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  • in reply to: PDF UA set LANG metadata


    can be set in section of HTML with i.e

    last post seems to be incomplete, could you please update?

    in reply to: Page number not full when converting HTML to PDF

    Created HELPD-385 ticket

    in reply to: PDF UA set LANG metadata

    Updated. See the comment above.
    If you copy-paste the meta tag, please make sure the copied double quotes are regular (not typographical).

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    We are testing the latest production version of Pd4ml – 4.0.14 with some of the HTML pages we use in our app. The generated pdf document contains large vertical spaces in the rows that are being displayed in the first page. Also, some of the displayed divs in the second page are being placed under other page elements and they are partially hidden from the view (Contact Data, Address Data sections from the second page).
    Please see the attachment. It contains the source document (plus all css used files) that was set as the input of the PDF parser. You can check the page correct layout by opening the html file in a browser. There is also the generated pdf file in the attachment. There are significant differences between them.
    We used the latest cssparser library (0.9.29) when we generated the pdf.
    We have been using an older version of the pd4ml library (1.0) for a long time, we did not experience these issues when using the same input.

    Please help.


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    Hi Sorin,

    thanks a lot for your interest in PD4ML! For the case you reported we created a helpdesk ticket. Contact support @ pd4ml com to receive the status updates.

    in reply to: New feature requests

    Hi Team,

    We have a use case of showing tooltip on hovering the text in pdf. For that we have set PD4ML_GENERATE_TOOLTIPS constant to true to generate tooltips from title attribute, as per the documentation and the tooltip does get displayed.

    But we are facing two issues :

    • Issue 1 : Sometimes we need to show long string inside tooltip (as this is our custom requirement), but the content of tooltip overflows and gets cut when pdf is opened, as the size of the tooltip is not configurable.
    • Issue 2 : When there is long string inside the tooltip, many of the times, the string that we show inside tooltip, appears as spaced characters.

    For reference of issues I have attached screenshots of the issues.
    Can you please consider adding some customizations for tooltips in your next release ?

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    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting


    We are using the PD4ML for our domino application, currently images are not included on the PDF output is this due to the evaluation license? Thank you!

    in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

    PDFs rendered using the same HTML Template from 2 different environment are NOT same.

    We use 3.9.9 version of pd4ml with our software. We use pdf4ml jar to render/save the PDFs from the HTML templates.

    As part of our Business requirements, we are migrating to AWS cloud and what we observed in our testing is that, the PDFs generated in AWS environment are not exactly same as the ones generated in our previous environment.

    Issues Observed :
    1. All the HTML Templates are designed to have a footer (Company Logo/information etc.,). In AWS environment, when these HTML Templates are converted to PDFs, only the footer information is going to second page. In the previous environment, everything perfectly fits in one page (using the same HTML Template). when the PDFs are printed, users need to waste an extra page just to print the footer alone in second page.

    2. Size of the font also decreased in AWS environment.

    As said above, We use the same HTML template and same version of pd4ml jar.

    Can you let us know how can we resolve this issue.


    Hi! Minimalistic PDF samples, created in the two environments, would help a lot to analyze the difference reason.
    Please email them to helpdesk pd4ml com.

      in reply to: Licensing / Purchasing of PD4ML

      Hello dear support,

      I want to purchase a licence for my company but I don’t know which one.
      I’m a developper and need to convert html into rtf.

      Firstly, I want to know if the licence is oneshot ? (I mean lifetime ?)
      Secondly, if my company use only one application, with a single deployment but allocated between different servers (charge optimization) is the Pro licence enough ?

      I already tried to contact you on your mail without success.
      Can you give me contact informations if we need to clarify some points, or answer to this post please.

      Best regards

      in reply to: Which licence should I purchase ?

      Hi! I’ve found our reply to your original email request. For some reason it did not reach your mailbox. So I am copying it here. (and I’ve also resent the email)

      > I’m looking for more informations about pd4ml lib.
      > I’m developper and need to convert html into rtf, I wanted to know first if you have a product
      > that answers only to this need.

