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  • in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hi Masters,

    help me please i need that all my document except header and footer are in Arial of 12 in size its maybe simple but i don’t know.
    the code i am using is:

    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Arial”, “Arial”, “Arial”);

    help me with some clue, thanks

    in reply to: Help, Just Arial 12pt

    First I would recommend to comment
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Arial”, “Arial”, “Arial”);

    requires a JAR with fonts in the classpath. Is there one?

    in reply to: Render PDF on client machine

    In order to show the document on client machine, you need to consider a web scenario (to deliver generated document to the machine by HTTP). There are many PD4ML servlet or JSP samples, which do the trick.

    in reply to: Help, Just Arial 12pt

    @PD4ML wrote:

    First I would recommend to comment
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Arial”, “Arial”, “Arial”);

    requires a JAR with fonts in the classpath. Is there one?

    OK but also need that all the text is formatted on 12 point in size of the font, Arial 12pts is there any command or method for this ???

    Thanks for your time

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    Had a confusing problem with PD4ML on my system, and wondered if anyone else had experienced it too.

    We have a system that uses PD4ML within JSPs to generate PDFs. If we linked to one image within the PDF (either just once or several times) the PDF generated fine. If however we linked more than one image within the PDF then the PDF would not generate properly, and the user would be asked to download the file by the Browser as it was an unrecognized application-octet stream. This happened whether we used IE, Firefox or Chrome. It also didn’t matter whether I accessed the system on the machine that had ZoneAlarm on it, or from another machine (that didn’t have ZoneAlarm) on our network.

    After much experimentation, including turning on PD4ML debug which showed all the images were being referenced and loaded fine as far as it was concerned, I discovered that turning off ZoneAlarm on the machien that was running the system made the problem go away. There was nothing in any logs for ZoneAlarm, our system or on the computer to indicate what it was that was causing this problem so I’ve had to leave ZoneAlarm turned off for now.

    Anyone else come across something similar, and know of anyway to convince ZoneAlarm (or other firewall programs I guess) not to interfere with PD4ML?



    in reply to: Help, Just Arial 12pt

    I guess I got what the problem you faced with. It is not with the font face, but with the font size.

    Does the hint help?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    In our application we use PD4ML to generate PDF previews. In one such case, we also have images inside the document. The image is rendered correctly on HTML preview but does not renders correctly on PDF preview.

    Please see attach generated html code and PDF preview. Look at the image under GAP column

    in reply to: Render PDF on client machine

    @PD4ML wrote:

    In order to show the document on client machine, you need to consider a web scenario (to deliver generated document to the machine by HTTP). There are many PD4ML servlet or JSP samples, which do the trick.

    Thanks in fact the problem was in java because it render on server meanwhile javascript render on client. A call from Javascript solves the problem.

    Thanks for your time

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    i am currently evaluating pd4ml to buy it . but i am facing an issue with arabic in that dir=rtl is not working …. can you please help me . i saw that it should have been fixed since version 3.6 but why i am facing this issue in the evaluwation version


    in reply to: dir=rtl is not working

    hey guys ….your support is very slow . please help me here cause i wanna buy the tool directly if this works

    plese plese plese

    in reply to: dir=rtl is not working

    For the time being dir=”rtl” attribute specifies only text processing start conditions for RTL script parser/ligaturizer.

    Unfortunately it does not implicitly define text-align: right for block elements (which can be easily achieved with extra CSS styles) and does not changes order of table columns respecting the attribute value.

    In most of the cases RTL texts appear correctly when TTF Embedding feature of PD4ML is enabled.

    in reply to: PDF does not render image properly

    Unfortunately the attachment is missing. Could you please try to publish it here again or send to support pd4ml com

    in reply to: dir=rtl is not working

    thanks for your reply
    i am using TTF embadding and the main problem is that the table columns are never reordered correctly when i set dir to rtl .
    any way can you please answer the below

    1) is there a way i can change the direction programitacally Using PD4ML API

    2) when are you going to fully support this . i need languages other English and i am worried that you dont support such attributes like dir=rtl . it should change the order of the columns

    3) also why you dont have roadmap plans . so that we know when you are going implement .

    I really need a workaround please if i want to buy this library. i will buy it directly if i get this fixed because

    please let me get a quick answer


    have this been solved ???? please tell me cause i am facing the same issue

    in reply to: Java 6.0_24b07 crashes while in finalize of PD4Device

    Beacause we get repeatedly the same problem with the same stacktrace.

    At the end of the render method of the PD4ML class the dispose method of the PD4Device class will be called.
    This method calls the close method on the PD4Device member of type “c” and sets the “c” reference to null.
    So if the dispose method gets called twice calling finalize on PD4Device, the c.close method should not be called again , should it?
    So why will the c.close method be called during finalyze?
    Any idea?

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