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  • in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    Oh, ok… so I cannot do anything now because the picture URL is in an external server and I cannot manage it. The image will change depending the user selection so I cannot save and modify the picture in my own server.

    Thank you so much and I will try it again in some months.

    Thank you again.

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    It is probably a bit tricky, but you may implement on-a-fly image converter utilizing PD4ML custom resource loader technique
    and JAI library.

    in reply to: pdf renders garbled png image

    Thank you. Please let me know when the fix is available.

    in reply to: IllegalStateException

    IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called is a known issue:

    IllegalStateException: http: //localhost/test.html: tried to write Y bytes with content-length Y is something new for us, but could also be caused by new line and whitespace characters lead tag

    in reply to: PD4ML failed to load Servlet Dynamically generated JPG File

    not yet in cache: http://localhost:8080/tb/image/loadByFi … id=1000086
    image size: 2644
    image type of http://localhost:8080/tb/image/loadByFi … id=1000086 is unknown.

    I would recommend to copy-paste the URL to a web browser and to check what it actually returns. The 2644 bytes could be a textual error message.

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    I am investigating it… I did some tests and when I check the next condition:

    img.getColorModel().getColorSpace().getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK

    I get always false. Debugging my code, I see that the color space is returned as RGB, so this condition cannot be true.

    To arrive to this point, I get the image from the external server and I save it in my local server. It is recommended that the final solution doesn’t do that and work always in memory without save temp files.

    The picture saved in my hard drive has wrong colours.

    I’m a bit lost.

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    I opened the hi-res image in Photoshop and made sure: the image color space is CMYK.

    > img.getColorModel().getColorSpace().getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_CMYK
    The request would make sense if you have a correctly instantiated Image object. But in your case it has internally thrown a sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException. So I suspect “img” object has default values of some properties.

    If I have time today or tomorrow I’ll try to create for you an “on-a-fly” converter from CMYK to RGB

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    Oh, ok, thank you so much!

    I will investigate more while you try to create it. Thanks!

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I have some problems when I try to get a pdf from an url. I checked the sites html syntax and found something like this:

    <br /> <script>...</script><br /> <td height="700"><br /> <noscript><td height="300"></noscript><br />

    The first td is wrong. It should be deleted. The script adds a td dynamicly. The problem is, that I can not delete it. When I try to get a pdf file everything will be rendered until this code fragment.

    Is it possible to configure pd4ml in a way that it ignores invalid html or is there any other solution?

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    did you achieve something?

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Hello Support.

    We implemented pd4ml in our Website, now we are facing the Problem of getting no Images in Firefox and Chrome.

    The Transformation is made with the Taglib, here is the Code:

    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/pd4ml.tld" prefix="pd4ml" %><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %><pd4ml:transform<br /> screenWidth="800"<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="portrait"<br /> pageInsets="10,10,10,10,mm"><br /> <br /> WEBSITE<br /> <br /> </pd4ml:transform>

    I added 3 Files:
    HTML.png -> Screen of the Site without transformation (HTML…)
    IE.pdf -> PDF generated by IE 8.0.6001.18702 (with Image)
    Firefox.pdf -> PDF generated by Firefox 3.6.13 (no Image)

    Help or a Hint where to Search for the Solution would be appreciated.

    in reply to: Debug – Blank Page Rendered from JSP?

    I’m facing the same problem….
    I’m having loop for an ArrayList on a JSP….

    But PD4ML is not showing any data to me….

    Only data in

    tags is displayed….

    Please help…
    There must be some solution to this…

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    The attached code did the CMYK to RGB conversion trick for me.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I have generated 50 pages of pdf using pd4ml. It took around 30 seconds for generating the pdf. Any suggestions for improvements:

    We are using following tags:

    in reply to: Performance issue

    An HTML->PDF conversion procedure may be logically split to 3 phases:

    1. document parsing and external resources (image, CSS) loading.
    2. document layouting/redndering
    3. PDF output

    PDF pages output is swift procedure, which takes, as a rule, not more than 5-10% of the entire conversion time.

    Parsing is also relatively fast, but loading of external resources may take some significant time due to network delays. To detect them, you may use the current debug mode. It dumps to STDOUT/server log as soon as a particular resource has been loaded.

    The most resource consuming phase is HTML layouting/rendering. It depends on the document size and structure. For example, table layouting is done in three passes (min, max, optimal width). That means any nested table is layouted 9 passes, next nesting level – 27 passes and so on. Even if we added a detailed debug output for the phase, it will lead you to quite obvious discoveries: source document huge in size -> long conversion time; source document has multiple levels of table nesting -> long conversion time…

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