      PD4ML is designed as HTML to PDF converter, but it also includes features to convert HTML to raster images and to RTF. There is no RTF-only PD4ML product.

      > Then about pd4ml, I wanted to clarify some points please.
      > 1. Does the licence is one shot (I mean lifetime) ?

      The license is perpetual, but its maintenance (email support / software updates) is limited by 3 months (single licenses) or one year (DevSite aka Volume licenses).

      > 2. If my company use only one application, with a single deployement but allocated between different servers
      > (to optimize the charge) is the Pro licence enough ?

      For the scenario you can use one of the DevSite licenses (does not limit you in a number of deployments) or a number of single licenses, match the number of deployments to online productive nodes (however it is a question what is “online productive” in cluster or cloud environments).

      As you are not interested in the specific PDF output features, it makes no sense for you to order DMS or UA software versions: PD4ML PRO is sufficient.

      So here is the pricing for the PRO:

      one PD4ML Pro single license / 3 month maintenance: 160 EUR
      PD4ML Pro DevSite license / 1 year maintenance: 1400 EUR

      in reply to: Technical questions / Troubleshooting

      We are testing pd4ml-bin-4.0.15fx1.
      We have a jsp from which we want to create a PDF with its html content;
      the content of the jsp is as follows:
      <pd4tl:transform screenWidth=”1024″ pageFormat=”A4″ inline=”false” fileName=”ContractSummary.pdf” >
      <pd4tl:usettf from=”font java path” embed=”1″/>
      <jsp:include page=”/ecm/summary/tableTest.jsp” />
      and tableTest.jsp contains
      <table cellpadding=”1″ cellspacing=”1″>
      <caption class=”accessHidden”>Carlo</caption>
      <th>Milestone Type</th>
      <th>Due Date</th>
      <th>Alert Recipients</th>
      <th>Last Modification Performed by</th>
      <th>Last Mod</th>
      <td>data 1</td>
      <td>data 2</td>
      <td>data 3</td>
      <td>data 4</td>
      <td>data 5</td>
      <td>data 6</td>
      <td>data 7</td>
      <td>data 8</td>
      <td>data 9</td>
      in this way the pdf is produced and downloaded without any problems;
      if, however, we modify the last <th> from
      <th>Last Mod</th>.
      <th>Last Modification</th>.
      the production of the pdf does not complete and remains hanging without error.
      Is this a known problem?
      Is there any way around the problem?


      in reply to: Creating a pdf from html remains ‘hanging’

      The reason of the problem seems to be the presence of “!important” in a css file used to define a few styles of our html page.

      in reply to: Creating a pdf from html remains ‘hanging’

      Hi! Thank you for your investigation of the issue! Most probably “!important” is not the root cause of the hanging, but the style the directive forces. We’ve started to work on it and we’ll keep you informed.

      in reply to: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

      This is a runtime error in Java which occurs when you allocate a new object in your application over a period of time continuously and the Garbage Collector (GC) cannot make space available to accommodate a new object, and the heap cannot be expanded further, which resulted this error.

      Therefore you pretty much have the following options:

      Find the root cause of memory leaks with help of profiling tools like MAT, Visual VM , jconsole etc. Once you find the root cause, You can fix this memory leaks.
      Optimize your code so that it needs less memory, using less big data structures and getting rid of objects that are not any more used at some point in your program.
      Increase the default memory your program is allowed to use using the -Xmx option (for instance for 1024 MB: -Xmx1024m). By default, the values are based on the JRE version and system configuration.

      Increasing the heap size is a bad solution, 100% temporary, because you will hit the same issue if you get several parallel requests or when you try to process a bigger file. To avoid OutOfMemoryError, write high performance code:

      Use local variables wherever possible.
      Release those objects which you think shall not be needed further.
      Avoid creation of objects in your loop each time.

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