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  • in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to fill the remaining of a page with some characters, for example “////” so if a page has some empty space before the next page the empty space fill it with this kind of characters.

    thanks in advance

    in reply to: How to center the result of ‘fitPageVertically’

    Just released v398fx5 adds an optional boolean “center” parameter to fitPageVertically() API call.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    We are using PD4ML 3.9.2 library for converting HTML documents to PDF. The HTML template will have multiple   characters. Note the HTML template cannot be changed.

    The issue here is that the PDF generated has truncated text because of &nbsp. We wrap the html template with the pd4ml:transform tag.

    But when we use pd4ml.addStyle(“BODY{word-wrap: break-word}”, true); in our generation tool , the data in the html template is retained.

    Could you please suggest a better way/workaround on how to fix this. Also could you please let us know as to why &nbsp truncates the data.

    PD4ML configurations that we use
    – A4 , landscape mode
    – HTML width set is 950
    – Insets 0, 0, 0, 0
    – No image split.

    -Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Text truncation issue when using &nbsp

    I guess the content is truncated not because of   – probably it simply does not fit given htmlWidth.

    If the content is placed to a table, also try
    TD {word-wrap: break-word}

    An HTML source of the problematic document would help a lot to analyze the problem reason.

    in reply to: Deployment / Configuration issues

    Hi ,

    Unexpected charter , : Coming in Console ,How to resolve this Issue.

    Please check below attached file.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I want to show hindi language text in my generated pdf so for that i have tried using Mangal Font as well as Arial Unicode font.Using these fonts some words are not coming proper like विज्ञान word is not coming proper.But if i copy paste from pdf to any editor there it is showing proper.
    Can u tell me if i am using wrong font? or some thing else is wrong.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    I cannot find any documentation/examples on how I use the new PD4Constants.PD4ML_SOCKET_TIMEOUT setting. I assume I do something similar to the following; if so, what should the value be? A String? A Long? And is this timeout in seconds? Milliseconds?


    <br /> PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();<br /> HashMap map = new HashMap();<br /> map.put(PD4Constants.PD4ML_SOCKET_TIMEOUT , "60");<br /> pd4ml.setDynamicParams(map);<br />

    in reply to: Validation of HTML CSS styles


    Any update on the above issue?


    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    PDF files generated using PD4ml in c# are not opening sometimes in Adobe reader. But when second time if I generate PDF once again it will be opened in Adobe reader.
    So I cant understand the reason for this issue. No exception is catched in catch statement.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    When rendering rtf then the newlines are ignored if they are inside a

     tag. Pdf rendering works fine.
    I used a simple example:
    <br />
    <html><br />
    <head><br />
    </head><br />
    <body><br />
    <pre><br />
    Line 1<br />
    Line 2<br />
    Line 3<br />
    </pre><br />
    </body><br />
    </html><br />
    The output looks like:
    Line 1         Line 2         Line 3
    As rtf output :
    <br />
    {rtf1<br />
    {info<br />
    {title RTF File}<br />
    {author test}<br />
    }<br />
    {footerpardplainf0fs12 document produced by an evaluation copy of pd4ml. more info: {field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{fldrslt{ul}}}par}pgwsxn11900pghsxn16840paperw11900paperh16840headery600footery600margl707margr707margt707margb707marglsxn707margrsxn707margtsxn707margbsxn707widowctrlf1i0b0fs16{fonttbl{f1 Arial;}{f2 Times New Roman;}{f3 Courier New;}<br />
    }<br />
    {colortbl;red0green0blue0;<br />
    }<br />
    {stylesheet{s17snext17 Text body;}}<br />
    f1i0b0fs20f2i0b0fs20f3i0b0fs16sa201sb201li0ri0{widctlpardbchcf1 Line 1 cf1         Line 2 cf1         Line 3<br />
    par}}<br />
    And as java code:
                pd4ml.outputFormat(PD4Constants.RTF);<br />
    String test = "<html>n" +<br />
    " <head> n" +<br />
    " </head> n" +<br />
    " <body> n" +<br />
    "      <pre>n" +<br />
    "        Line 1n" +<br />
    "        Line 2n" +<br />
    "        Line 3n" +<br />
    "      </pre>n" +<br />
    " </body>n" +<br />
    "</html>";<br />
    pd4ml.render(new StringReader(test), out, urlBase);<br />
    Any ideas ?
    Thank you!
    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    We have a web application using pd4ml running on:

    java 6
    weblogic server 10.3
    pd4ml 370fx2

    We had occasionally Out Of Memory error with thread stucked on:

    which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of “600” seconds. Stack trace: Method)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.e.o00000(Unknown Source)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.c.public(Unknown Source)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.c.֏0000(Unknown Source)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.pdf.PD4Device.startNewPage(Unknown Source)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.o00000(Unknown Source)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)

    org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)

    Is it possible that newer version of library solved this problem ?

    in reply to: RTF Rendering – <pre> tag ignoring newlines

    We’ve just fixed the issue in the development build.

    A new maintenance version is expected to be published in about one week.


    The above code is correct, however the value probably is too small. It is in milliseconds and after conversion to int, passed to


    in reply to: Error: Can not open pdf files in adobe reader

    It would help a lot if you capture and send to us a sample of “not-openable” PDF for an analyze.

    in reply to: Out of Memory – HTML to PDF

    One year ago it was a report of a similar issue on
    JRE 1.7.0u67
    CentOS 6.6 x64

    The error had also been thrown by It is a very standard Java class and we did not touch the corresponding code probably since versions 2.x of PD4ML and never had troubles with it before.

    Last time we suspected a JDK installation inconsistencies (or may be even a palform-specific bug), occasionally hit by v3.6.1b1. A JDK re-install and a switching to v3.9.5 have solved the issue that time. But we did not determine what exactly was “the cure”. I would recommend to switch to PD4ML v398fx5; and if it does not help, to re-install the JDK.

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