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  • in reply to: Hyphenation in PD4ML

    ­ entity (as many other standard ones) is automatically replaced with character code #173

    in reply to: Hyphenation in PD4ML

    Thanks for your fast reply!

    Yes, but there is no line-break. As far as I understand ­ should be a hint to the text-layouting engine that this place can either break (using a -) or ignore it (and not rendering the char at all).

    But it looks like PD4ML doesn’t support that. Is there an easy way to implement something similar/like that?

    – is it possible to somehow query/ask the rendering system if it overflows in that particular div? (I guess not)
    – is there way to not overflow at all? Just add a linebreak after the last possible character in a div?
    – would it be possible to add an ‘optional’ zero-width linebreak?


    in reply to: Hyphenation in PD4ML

    To clarify, I’m currently struggeling with a single word which is longer than the div’s width. And unfortunatly overflowing is not an option. I realize that this is form the usual ‘text-flow’ problem.


    in reply to: TTF fonts path inside jsp


    I’ve managed to solve this – my jsp page had a template and in that template the tag was used and I tried to use the tag inside the child page. Once I’ve moved it right after the transform tag it worked.

    I had the debug=true value set, but it seems it couldn’t find the usettf tag at all.

    Thanks for the help,

    in reply to: Hyphenation in PD4ML

    Try to define “word-wrap: break-word” CSS property for the DIV. It should help to some extend.

    We’ll check what is wrong with ­

    in reply to: Hyphenation in PD4ML

    Oh, I didnt know word-wrap! This, is better than overflowing, but if you could get ­ working (or something similar, zero-width-optional-line-breaker) it would be great!


    in reply to: Nested CSS definitions not rendered

    We fixed the issue with CSS selectors. The updated version are going to be available for download next week.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    Currently we are evaluating this product for converting HTML files to PDF files. While converting one of our html files, we are having the following problems:

    1) It seems like pd4ml doesn’t like the following line and giving us error “Warning: Invalid syntax in CSS selector: “A.small:Link”

    A.small:Link,A:.small:Visited {font: 8pt Arial; color: #000099;}

    2) The following code should put the table at lower left side of the page but it is placing on upper left side of the page:

    Your trade detail can be retrieved in electronic format at the following address:


    The password for this file is: ABC

    Please advise if above issues can be resolved.


    in reply to: Session not transfered when using pd4ml.render()

    Was there a resolution to this question?

    I am experiencing the same behavior: when using setSessionID(session.getId()) followed by render() the page that is being rendered has a new session, not the one requested (session.isNew()==true, session.getId() is a new id).

    in reply to: Nested CSS definitions not rendered

    are the updated versions available yet?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    We’re currently pondering whether to use pd4ml (from Java).

    Our requirements are fairly common, but one comes out as not being obvious, could anyone tell me whether it’s doable ?

    This specific requirements is about creating an index.

    It means, for some keywords, to list where they are used and provide link to the pages. The trick is that we don’t want more than one link per page, whatever the number of occurrences of this keyword.

    In the end, it should look like this :
    Characters index
    – keyword1: page 2 (3 times), page 4 (2 times) and page 5.
    – keyword2: page 2, page 33 (5 times) and page 45.

    In this example, each “page X” should be a link to the actual page.

    Is it doable with pd4ml ?

    thanks in advance

    best regards


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    We are evaluating PD4ML and see three issues:

    1. Loading of a style sheet from a link and http://…. does not seem to work. If we insert the style sheet into the html it works. Did we do something wrong?

    2. PD4ML seems to ignore the z-index completely. Is this correct? We have experimented with this and it does not seem to work. Many of our forms are layered and this is an issue.

    3. elements do not place properly for example:

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Three Issues

    Forgot to mention I’m using the latest Java 351 trial pro download as of Dec 8.

    The css link that fails looks like:

    in reply to: Three Issues


    After some more work the

    in reply to: Three Issues

    1. First please make sure, that the server, where PD4ML binaries are, is able to resolve “” into a correct IP address and able to establish a connection to it. Often servers within intranet do not “know” their external (Internet) names, IPs or routing to the IPs.

    If the resources are on the same server where PD4ML is, it makes no practical sense to use fully specified URLs. I would suggest to use relative paths “../images/my.png” (note: there is no leading slash) or absolute web paths “/images/my.png”, but for the second option you need to invoke pd4ml.useServletContext().

    2. z-index works only for absolutely positioned elements.

    3. Currently you may apply absolute positioning to block elements (i.e.


    ) and elements only.
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