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  • in reply to: Debug – Blank Page Rendered from JSP?

    An HTML/JSP and corresponding PDF samples would help a lot to analyze.

    in reply to: No Images in generated PDF in Firefox and chrome

    Try to add debug=”true” attribute to . It forces PD4ML to dump resource URLs it tries to load. Compare what it prints in the two cases to STDOUT/server’s log.

    in reply to: sun.awt.image.ImageFormatException: Unsupported color conver

    Oh, thank you so much! It works so fine for me for now

    in reply to: Performance issue

    Thanks for your reply.
    I started analyzing with yourkit tool. I will keep posting my response.


    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    I have been experiencing a BSOD crash in Windows 7 using the PD4ML trial (version 370) . I am am getting the crash in calls to PD4ML.render() when passing HTML through StringReader.

    I cannot find a way to reliably reproduce the crash as it may or may not crash given the same HTML input. Sometimes rather than crashing, my computer stalls for a couple of minutes before the PD4ML.render() function returns.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Crash details:
    Problem signature:<br /> Problem Event Name: BlueScreen<br /> OS Version: 6.1.7600.<br /> Locale ID: 1033<br /> <br /> Additional information about the problem:<br /> BCCode: 7a<br /> BCP1: FFFFF6FC400490A0<br /> BCP2: FFFFFFFFC0000185<br /> BCP3: 0000000106F0ABE0<br /> BCP4: FFFFF88009214000<br /> OS Version: 6_1_7600<br /> Service Pack: 0_0<br /> Product: 256_1

    Thank you

    in reply to: PD4ML bsod crash

    PD4ML is 100% Java application and according to Java concept there is no direct way for a Java application to crash hosting OS. On the other hand it may implicitly trigger some bugs of JVM, etc.

    HTML rendering (the first phase of conversion procedure) is a resource consuming task. When it utilizes peak amounts, it may expose hidden OS/JVM installation/configuration problems. So I would analyze the following:
    1. JVM tries to allocate an amount of memory, which exceeds the available. Please check if -XmxNNNm JVM command line parameter defines a value, which is not greater than physical amount of RAM
    2. Hardware drivers incompatibility
    3. Physical hardware defects

    But as a first step I would recommend to upgrade JDK/JRE to the most recent version available for your platform

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    This is a bit difficult to explain, so sorry if this doesn’t make sense. But basically I have the following html that contains “This is a test.” in several different languages. I run it though PD4ML calling the “useTTF” function (passing the path to my fonts, and true to embed the fonts). I’ve attached the resultant PDF. The PDF for the most part looks correct, however, the last two Chinese lines produce different results. The only difference between the lines is that one has the Chinese period character, and the other does not. When the line with the period is converted to PDF, it fails to display the rest of the characters. But the line below it with all the Chinese characters except the period is displayed correctly. Can someone explain what’s going on?

    This html contains several translations of the sentence “This is a test.”

    English This is a test.
    Arabic هذا هو الاختبار.
    Japanese これはテストです
    Vietnamese Đây là một thử nghiệm.
    Hebrew זהו מבחן.
    Russian Это тест
    Chinese (Traditional) 這是一個考驗。
    Chinese (Traditional, with no period) 這是一個考驗

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am trying to learn the product and am using the trial version.
    I have managed to make my page generate a pdf but a couple of things go wrong and im not sure why.

    If I leave this line in my code
    <?php include("header.html"); ?>

    Then the pdf generates this and stops at that point – it ignores the rest of the page.
    If I take it out – the remainder of my pade goes to pdf.

    Secondly when i get the remainder to goto pdf it is css free. nothing no css.
    I have tried using
    <link href="report.css" title="Default Style" media="screen" rel="stylesheet"/>
    and tried putting all the css on the page in
    <style type="text/css"></style>

    But I get nothing.

    HOWEVER – If I put all the css in each

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    when i try to layout a table with colored empty rows i.e. 2px height in the resulting pdf nothing is visible even if i try it with an image. If a place a nbsp in the table data the row becomes visible but it is too big.

    thanks in advance!

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    For following HTML code:
    <dl><br /> <dt>term</dt><br /> <dd>definition</dd><br /> <dl>
    dd element appears in most of the browsers with indent.
    After rendering to PDF the same element is without indent.

    The question is: how to achieve in PDF similar view to HTML for that element.

    I’ve tried add in CSS something like below:
    DD {margin-left:40px;}
    but without success.

    Is the way to add indent in PDF output for DD element ?

    in reply to: DD element without indent in PDF output

    The issue is not reproducible with v370

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Has anyone done any work (including PD4ML guys) on providing a Canvas that can be used to produce images within PD4ML?

    Ideally this would be a development inside PD4ML but it could also be a pre-parser of HTML that perhaps someone else has had a go at.

    To my mind, such a tool would do the following;

    1. Read the HTML, get all associated JS includes
    2. Extract all the JS from the HTML along with some implementation of elements
    3. Run the JS with Rhino and the Rhino Canvas implementation
    4. Replace the
    tags in the original HTML with tags that use the 5. Rhino Canvas generated images
    6. Push the HTML through PD4ML

    Easy…. well maybe not, but definitely possible?



    in reply to: HTML5 Canvas – Anyone working on such a thing for PD4ML?


    the maximum we are ready to add to our product is an API to plug your own processing module. Let’s say it will pass to the module all JS includes and tag content.

    But I see (at least) two pitfalls:
    1. JS code requires an access to DOM structure of the main document. PD4ML internally does not implement DOM.
    2. JS addresses CSS styles of the main document. PD4ML does not implement any standard ways to request CSS properties.

    May be there are some other issues I do not know yet.

    So as you may see a support implementation is going to be limited and isolated from the main document content. On practice all dynamic image generation parameters would need to be inserted as JS constants to tag, for example.

    in reply to: HTML5 Canvas – Anyone working on such a thing for PD4ML?

    I think the plugin idea might well work. I assume that you would also pass to the caller the embedded JS content.

    I admit it’s not trivial, but I think that most code used to generate graphics within a canvas (or all the stuff I would be interested in at least) wouldn’t actually interact with the browsers DOM – it would be calling getContext and then writing directly to that using JS so wouldn’t require DOM access.

    This mechanism wouldn’t be fool-proof but I think it would be possible to create some “rules” for a JS author that make it easier to parse e.g. Perhaps the tag has to have an attribute called pd4ml_create which points to the JS function that actually creates the Canvas image.

    when do you think you might have a version available with the plugin?


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    in is described how the template for the table of content is.
    So the toc allways look like:
    ChapterName ……. 1
    NextChapter ……… 2

    Is there a possibilty to change the template if you want to change things that cannot changed by simply change the css classes?

    We want to add a prefix for each page. So that it looks like:
    ChapterName ……. Page 1
    NextChapter ……… Page 2

    As far as i know i cannot add the ‘Page ‘ with css. The only way i currently see is that create an image with ‘Page’ and set it as background. But this solution is really ugly and i only would do it if there is no other way.

    Anyone any idea?

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