow entity using Tinymce, generate PDF and send it to support by email or attach to a post in the topic. We’ll check what is wrong there.

    in reply to: Different Languages

    Thanks a lot.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    i wpuld like to generate a pdf from a html that contains images stretched in height like .

    It appears that pd4ml for java does not do that, or perhaps there is a property I should set.

    The second problem I have is that I have a html very large horizontally.
    Is there a way to stretch the html to fit a pdf page?

    Can you give me some suggestions for my two problems?

    Thanks a lot in advance.


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    In my project, i have to generate several PDF-pages from different URLs for a report.

    Each URL has a pretty big CSS include, but it’s always the same one. As i get a parse error (Invalid syntax in CSS declaration. “filter:”), i see that the CSS-parser parses each of these CSS-files individually. And thats why it takes ages to render the whole report.

    Is there a way to tell the parser to cache the parsed CSS contents?


    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    Here is the files!
    I generated it using this comand:
    > java -Xmx512m -cp .pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd "file:arrow.xml" 1200 A4 -debug -out test.pdf

    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    OK, now it is clear.
    In order to output special characters you need to utilize TTF embedding feature:

    Pd4Cmd has a dedicated parameter -ttf to point to a fonts directory.

    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    but I think I made orther mistakes:

    1. I create font/ directory c:ntt and copy arial.ttf.
    2. run generation command
    java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts c:nttfont
    3. use this command
    C:ntt>java -Xmx512m -cp .pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd "file:arrow.xml" 1200 A4 -debug -out test.pdf -ttf "C:nttfont"

    this is the answer:
    <br /> version: PD4ML 360fx1b1 Pro (eval)<br /> not yet in cache: file:C:nttfont/<br /> not yet in cache: font/arial.ttf<br /> resource font/arial.ttf not found.<br /> can not find 'arial' at font/arial.ttf<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'arial'<br /> 'sans-serif' is not in file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif'<br /> 'verdana' is not in file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana'<br /> ...<br /> 'courier new' is not in file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'courier new'<br /> done in 1109ms.<br />
    and the arrow is yet a cross… 🙁

    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    Could you please post content

    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    #this is an autogenerated file. please remove manually any references to copyrighted fonts
    #Fri Apr 16 14:47:04 CEST 2010

    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    Try to remove or comment font.dir.location=font line out.

    in reply to: htmlentities: arrow

    from comand line, it works.
    Now I try in my java application trough pd4ml object.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Is it any possible to use the fonts in the ITextAsian.jar?
    If pd4ml can do it, how to config?

    in reply to: Is it any possible to use the fonts in the ITextAsian.jar?

    No, PD4ML cannot use ITextAsian.jar.

    Do you have any troubles with TTF embedding feature of PD4ML?

    in reply to: Is it any possible to use the fonts in the ITextAsian.jar?

    No, the file sizes of the pdf genereted via PD4ML with TTF just much bigger than IText + ITextAsian.
    Same HTML source,
    PD4ML + TTF: 200-300k
    IText + iTextAsian: < 50k

    in reply to: Is it any possible to use the fonts in the ITextAsian.jar?

    Obviously IText + iTextAsian does not embed fonts, but refers to the standard Type1 fonts of Acroread. PD4ML does not support that.

    However useTTF() PD4ML API method has a boolean parameter, which tells either to physically embed TTFs or just to refer to their names. “Not embed”-mode results smaller documents, but the documents rely on the fonts installed on the client machine.

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