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  • in reply to: nullPointerException when rendering page

    I have some more information. We just changed to WebLogic for our application server, and I am able to find the line of code that is throwing the nullPointerException:

    if (__tag0.doEndTag()== javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE){

    Also, it seems to happen only over SSL.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    in reply to: margin-left:auto margin-right:auto not working

    Our application is a general purpose tool that generates HTML pages. Formatting is controlled using CSS. Changing the HTML to insert a CENTER tag to center a table is not going to happen. CSS was invented to solve simple problems like this.

    The W3C documentation says the following.

    tag is supported in all major browsers. However, it is deprecated and should be avoided!

    Do you have a CSS solution for centering a table that will work with your tool?

    Clifton Sothoron

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I have an html file that contains a graph and when converted to pdf using pd4ml, the graph is missing some part of the horizontal lines. The attach contains the converted pdf file along with the html file (mm.txt does not contain the whole content of the original html file because when uploading it as a whole, there was some problem. So I have included everything within the body tags).

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: margin-left:auto margin-right:auto not working

    For the time being an applying of “align:center” to a table is the only way to center it with PD4ML (however the method is not standard).

    If it does not center, probably the hosting DIV has limited width. Try to apply “width:100%” to it. Also a temporal style like “DIV { border: 1 solid tomato }” should help you to identify reasons of the non-centering.

    in reply to: Images in different contexts not rendered

    PD4ML offers 2 API methods, which help to resolve web paths and load the resources: pd4ml.useServletContext() and pd4ml.useHttpRequest().

    (PD4ML taglib implicitly triggers pd4ml.useServletContext())

    If none of the methods help, the only solution is to extend the URIs from /Common/Images/icon_delete.gif to http://localhost/Common/Images/icon_delete.gif.

    In JSP context there is a special PD4ML custom tag intended for automatic extending of local to full URLs:

    in reply to: nullPointerException when rendering page

    Weblogic + HTTPS is always a problem, as Weblogic provides its own SSL layer, not implementing Java’s standard SSL interfaces. Usually that casues ClassCastException, however the problem can expose itself different ways.

    Because of a need to include proprietary SSL interfaces (WebSphere is another problem platform, from the perspective) – we do not claim, that PD4ML supports HTTPS. It may work with HTTPS, but it is not guaranteed.

    I am not sure, the actual problem is SSL-specific. There are some nuances in HTTP session handling and JSP tag instances reusing under Weblogic. If you’d like to debug – we are ready to provide you with PD4ML taglib sources. Please contact support pd4ml com.

    in reply to: Anybody had problems with PD4ML on Lion for Mac?

    Thank you for sharing the info with us!

    in reply to: Barcode font problem

    As I see you currently use v370fx2. Since the version we improved TTF embedding logic. Please give a try to the most recent v380fx6. Is the problem still there?

    in reply to: Problem rendering html to pdf

    It is difficult to analyze the HTML without the images and other resources.

    as I see the page layout is build as a big table with graphic elements placed to cells. As such layout very sensitive to cell content, it could be a cell from the same column, but from a different row stretches the entire column and causes the gaps.

    I would recommend to temporarily enable the main table borders:



    and to visually check what can stretch the column (or to make sure that is not a column width problem).

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hi ,

    we are currently using pd4ml to convert dxl to PDF.In our dxl files we have emails in other than english languages as well like Russian,Chinese,Spanish etc.

    I have gone through the TTF Embedding futures in dxl to PDF.In that you were mentioned like we need to put the corresponding .ttf file in the fonts directory to get this done.

    But how can we know Fonts name of all the other languages?If you have .ttf files for all the languages could you please share it with us?or If there are any alternate way could you please let me know how to handle this situation?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: How to identify fonts in other language?

    When specified TTF font has not all glyphs, to show a particular text, PD4ML tries to find a substitution font for it. You may find the substitution tables by the link:

    So in theory when all of the listed fonts are mapped in, it should be able to show virtually any language.

    in reply to: nullPointerException when rendering page

    Thanks! I will contact support pd4ml com.

    in reply to: Problem rendering html to pdf

    I have set the border of the table to 1 as you advised and actually you are right. The gap is occurring when the cell containing the horizontal line part is stretched out. In the html file preview that cell is not stretched out and everything looks fine. But for some reason when the html preview is converted to pdf, that cell get stretched.

    Is there a way to avoid this…?

    in reply to: Problem rendering html to pdf

    There are some cells (or cell content) which stretch the columns more than expected. I would try to reduce font size for the block sells (“Human Resources Sync Change”), or any explicitly given content width of nested elements (if any).

    A more tricky, but probably more robust workaround would be to change actual







    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    There exists a property in CSS which looks like below:
    margin-top: 1.2ex;
    This gives the space when I open the html page in internet explorer, but when I render the PDF the space seems to be missing.
    I have changed the units from ex to em/px and I was able to see the space in the rendered PDF page.
    So can any one let me know if the ‘ex’ unit is supported by PD4ML and in case it is not supported please suggest any workaround for the same?

    Version used: 380fx6 Pro (demo)

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